Have trains but no place to run them?
No room for a home layout?
If so, read on:

One of the most exciting trends happening in model railroading is modular construction. In this method, a modeler builds one or more small portable modular sections that meet specific standard specifications in size, height, and so on, then joins them with other modules owned by other people to form a complete operational railroad. A group may agree on a common theme or each individual may do his own thing.
Modules are the perfect solution to the often-heard complaint that “I don’t have the space, time, or money to build a model railroad.” In addition, the modular program by its very nature encourages a lot of interaction with other modelers and the public.
HO Scale | Lou Davis | 425-238-7385, website |
O Gauge (tinplate) | Ed Ives | 425-391-3313, website |
N Scale (NTRAK & oNeTRAK) | Al Lowe | 425-443-6896, website |
The 4th Division HO Modular group
The 4th Division HO Modular Group currently has 17 participating members. Its equipment consists of a yard with a wye entrance, an engine facility with an operating roundhouse, curved modules, corner modules, and a power source. The members build and maintain their own modules to connect with the club equipment to complete the Seattle, Pacific and Eastern Railway. We run DCC. There is no single theme for modules; members may model any theme that interests them.
We get together monthly for breakfast and for at least six shows annually for charity, community service, 4th Division events, and fundraisers. These events allow us to run lots of long trains, associate with fellow modelers, offer tips to and learn from spectators, and have a lot of fun. If you are interested in HO models, you are very welcome to join us. You do not have to have your own modules. We always appreciate help with set up, operation, take down, transportation, storage, ideas, and expertise. In fact, this is a good way to get started. By participating, you will eventually build better modules by getting excellent ideas and learning from the mistakes of others. Visit our web site.
Contact Lou Davis at 425 238 7385 for more information, meeting times, and locations.
Show Schedule
Show | Location | Dates |
United Northwest Show | Monroe | February |
Tacoma Northwest | Tacoma | April |
Lynden Lions | Lynden | October |
Maple Valley Train Show | Ravensdale | October |
Great Train Show | Puyallup | November |
Model Train Festival | Tacoma | December |
The 4th Division Hi-Rail O Gauge Modular Group
This group consists of about 18 members who collect anything from ancient Marx or Ives tinplate to the modern die-cast Lionel and MTH trains with smoke and sound. If it’s O gauge, 3 rail we run it, no question! We draw upon a supply of 23 modules, 4 corner modules and 4 yard modules and the number is growing! Our current capacity is to run 4 trains and 3 trolleys concurrently and we are increasing this by two additional trains. Large layouts allow us to run long trains.
We meet periodically as required for breakfast and to conduct business meetings to plan for the future. As needed, we also do one- or two-day module building sessions for those who want to get started or expand their modules.
We attend 8-9 shows a year in the Puget Sound region, from Lynden in the North, to Portland in the South. Participation in shows and meetings is voluntary and module ownership, although encouraged, is not required. If there is one thing about this group, we like to have FUN. Visit our website 4dhirailers.weebly.com.
Come and visit with us!
Show Schedule
Show | Location | Month |
Great Train Show *depending on schedule | Puyallup |
Great Train Show | Portland |
United Northwest Train Show | Monroe |
Lions Club Model Train Show | Lyndon |
Operating Model Train Show | Maple Valley |
MOHAI Model Train Show | Seattle |
The 4th Division N-Trak Modular Group
The 4th Division N-Trak Modular Group has been up and running trains for over twenty years. We have about 20 members and over sixty modules. The 4th Division supplied our original four corner modules; we’ve added many more since. Our operations yard is 28′ long, with 120 turnouts, and enough room to handle over 750 cars!
We welcome all skill levels from beginner to expert. For those of you looking for a way to try out the hobby or to get a little practice before you start on your own layout, talk to us. Modular railroading is a great way to get started. You may not have room for a layout, but everyone has enough room for a module. They’re the size of a card table and easy to set up and tear dwo.
If you have been looking for an excuse to get started, now is the time. Don’t worry, we’ll help you learn all about it. Bring yourself or a trailerload of modules.
For more information, email Al Lowe or Kurt Laidlaw.
Show Schedule
Show | Location | Dates |
Great Train Show | Puyallup | January |
United Northwest Train Show | Monroe | February |
Foss Maritime Museum Train Show | Tacoma | March |
Lynden Lions Train Show | Lynden | October |
Maple Valley Train Show | Maple Valley | October |
WA State History Museum Model Train Festival | Tacoma | December |
The Pacific Northwest On30 Modular Group
The Pacific Northwest On30 Modular Group is an informal group of modelers from all around Washington and Oregon creating modules for a free lanced narrow gauge railroad loosely based on prototypes and themes in the Pacific Northwest during the turn of the last century up until about 1940. All members own and build their own modules using a common standard.
Our meetings are exclusively held at train shows where we set up modules in a point to point configuration. Every layout is different which provides challenging operations and something new to run at each showing. Our group is one of the few modular groups that run regular operations using train orders and switchlists which provides a great deal of interest for participants as well as spectators. Our layout uses NCE for DCC control and optional ‘JMRI’ WiFi throttles. We usually attend 4 or 5 events a year throughout the Pacific Northwest Region and also participate in the National Narrow Gauge Convention whenever it is hosted on the West Coast. We welcome anyone with an interest in early narrow gauge modeling and operations. See our website for more info. pnwon30.org.
For more information contact Alan Murray.
Show Schedule
Show | Location | Dates |
Great American Train Show | Puyallup | January |
United Northwest Train Show | Monroe | February |
Clamshell Railroad Days | Ilwaco | July |
Great Train Expo | Puyallup | November |
The Puget Sound HOn3 Modular Group
The Puget Sound HOn3 Modular Group is underway with the first two modules being constructed. The theme for those two modules is the Newcastle coal mine-to-Lake Washington connection. These are being built by Russ Segner and John Paschal. Interfacing modules may have other themes as determined by their builders.
Contact Syd Schofield at 425-235-4911 (home) or 425-523-4685 (cell) for more information.
The Puget Sound Free-Mo Group

The Puget Sound Free-mo Group is comprised members that belong to National Model Railroad Association Members and our modules are built to a standard called Free-mo. This type of module offers a lot of design flexibility while still providing the ability to be operable with other HO Free-mo modules. You can read more about the nuts and bolts of the Free-mo standard on the free-mo.org website. But we can help you get from reading about it to doing it.
Some of our members have one module, some have… well A LOT more! You don’t have to have a lot to participate and Free-mo modules can be small enough to fit in a small car.
We don’t demand that you are a train expert, more that you are willing to participate and learn. Everyone has to start somewhere! People often feel like they don’t have room for a layout or maybe they don’t have time for that level of involvement. Joining a group is a great way to learn and find out what you do want from your model railroading time.
Our group sets up at several shows each year. And we will usually meet once a month in the Puyallup or Tacoma area. Email us at tnwmrr@gmail.com to learn more. The group chairman is Andy Goezler.