Sadly on behalf of the Pacific Northwest On30 Modular Group,  I must report that we have lost a friend in the 4D-PNR and Narrow Gauge Community – we received news that Paul Vaughn had passed away in November.

Paul was very active in many aspects of model railroading locally and nationally.  For anyone who did not know, Paul owned a cottage industry specializing in narrow gauge equipment at which was very well regarded in the Sn3 community for his line of resin parts, 3d printed models and brass castings.   A lifetime NMRA member and seasoned traveler, Paul participated in many of the National Narrow Gauge conventions and  NMRA National/Regional events for decades.  He also had a vast wealth of knowledge globally on prototype railroading which included trips to South America and investigating the unique narrow gauge railroads down there.  I have sat with him many times reviewing his photos of all kinds of interesting critters and unique locomotives he found on his trips.  He really loved that stuff.

Paul had been with the Pacific Northwest On30 Modular Group for the last 10 years and was one of the core participants at every train show in the region that hosted our modular layout.  He brought a lot of energy and good natured humor to our group.  He was always the first guy in the door and never hesitated to lend a hand.  He was always super enthusiastic and motivated to be a part of the shows and gatherings.  He enjoyed running trains, being yardmaster and worked within our group operations to obtain an NMRA Chief Dispatcher certificate – of which he was very proud.  He built several different modules and had a handy quantity of locomotives and rolling stock equipment to share with the group.  At train shows he usually had some new item to run fresh off another kitbash, 3d print or resin casting.  Never a dull moment with Pauls equipment, always something interesting.  I can say after conversations with him that he was very happy to be an active member in our modules group and that it gave him much joy and satisfaction.  Paul contributed a lot of effort to our group and was highly appreciated, he will certainly be missed.  Our condolences go out to his family and friends.