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NMRA InfoNet News for July 2012

Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

The Board of Directors will meet in Grand Rapids Friday–Sunday, July 27–29. While the Friday meeting is a closed caucus, most of the Saturday and Sunday meetings are open to all members. Check at the convention for location.

We hope to announce soon our new Director of Marketing and his team who will meet with the NMRA leadership team inGrand Rapids to formalize the process of developing a program to recruit and retain members.

The Standards & Conformance Department needs an ATA Certified Translator to convert German documents into English. If you have the qualifications and interest, contact Didrik Voss, S&C Department Manager.

Atlantic District Director Nobby Clarke and his team have been invited to bring the NMRA Publicity Booth to the last-ever U.S. Railroad convention in Switzerland this October. This is a huge event, with attendance numbering in the thousands. More info here.

The 2012 Annual Convention begins July 29. Here’s some last-minute information:

  • Grand Rails 2012’s former 6-part ticket is now a booklet containing maps, directions, descriptions and schedules for the self-guided layout tours. The booklet is attendees’ single pass to all 70+ layouts on tour.
  • Sunset Valley Oregon System passes are also still available. This may be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see one of the world’s most famous layouts.
  • You can put your hand on an SW-9 throttle at the Coopersville & Marne Railroad, beginning Thursday morning, August 2 at 9 a.m. Operate for 15 minutes for $35. Register at the convention tour desk.

4D Election Results

Al Carter

Here are the results of the recent 4th Division election:

Superintendent: Ken Liesse
Director, Position 2: J.J. Johnston
By Laws Revision: Approved, 155 to 4

There were 163 ballots submitted, of which 162 were valid. The numbers do not add up because some voters only voted for one of the two positions open and some chose not to vote on the By Laws. Their ballots were otherwise acceptable for the categories they did vote in, so we counted those votes.

This year’s ballot committee consisted of myself as Chairperson, plus Steve Jaffray and John White (both of Anacortes).

My personal thanks to all four candidates who contended for the two positions. In my long history in the Fourth Division, I can recall several times when there was only one candidate for a given position. Your interest in the Fourth Division’s leadership is appreciated and I hope that you will consider running for office in the future.

6th Annual G.O.P.H.E.R.S. Field Trip

By Jim Sabol

June saw the 6th Annual G.O.P.H.E.R.S. (Greater Olympia Prototype History & Engineering Research Society) field trip and picnic. Twenty-five happy modelers, including spouses, neighbors, and grandkids from the 4D Olympia Clinic and the 4D Tacoma Clinic toured the multi-acre grounds of the Jensen Antique Machinery and Artifacts Museum in Graham, Washington.

A sunny day and grilled deluxe Kosher hot dogs served by Jim & Mary Sabol and Paul Vaughn, with desserts and salads by Carol Beghin and others, was followed by an open house at Paul Vaughn’s Sn3 layout and Jim Sabol’s O scale layout. What more could you ask on a warm June day? Model railroading really is fun!

Both Jensens were hospitalized just before the picnic. Modelers passed the hat and collected over a hundred dollars to help with their expenses. Aren’t model railroaders a great bunch?!

Click for larger image


Schwabian Thunder

Dale Kraus / Photo by author

The rapid cannon-fire beat of three cylinder steam thunders off the walls of Bad Oos as SDEV 2-10-2T 85006 accelerates through the industrial section of town, “perfuming” the tower and surrounding businesses with the smell of coal smoke, steam, and hot hydrostatic oil.


Uncle Sam to Ride the Snoqualmie Valley Railroad!

Sue Van Gerpen

The Northwest Railway Museum proudly salutes the birth of our country on July 1st with a scenic train excursion through the Cascade foothills, including a ride past the top of Snoqualmie Falls. The train will operate on both Saturday and Sunday that weekend, but Uncle Sam will only be aboard on Sunday, July 1st, ready to punch your train ticket. Come celebrate Independence Day with us!

Board the train in at 38625 SE King Street in Snoqualmie, at 12:01 pm, 1:31 pm, or 3:01 pm, or at 205 McClellan Streetin North Bend, at 12:26 pm or 1:56 pm. $10 children, $12 seniors, $15 adults, under 2 ride free. For more info, call 425-888-3030 or visit

Experience the excitement of a working railroad while learning about the important role railroads played in shaping the character of the Pacific Northwest. The depot and bookstore are open 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM daily.

