Al Carter

Tabooma County is moving North to Mount Vernon. Nona and I have put our house up for sale and have bought a new house in Mount Vernon, so the Tabooma County Railway, as we know it today, will be dismantled, and eventually rebuilt in its new location. This has been a great location for it for the past 11 years and we have enjoyed the Friday night group showing up to work on the layout and also the several open houses and tours we have hosted over the years.

If anyone is interested in taking a piece of the layout, please contact me via e-mail ( The dismantling will occur on the Saturday/Sunday after Thanksgiving, November 27/28.  I will be saving my structures, of course (my favorite part of the hobby!), but several sections that are fully sceniced are available if anyone is interested. Most of those sections are narrow shelf-type construction and removal will not be too difficult; there is the new large center section that might be a challenge to take out in one piece; however, it could be sectioned into smaller pieces. This center section is essentially just foam with streets and trackage laid out and installed – again, no structures. I will be keeping the harbor scene and the Eagle Falls scene has been spoken for.