Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

The Board of Directors will meet in Grand Rapids Friday–Sunday, July 27–29. While the Friday meeting is a closed caucus, most of the Saturday and Sunday meetings are open to all members. Check at the convention for location.

We hope to announce soon our new Director of Marketing and his team who will meet with the NMRA leadership team inGrand Rapids to formalize the process of developing a program to recruit and retain members.

The Standards & Conformance Department needs an ATA Certified Translator to convert German documents into English. If you have the qualifications and interest, contact Didrik Voss, S&C Department Manager.

Atlantic District Director Nobby Clarke and his team have been invited to bring the NMRA Publicity Booth to the last-ever U.S. Railroad convention in Switzerland this October. This is a huge event, with attendance numbering in the thousands. More info here.

The 2012 Annual Convention begins July 29. Here’s some last-minute information:

  • Grand Rails 2012’s former 6-part ticket is now a booklet containing maps, directions, descriptions and schedules for the self-guided layout tours. The booklet is attendees’ single pass to all 70+ layouts on tour.
  • Sunset Valley Oregon System passes are also still available. This may be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see one of the world’s most famous layouts.
  • You can put your hand on an SW-9 throttle at the Coopersville & Marne Railroad, beginning Thursday morning, August 2 at 9 a.m. Operate for 15 minutes for $35. Register at the convention tour desk.