Rich Blake will present a ZOOM clinic on Wednesday 11 JAN 2023, 7:00pm about using Java Model Railroad Interface (JMRI) Operations Pro to support modular operations. JMRI has a very capable operations feature that provides a great deal of variety to support modular operations. One of the issues with modules, especially a point-to-point layout such as our Pacific Northwest On30 Module Group layout, is that the layout constantly changes for each event with positioning of modules, inventory of cars/locomotives and the underlying requirement to keep things moving all the time. JMRI makes attacking modular operations relatively easy and keeps crews busy for entire weekends. This clinic Rich will describe how the general operations scheme has evolved for the PNW On30 Group and share ideas that can be used to create JMRI operations car forwarding for any layout.


NMRA Intro to JMRI Ops on y-tube

ZOOM Link Info:

4dpnrOrganizer SkagitValleyWhidbey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: 4DPNR Whidbey Clinic JAN 2023
Time: Jan 11, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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