By John O’Connell

Date:    Tuesday, October 27
Time:    7:00 PM
Where:  Mount Vernon Senior Center, 1401 Cleveland Street, Mount Vernon
Program: “Getting  a 1:1 Loco Cab into the Basement”

Have you ever wondered just how to park a real F-7 diesel cab in your basement?  Dr. Nick Muff, MMR, will explain just how he did it. Not to be missed!

Seeing is believing!

Seeing is believing!

Show and Tell

We encourage attendees to bring models for “Show and Tell” – show us what you are working on.

Diorama Build

Tom Buckingham will give us an update and answer questions.

On the Horizon 

November 6-8 – Vancouver, BC Train Expo.
November 14- Boeing Swap Meet, Kent, WA. Information:
November 24- An inside look at the Mount Vernon Terminal Railway at the Mt. Vernon Clinic

SW9 in the MTVTR yard

SW9 in the MTVTR yard

Arrival & Entry

Please try to arrive by 7:00. Entry is through the rear door at the Southwest corner of the building which is kept open in the evening. Find the map and directions by clicking here.