By Al Babinsky / Photos by Chip Van Gilder

I opened the clinic as guest moderator since MMR Gene Swanson was not available due to an operation. We had 36 attendees with one newcomer Rachel who stated that she was modeling in Z scale. Dale Kraus, Rick Bacon, and I made an announcement that books, magazines, and modeling material are available on the back tables for the taking.

Bill Sandstrom from Tacoma Trains presented “What’s New at the Hobby Shop” which included items such as tank cars, a SW1 switcher, N scale hoppers, and a GP9 A and B from Walthers, Microtrains, and Athearn Genesis.

In the “Bring and Brag” category we had a set of weathered Tichy flatcars, Paul Vaughn and Chip Van Gilder collaborated on a boxcar designed and 3D printed. The printing company made a mistake and Paul used parts to make a resin casting from it. Dale Kraus brought his Gasthaus work in progress to show the second floor installation. Ken Levine showed several boxcars he obtained in swap meets that he upgraded and weathered. Rachel brought her Z scale set which had a NP passenger set and a BN freight set. A handheld abrasive gun was demonstrated to show how to remove decals using baking soda. Dennis and George brought a military train to be used at the HO display at the Old Cannery. The military train was loaded with ambulances and several types of tanks, a tank retriever, Humvees, and containers. Many of the vehicles had whip antennas made from paint brush hairs. Larry brought DVDs showing how to weather items. The “Bring and Brag” model winners were Dennis and George with their military train.

After the break our clinician Greg Price presented his clinic “How to Build Foam Core Mock-ups”. A mock-up is used until an actual kit can be built. He copied the exterior walls of the kits and then printed them which he then glued on foam core using Tacky glue spray. He brought several buildings that he constructed and the kit components that he copied. The foam core buildings looked good enough to leave them in permanently. His hand-out showed tools and material needed to do the job and instruction on the how to.

Next month’s clinic will be by Dale Kraus on aluminum rocks (this should be interesting). It will be on the 12th of November at 7:30 PM in our usual location the Pierce County Library Admin. Bldg. the corner of 112th Street and Waller Road.

Tacoma Clinic Bring and Brag winner Dennis and George military train

Tacoma Clinic Bring and Brag winner Dennis and George military train

Weathered Tichy flatcars

Weathered Tichy flatcars

Paul Vaughn and Chip Van Gilder 3D printed boxcar

Paul Vaughn and Chip Van Gilder 3D printed boxcar

Dale Kraus Gasthaus, a work in progress

Dale Kraus Gasthaus, a work in progress

Models at the Tacoma clinic

Models at the Tacoma clinic

Rachel's Z scale set

Rachel’s Z scale set

SP Spirit of 1776

SP Spirit of 1776

WP caboose

WP caboose

Ken Levine's weathered boxcars

Ken Levine’s weathered boxcars

Mud Bay and Southern Ry train cars

Mud Bay and Southern Ry train cars

Larry's DVDs on weathering

Larry’s DVDs on weathering

Greg Price Tacoma Clinic presentation on building mock-ups

Greg Price Tacoma Clinic presentation on building mock-ups