Click here to read the Mt. Vernon Clinic Report for February 2024.
Grab Iron Posts
March’s “Second Saturday” Zoom features Jerry Boudreaux’s large HO Santa Fe layout
March’s 4dPNR Zoom layout tour is going to inspire you for sure! Long freights often exceeding 50 cars and 6 units, 14 car passenger trains with sparkling warbonnets in the lead, and southwest mountain scenery punctuate the Pasquinel Division of the Santa Fe Railroad. This 1200 square foot HO scale model railroad running thru the wilds of 1967 Arizona features a 650 foot mainline, large yard, and a number of smaller towns. The Pasquinel is fully operational and 14 person crews keep it humming once per month. Come join us next Saturday (March 9) for a trip thru the red cliffs and distant mountain vistas of northern Arizona. Jerry Boudreaux will show us his framing, track plans, electrical, scenery techniques, trains, operations forms, and even Santa Fe’s definition of a “Shooter!” This Zoom-only presentation will start at 10:00 am PST, and we will open the meeting at 9:30 for meet and greet. Here is the Zoom info to join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 872 1065 7142
Passcode: 805577
2024 Spring Meet Set For June 8th
By Bob Kenworthy
The 4th Division’s 2024 Spring Meet will be held June 8th, 2024. The Spring Meet will be held at the Northwest Railway Museum in Snoqualmie, WA.
The schedule will be:
7:30 to 8:30 am – Registration at the North Bend Depot
8:30 to 9:00 am – Train Ride from North Bend to Museum
9:00 to 9:10 am – Gathering Time
9:10 to 10:00 am – Clinics 1 and 2
10:10 to 11:00 am – Clinics 3 and 4
11:10 to 12:00 noon – Clinics 5 and 6
12:00 to 1:00 pm – Lunch and Annual Meeting
1:00 to 1:30 pm – Free Time at the Museum
1:30 to 2:00 pm – Return Train Ride to North Bend
2:00 to 3:00 pm – Travel Time
3:00 to 5:00 pm – Layout Open Houses
Additional information will follow as plans are finalized. Mark your calendar now and plan to attend.
Hi-Railers Annual Train Trip 2024
Article by Dan Peters, Photo by Al Lowe
It’s that time of year again. Time to put on your engineer’s hat and work boots and red bandana, and take a ride on a REAL ( prototype scale ) passenger train.
This year we’re heading south, to the beautiful Nisqually River Valley, to ride the Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad. Our passenger train is powered by Polson Logging Co. number 70. This 100-year-old steam engine is a 2-8-2 logging locomotive, built by Baldwin and later used by Rayonier timber company on the Olympic peninsula. It’s been beautifully restored, and is ready to begin operations now that the COVID epidemic is past.
Our trip will be on on Saturday May 11th, 2024. We depart the station in Elbe WA at 11:00 am, for a round trip to the logging museum at Mineral WA. The museum is still closed for construction work by the new owners, but we should get views of the railroad equipment stored outside.
Our annual train ride and picnic is put together by the Hi-Railers module group, but is open to all Fourth Division and NMRA members.
To book your ride:
- Visit
- Select the “Book Scenic Train” button
- On the next page select the “>” arrow to “May 2024”
- Select “May 11” and “11:00 am”
The adult ticket price is $37.00 ( or is it $40.00 ? ), with discounts for kids. Sorry, there is no discount for seniors. Don’t forget to select the number of tickets in each age category.
Bring your receipt, either a print-out or on your cell phone, and check in at the ticket office in Elbe. They will issue you an “official” ticket before you board the train.
Join us for a fun steam train ride. And tell ’em John Henry sent you.
N Scale railroad for sale
By Al Lowe
I saw this on Facebook marketplace. I have no knowledge of it, other than it might be of interest to someone who reads the Grab Iron. Contact Tom here.
Eastside Clinic – Thursday at 7PM
The second part will feature a presentation by Bob Kenworthy who will share photographs of an HO model of the Virginia and Truckee Railroad’s Engine House and Shop in Carson City, NV. The model was built in the 1980s or 1990s by the late Tom Mercer of Sacramento. Tom scratch-built models of most the V&T’s structures between Carson City and Virginia City. Bob acquired these models when Tom disassembled his layout in 2014. The engine house model is interesting in its size, the use of some unusual materials, and the attention to detail.”
Join us and share your interests in model railroading. The link to the meeting will be sent to all on our Eastside email list. If you are not on our list and want to join us, contact Doug Oldenburg at
Russ Segner
Feb 10 “Second Saturday” Zoom Layout Tour by Chuck Lee of Puyallup
Here is how to join us on February 10 at 10am for a layout tour by Chuck Lee, covering his HO scale Colorado Front Range RR. The pike is based on Denver, CO and features local industries such as the massive Coors operation, features 3D-printed and LED-lit models, such as Denver’s Union Station, and even includes a full-size CTC control panel for the dispatcher.
This Zoom-only presentation will start at 10:00 am PST, and we will open the meeting at 9:30 for meet and greet. Here is the link to join the event:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 1065 7142
Passcode: 805577
For Sale – Two Walthers 130′ Turntables
By Brian Pickering
From: The 4D HO Modular Club (Seattle Pacific and Eastern)
These are previous production turntables, NOT the current model.
One is used, but delivered in a very new box. Turntable is functional, turntable pit has some weathering, the control cabin is included, but not attached, the railings are somewhat the worse for wear, and the electrical bridge is missing. This has the oldest-style Heljan controller. This turntable was previously installed on the club’s Roundhouse module. No manual (available online). Asking $125
The second is new, delivered in a box that has known much better days. This was purchased as new original stock, albeit apparently moved around multiple times prior to sale. Used a few times in working on DCC programming (as a testbed for the club module), we ended up buying the new-model Walthers TT and accessory DCC converter board. Includes all components except the manuals (available online). Asking $200
Both of these work well with the included controller. We found them challenging to use under DCC. If you’re not interested in the DCC control, these are both good deals.
Also posted on the club website:
Brian Pickering
Opportunity to Run Trains
I am looking for volunteers to run trains on my logging layout next week, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I live in Newcastle.
My layout is Sn3 and runs geared locomotives. Sessions will be 10 to noon and/or maybe afternoons from 2 to 4. Each session can accomodate 4 or 5 operators. If you are interested, please call me at 206 200 2211.
Russ Segner
Skagit Valley & Whidbey Feb 2024 Newsletter
Click here to read the February 2024 issue of The Skagit Valley & Whidbey Clinic Newsletter.