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Update on New Fourth Division Clinic

Al Carter

New Mount Vernon Clinic update

There usually are “bumps in the road” when starting up a new activity, and the new clinic “up north” is no exception.

First off, we have changed the name of the clinic to the Mount Vernon Clinic, to better define where we are located, and eliminate confusion with the existing Whidbey/Skagit Clinic in Oak Harbor.

Secondly, we have changed the date of the clinic to the Fourth Tuesday of the month, so there is more time separation between the new clinic and the neighboring clinic over in Oak Harbor.  Hopefully, some folks will be able to attend both clinics this way, as it eliminates back to back clinics on successive evenings.

Here is the original article, edited to include the latest updates:

The Fourth Division has added yet another monthly clinic to better serve local NMRA members and other model railroaders. The Mount Vernon Clinic will have its first meeting on September 23, 2014, at the Mount Vernon Senior Center, starting at 7:00 pm. The Senior Center is at 1401 S. Cleveland Street, easily accessible from I-5 via the Kincaid Street exit. All meetings will be held on the 4th Tuesday of each month.

A number of Skagit and Snohomish County folks were making the monthly trek to Oak Harbor for the Whidbey/Skagit monthly clinic and several of us decided to start a newer clinic closer to home. Our goal is to work closely with our fellow friends over in Oak Harbor to possibly share clinic agendas and clinicians, which seems like a win-win situation. We also hope to serve more NMRA members (and other model rails) in the Skagit, Snohomish, and Whatcom County areas.

As of this writing, Ted Becker has agreed to step up and be the first clinician and he has proposed several ideas. As we get closer to September 23, we will make a more detailed announcement in the Grab Iron. In the meantime, if anyone has any questions or suggestions, or wants to volunteer to be a clinician, feel free to contact me at or 360-399-1226. If you wish to be added to an email list for a clinic newsletter, just let me know.

Westside Local March Madness

Bill Hupe

This month’s clinic was turned into an interesting experience for all who attended.

It, as always, was good to see the regular crew: Jack Hamilton, Armand Cyr, Jim Byerley, Pete Rowe, Steve Neupert, Steve Avery, Bud Johnson, Glen and Corey Walls, Reed Cranmore and new member Jerry Enders.  Surprise visits from the Superintendent Ken Liesse and the rest of the Liesse clan, Ed, Gay and Dave, made the clinic special.

Our scheduled clinician had to cancel at the last minute, which left me wondering how the clinic would progress.

We started off the meeting with reports from around the NMRA. Reed reported that the Bremerton Northern Model Railroad Club had set up the small configuration of their new layout for the Veterans out at Retsil Veterans’ Home. Said it worked well and once again was appreciated by the Vets. He said they are now working on completing the scenery by the Kitsap County Fair in August. He also said the fair is talking about moving them to the Pavilion from the Presidents Hall.

I then passed the floor to Ken, who brought us up-to-date on 4th Division business. Ken also introduced his clan. Most attendees had not met Ken’s family, so it was good to have this opportunity. Ken also brought up the thought of us hosting layout tours on this side of the “Sound” in conjunction with a 4th Division event.

I then passed the floor to Jack Hamilton, who brought us up to date on the NMRA. Jack presented Merit Awards to Jim Byerley for his Structures – Jamestown Station and Lumber Yard. Jim also was awarded a Civil Merit Award for his dual-gauge turnout. Jack then presented Pete Rowe with Merit Awards for his structures:  Coaling Tower, Pennzoil Service Co. and Cycle Shop. Pete doesn’t have a home layout, but his structures show up on other modelers’ layouts.

Jack also brought a couple of new modeling items to share.  First was Balsa Foam, an amazing plastic foam that carves like butter and paints like wood. It’s ideal for sculpting and model making because it can be carved, chiseled, sawed, textured, or embossed with sharp-edged detail. He also shared a set of brushes: “Special Brush Set” from Micro-Mark™ that appeared to be a set of make-up brushes.

Glen Walls entered his first scratchbuilt building, a freelanced engine shop, in the Model of the Month contest. And Pete Rowe shared a diorama created to showcase a trestle built by Dennis Hill (past 4th Division Superintendent) which will be presented to his widow.

We took a short break where the Liesse Clan spent time with clinic members.

Following the break, Jack Hamilton presented a clinic on “Building a Resistance Soldering Machine” based on an article from October 1995 Mainline Modeler™ “Resistance Soldering” by Karl Eiler.

The clinic wrapped up with a drawing for door prizes.

Come join us April 12th at United Way of Kitsap County, 647 6th Street, Bremerton. Clinic starts at 6:30. Clinician Walt Huston will present a clinic on DCC Decoder installation.