Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

News from the winter Board of Directors meeting, Feb. 8–9

The NMRA has a new Development Department Manager, charged with seeking out new donation sources and methods, and coming up with ways to expand our fundraising potential. Alan Anderson of Salt Lake City, UT, volunteered to fill the slot, which had been vacant for several years. In his full-time job, Alan works with a Salt Lake City area Chamber of Commerce.

The Cruise Convention idea was officially declared “not popular enough to pursue.” Initial estimates dictated that the idea receive 800 firm commitments from members, but only 300 were received via the survey, which was printed several times in NMRA Magazine and also sent to Sacramento convention attendees.

The NMRA is in the final stages of selecting a volunteer Marketing Department Manager. To date, several professional candidates have responded to a “help wanted” ad in NMRA Magazine. The Marketing Director will help the NMRA identify ways to retain and re-rail members, as well as recruit new ones.

Jenny Hendricks, NMRA Administration Director, reports that the number of RailPass members who convert to Regular members has reached the 80% mark. Congratulations to all of you whose hard work has made this goal a reality! Should we go for 90–100%?

The Celebration of Models in Grand Rapids will introduce a new contest award in memory of Dean Freytag, the “Dean of Styrene” and former National Contest Chair. The award is funded by a donation to the NMRA in memory of Freytag and is named “The Dean Freytag Industrial Structure Award.” The winning structure will be selected by the Contest Chairman.

Other News

White River Productions, the company that prints NMRA Magazine, announced that it has purchased the assets of the now-defunct magazine, Model Railroad News.

NMRA Secretary Bob Gangwish reports that the updated version of the Executive Handbook may now be downloaded from