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Eastside Get-Together on Thursday, Bob Stafford is Guest Speaker

JJ Johnston

Reminder: Thursday, 7:30 pm, Eastside Get-Together at Bellevue Foursquare Church in Bellevue. Guest speaker Bob Stafford’s presentation will be Weathering Structures With Bragdon Weathering Powders, including many examples showing how to weather structures and roads on his HO railroad. Bob will also demonstrate using oil stains and dry brushing before applying chalk. And more.

Plus the usual stuff as well. You know, door prizes, free coffee, models of the month, stuff to buy and sell and a lot of conversation. Featuring donuts for a buck. Hey, we have to pay for those fabulous name tags. 🙂

For Eastside Get-Together location and other information, see the 4D Clinics page.

Skagit Valley/Whidbey Clinic January Report

 Article and Photos by Al Carter

Clinic chairman Rich “Frenchie” Blake (nickname in recognition of his jaunty new beret) called the January 2014 Skagit Valley/Whidbey Clinic meeting to order shortly after 7:00pm. Several announcements followed:

  • “Operating Day” is coming up February 22nd. Folks will have the opportunity to operate on one of five layouts (Jack Tingstad, Al Frasch, Dick Haines, Phil & Susan Gonzales, or Tom Hawkins). Rich will be sending out an e-mail to all with details.
  • Rich reminded people that if they have a Sno-Isle Regional Library Card they can access a lot of publications for free, such as Model Railroader, etc.
  • Rich reminded us to support Suzie, at Performance RC Hobbies in Burlington, as she always goes the extra mile to help us out and will order just about anything.
  • Don’t forget the upcoming United Northwest Model Railroad Club’s annual swap meet at the Monroe Fairgrounds on February 1 and 2. The Pacific Northwest On30 Modular Layout will be set up – come and see Rich’s (and other’s) latest work.
  • The Pacific Northwest Modeling Congress is coming up on March 1st in Elsie, Oregon. Some terrific modelers show up at this annual one day event, which is well worth attending. Click here for more information.

The featured clinic for the evening was “Be A Rock Star” and was a two part clinic. The first part was presented by Phil and Susan (“Janis Joplin”) Gonzales and was a hands on, make and take clinic on making cast plaster rocks. Phil and Susan provided a bunch of molds, plastic tubs, stir sticks, and some plaster, and participants got busy and mixed and poured plaster into molds. A number of participants had never actually made rock castings before this opportunity.

Al Frasch and Jack Tingstad dutifully stir their hydrocal mixture as Rich Thom supervises

Al Frasch and Jack Tingstad dutifully stir their hydrocal mixture as Rich Thom supervises

The second part of the clinic was presented by Jim Tartas, who has become an expert on using the Joel Bragdon rock casting system called Geodesic Foam. Joel is a geologist, artist, and sculptor so he has a great background for this business (that he has been in for well over 30 years). Jim showed slides of how he used the system to build up some enormous rock mountains on his home layout. Joel sells a huge variety of rubber molds; one that Jim used was several feet across!

Dick Haines, Curt Johnson, Bud Anderson 1Jim discussed how he deviated somewhat from Joel’s standard process, due to Jim’s chemical sensitivities and found that Joel was quite helpful via several phone calls.  The resin that Joel sells is a 2-part process that is water-based, which reduces sensitivity issues.

Jim also showed how he colored his castings using first dry tempera paint powders, then tempera paint washes, and the results were fantastic!

Jim finished the evening by showing a DVD that features Joel working on Tom Miller’s huge “F” scale indoor layout, which required an enormous amount of rock castings. Joel and Tom demonstrated all the steps to go through when using Joel’s system and this process certainly can cover a lot of square feet in short order! Much, much faster than using smaller, commercially available rock molds such as those available from Woodland Scenics.

Tom Hawkins and Terry Kandzor hold their just-poured molds upright.

Tom Hawkins and Terry Kandzor hold their just-poured molds upright.

I’d like to add that even if you prefer the plaster or hydrocal method of casting rocks, Joel’s rock molds are superior (and much bigger) and are easy to use. I purchased several large molds a number of years ago and they have held up well and produce some excellent rock castings.

For more information or to order Joel’s products, click here.

For the February 2014 clinic, we have a “two-fer” program lined up: Two great clinicians. First up is Tom Hawkins discussing his scenery methods, and then Jack Tingstad will talk about backdrops (this part is a reschedule from last season). And, as mentioned, earlier, don’t forget our Operating Day on February 22nd.

Our future clinic schedule includes:

  • March 12, Steam Locomotives by Stathi Pappas (CMO of Mount Rainier Scenic Rwy)
  • April 9, Two Views From Above featuring Roof Detailing by Al Carter and Removable Mountain Construction by Norm Myers
  • May 14, Vehicle Lighting by Nick Muff
  • June 11, Airbrush Painting by Rich Blake (to be held at the Gonzales residence in Oak Harbor)

Don’t forget to bring your no longer needed items for our swap mart prior to the clinic, and don’t forget that all are welcome at the pre-clinic dinner at San Remo’s Restaurant on Midway Blvd in Oak Harbor at about 5:00 pm.