Skagit Valley and Whidbey Clinic

Gordon Garnhart

There were 25 people gathered at the Summer Hill Retirement Facility on Wednesday, June 13th. Rick Blake opened the meeting with a word of appreciation to John White for his able leadership of the clinic these past twelve years. He also gave a report on the health of Gordon Jones, a member of the group who is currently receiving radiation treatments.

The main program of the evening was a series of mini-clinics. Al Carter showed slides of layouts that will be featured at theNnarrow Gauge Convention in Bellevue in September. Rich Thom showed and discussed a “Model of a Model.” It was a small mock-up about 18 inches long of his entire HO layout. He made it after he designed his track plan, but before he began construction of his layout, to help him visualize how the layout would appear when finished. He said that it was very helpful and prompted several adjustments to his track plan that proved to be beneficial. Rick Blake demonstrated a technique for weathering a flatcar wooden deck.

Sue Gonzales showed an example and described her method for weathering a cattle car. Steve Jaffray was intrigued with a unique 50 foot long, combination baggage car and caboose. He looked for a kit, but nothing was available. So he scratchbuilt the car from plans. And while he was at it, he did an excellent job of detailing the interior. Incidentally, Rick brought a video camera, which was linked to a computer, which in turn was linked to a projector, so the image of what each of the exhibitors was showing was projected large on the wall enabling everyone to see easily. Alan Murray described his method for building portable benchwork for modules.

Tom Hawkins showed and described the use of many examples of jigs and fixtures which he has made and used over the years. Dick Haines demonstrated a method for duplicating parts from an original using a rubber-like plastic molding process. John White showed examples and discussed the uses of Gatorfoam in scratchbuilding structures. Gatorfoam is an extruded polystyrene foam board bonded between two layers of Luxcell wood-fiber veneer. It is easy to work with and is very resistant to warping. And lastly, Alan Murray showed a method he uses for weathering timber construction. Our group is truly fortunate to include so many talented and accomplished individuals who are willing to share their experiences.

We will not meet during July and August, and our September meeting will be a week later than usual because of the convention. So our next clinic will be on Wednesday, September 19th at 7:00 PM in Summer Hill Retirement Facility. It will feature Eric Erikkson, who will talk about “Logging and Live Steam.” See you there!

Pool Party at Tacoma Clinic

By Ken Liesse / Photos by Chip Van Gilder

26 hearty souls found their way to the Spanaway branch of the Pierce County Library system for an unusual meeting: it was in a different place on a different night. Due to scheduling conflicts, the clinic had to find another home for the month of June and this is where it ended up. First on the agenda were announcements and there were several. Gene Swanson, MMR, informed the group of a great estate sale he had visited, with lots of tools for sale. Jim Sabol then mentioned that the Greater Olympia Prototype History & Engineering Research Society was having an outing and picnic at the Jensen Antiques Museum near Kapowsin. Jim encouraged anyone interested to attend. (Note: apologies for this info not getting out sooner – the author misplaced the notes from the meeting.)

The Kitsap Live Steamers are back into their normal operating season and can be visited on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of every month through October. Hours are 10-4.

Supt. Ken Liesse reminded everyone of the upcoming “Spring” Meet in August, to be held at the Hilton Garden Hotel in Issaquah. Details on this event will be coming soon in the Grab Iron and other 4D communication devices. Ken also mentioned that a new N Scale modular group is being sponsored by 4D, called omNi-Rail. (See previous article in the Grab Iron.) Ed Liesse gave a quick follow-up on the PNR convention in Medford and said all who attended seemed to have a good time. 4D had a large presence at the convention, including staff, clinicians and volunteers.

Gene gave a recap of the recently completed Tacoma Layout Tour and said there was a pretty good turnout (the fact that we had the best weather in a long time on that day didn’t hurt). Everyone is looking forward to the next tour. Mike Shaw presented the Video Library, and in the absence of any representatives from Tacoma Trains, there was no “What’s New at the Hobby Shop.”

Herb Buhl officiated the Bring and Brag contest, which was won by Tony Bentley with his model of an HO Office Building and Pump House.  These models are part of a larger lumber yard complex that Tony has been working on. We were all spoiled with the presentation of the models as the library had a high-definition TV in our meeting room.

