Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

About half of the money needed to meet the “matching gift” to the Magic of Scale Model Railroading exhibit at the California State Railroad Museum has been raised. An anonymous donor has offered $250,000 if we can raise a matching amount. In addition to NMRA member donations, manufacturers have made substantial donations. No NMRA dues are used to fund this project. Watch for an article in the November issue of NMRA Magazine for more details on the exhibit and fund raising efforts.

The newly formed NMRA Marketing Department is working with Amtrak stations in major cities to get modular layouts placed there in an effort to raise awareness of our hobby.

  • The NMRA website is undergoing a facelift and update under the direction of our new IT Director, Ben Sevier, and his web team. Members should see the changes within the year.
  • As part of an effort to improve communications with members, and specifically those who don’t receive NMRA Magazine, the NMRA leadership team is discussing adding an “eBulletin,”  a short, concise emailed newsletter which will list NMRA news, announcements, and other important information. It won’t replace NMRA Magazine, but instead will be an adjunct to it and will be available free to those members with email. A proposal will be made to the Board of Directors in February.
  • The Executive Handbook and By-Laws Committee is currently working diligently to simplify and shorten both documents, making it easier to understand our organization and how it’s run.
  • The Winter Board of Directors Meeting will be held inAtlanta,Georgia, February 8-10, 2013. All NMRA members are welcome to attend. Times and location to be announced.