David Yadock

Volunteers Needed??

You bet! Yes, the Pacific Science Center Show is not very far away. We will be requiring lots of volunteers this year to help during the 3-day event. So, please mark your calendars for January 16-18, 2016 (MLK weekend) and be ready to help out the 4D model railroad community. Please don’t forget that some assistance will be needed on Friday evening January 15th for exhibit set-up. This train show is a great way to promote the hobby to a diverse audience. The Pacific Science Center provides the perfect venue to give non-model railroaders a chance to see trains up close. Let those folks experience the fun in model railroading as well as learn about our hobby.

The 4D Pacific Science Center Show web page has been updated with the new train show poster PDF file. Print it out and distribute it to help publicize this great event.

2016 Pacific Science Center Show poster

2016 Pacific Science Center Show poster

We can use some assistance on Friday (Jan 15th) since exhibitor set-up will commence at 5 pm and last till 9 pm. On Saturday (Jan 16th) the show starts at 8:30 am and lasts till 6 pm. Sunday and Monday (Jan 17th and 18th) the show is from 9 am till 6 pm. After the show on Monday will be layout load out till 9 pm.

Come join in on the fun. Parking is free for the volunteers. There is also free access to the Pacific Science Center, you can check out all their cool exhibits. Help your fellow modelers by volunteering. This show can’t be done without your help. The Pacific Science Center show is the largest income generator for the 4D, without this show our group would have a difficult time funding its modular groups, clinics, and other model railroad events.

If you want to help please contact me through my email at hi61izq@hotmail.com. Thank you.