Gordon Garnhart

There were 27 people in attendance at the May meeting. John White opened the meeting by leading a discussion of the clinic topics lined up for next year. As usual, John has done an admirable job of arranging for an interesting array of speakers and topics. Several comments and suggestions were offered and a final version was accepted.

Our principal speaker was John Mann, who has made a thorough study of the purposes and functions of the many Configuration Variables associated with Digital Command Control. He described some of the many functions that can be modified by adjusting the settings of CVs. He also called attention to the use of specialized decoders for the remote control of turnouts and signals.

John has installed DCC decoders into a number of N, HO and O scale locomotives for himself and for others. His talk included many practical tips on accomplishing a successful decoder installation. He showed, discussed and passed around many examples of decoders, sound system speakers, connectors, insulators and useful tools. Although much of his experience has been with Digitrax controls and Tsunami sound systems, he is also familiar with other product lines. He followed his presentation with an informative question and answer session. The meeting was concluded with a drawing for several door prizes donated by Performance R/C Hobbies, Fairhaven Avenue, Burlington.

On Wednesday, June 9th, we will visit the home layout of Phil and Susan Gonzales.