Since the regularly scheduled clinician (and normal Tacoma scribe) Al Babinsky could not attend due to last minute out of town guests (Germany is way out of town), Gene stepped up and presented a clinic on the Great Northern pool train 459/460 that ran between Seattle and Portland. The model version of the pool train resides at the Puget Sound Model Railroad Engineers’ layout at the Washington History Museum in Tacoma, but Gene had it stretched out on the table for all to see.

The engines on the train are both Proto 2000 units while the cars in the train are all Walthers kits, with some of the cars being kitbashed. Details set these cars apart from out-of-the box kits, and extras such as grab irons, coupler lift bars, diaphragms, window shades and figures really make a difference. The train consists of nine cars, including a Union Pacific through sleeper. Gene gave a neat tour of the whole thing, pointing out the little things that were done along the way. It was a great clinic.

Summer is here and that means no Tacoma clinics in July or August. Enjoy the hiatus and we’ll see you back in Tacoma on September 13.

4D Sponsors New OmNi-Rail Group

By Ken Liesse

At the last 4D Board of Directors meeting, the Board gave approval to sponsor a new N Scale modular group – omNi-Rails. This new group will have different standards than the current 4dNTRAK Modular Group. However, as a 4D sponsored group, any member of 4D is welcome to join.

As stated in the group’s proposal, the objective of omNi-Rail is to “promote the model railroading hobby by providing a prototypical modular concept. Our goal is to combine our favorite aspects of N-trak, oNe-trak, bend track, and free-mo.” OmNi-Rail modules will be compatible with existing modules with minimum effort.

If you’re interested in joining or would like more information, contact Rob Jones at 206-498-4886.

MR Garage Sale July 14th

Ted Becker

Ted Becker will host a model railroading garage sale on Saturday, July 14, 2012, from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm at 23715 NE 6th Court, Sammamish, WA (in the Tree Farm development).

He has HO locomotives, equipment and structures, N scale cars, railroad memorabilia, photos, slides, books, magazines, etc. For more information, contact him at

NMRA InfoNet News for July

Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

The Ballot Committee has issued the official results of the Spring election. 7 ballots were unopened since they were postmarked after the deadline..


Ballots received – 1680
Valid ballots cast – 1569
Charlie W. Getz, IV, HLM – 1550

Vice President – Administration

Ballots received – 1680
Valid ballots cast – 1637
Dave Thornton – 723
Clark Kooning, MMR 588
Howard Goodwin 326

Vice President – Special Projects

Ballots received – 1680
Valid ballots cast – 1599
Bill Kaufman – 1104
James “Lumpy” Lupfer – 493
Norman Frowly (Write-in) – 1
Charles W Getz, IV, HLM (Write-in) – 1

Eastern District Director

Ballots received – 523
Valid ballots cast – 472
John Roberts, MMR, HLM – 461
Various individual write-in votes – 9 (on each)

Pacific District Director

Ballots received – 90
Valid ballots cast – 90
Mike Bartlett – 53
Robert Peterson – 25
Kelly Loyd = 12

At-Large North America Director

Ballots Received – 1565
Valid ballots cast – 1477
Miles Hale, MMR – 865
Mike Brestel – 610
Dave Barrow – 1
Whit Johnson – 1

The Board of Directors will meet inGrand Rapids on Friday, July 27, Saturday, July 28, and Sunday, July 29. While the Friday meeting is a closed caucus, most of the Saturday and Sunday meetings are open to all members. At this time the meeting room hasn’t been determined, so check with the convention hotel after you arrive if you’re interested in attending.

The NMRA has incorporated in the State of Missouri. One of the driving factors was to enable the Board to conduct electronic meetings (a practice not allowed inOhio, where we were formerly incorporated). This lets the Board vote on matters of significance in the time between the Winter and Summer meetings. The move also provides the proper opportunity to revisit the regulations (bylaws) as we update them to satisfy the Missouri Corporate requirements.

GrandRails 2012 has just signed up a rep from QSI who will be presenting several clinics about their brand new diesel sound system. The system lets users control sound and light functions to match specific railroad practices. Check the clinic schedule for this addition.

Coming soon: an announcement on the convention website about self-guided tours at GrandRails2012. Watch for it

Grand Rails 2012 is looking for volunteers who’d be willing to donate an hour or two of their time at the convention doing things like contest room security, helping with registration check-in, silent auction set-up and tear-down, and bus loading. If you’re interested and have an hour or two you’d like to donate, contact Mark Baldwin, Vice Chair of Volunteers, at for more details.