by JJ Johnston, photos by Ken Liesse

Eastside Get Together. Mark your calendars for next Thursday, February 17, at 7:30 pm. The legendary garden modeler Dr. Jim Easley will describe the steps to design and build a garden layout. His work with residents at the Emerald Heights retirement community is a model of taking a group of people with varying talents, working together to create a stunning achievement in garden railroading. Jim’s presentation will also include a time-lapse video of this marvelous layout from start to the golden spike finish.

Thanks to Di Voss and Bob Beise for their informative January clinic on making turnouts with FastTrak jigs. Model of the Month was won by Jim Sabol and his almost all scratch built O scale 2-6-6-2. Due to the length of our program, door prizes were not awarded so this month we will have double door prizes. Plus the mart is always available for you to buy and sell railroad items, free coffee and fresh donuts. Join the fun.