Gerry Leone, MMR, NMRA Communications Director

Election Results Are In! The new NMRA Canada Director will be Don Hillman, replacing Clark Kooning, MMR. The new Central District Director will be Peter Magoun, MMR, replacing Bob Beatty, MMR. The new Regional Advisory Council Director will be Stephen Priest, MMR, replacing Bob Ferguson. All new Directors will take office at the Sacramento Board Meeting.

This year’s Board Meeting will be held prior to the Sacramento x2011 Convention on Friday, July 1, 2011. Current plans put the meeting in the Beavis Room in the Sacramento Grand Sheraton Hotel. Tentative starting time is 9 am. Locations and times subject to change.

Sacramento x2011 Reminders: A special “Carpet Cutting Ceremony” (the indoor equivalent of a Ground Breaking Ceremony) for the Gallery Exhibit will be held Thursday evening of the Convention. All are invited.

Convention Registrations have passed 1,500 attendees, while attendance at the Advance Section over the weekend prior to the Convention is over 150 attendees. You can still register online at You can also sign up for tours and operating sessions and purchase convention cars and shirts.

2012 Elections: Open for election in 2012: President, Vice President-Administration, Vice President-Special Projects, Eastern District Director, Pacific District Director, and At-Large North America Director. Please check the NMRA Executive Handbook, located here, for the extent of the districts affected and qualifications. All candidate names for consideration by the Nominations Committee shall be submitted to Didrik Voss,, no later than June 15, 2011.