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Grab Iron Posts

Presentation on Northern Pacific Everett Operations Circa 1955

Kent Sullivan

Northern Pacific in Everett by Kent Sullivan

As some of you know, I have been writing a series of articles on the Northern Pacific’s operations in Everett, Washington, circa 1955, for the NPRHA (Northern Pacific Railway Historical Association) Mainstreeter. I am going to give a presentation on this topic for the Historic Everett group on Sunday, April 3rd at 2 pm. The venue is the Blue Heron Room at the offices of the Port of Everett, 1205 Craftsman Way, Everett, WA, 98201. There is a $5 charge (except for Historic Everett members). Everyone is welcome.

In Search of HOn3 Code 55 Turnouts

Syd Schofield

I’m looking for some HOn3 code 55 turnouts or turnout kits. I thought Micro Engineering made them at one time but if so, not anymore. There are a few kits out there which is some help rather than starting from scratch. The alternative is the Micro Engineering N-scale code 55 kits which will only need some additional rail and gauging (which has to be done anyway). I’ve built some code 70 turnouts using the printed circuit board ties on a home-built fixture, so I’m familiar with the process. Any ideas? E-bay has a couple as a last resort.

So others can see your reply please comment at the bottom of this article, or e-mail your message to and Cliff (Grab Iron editor) will create a comment for you.

HO Layout Remaining Items For Sale in Sedro-Woolley

Roger Johnson

Thanks to many of you who responded to my earlier Grab Iron ad and to many more who bought some of my things at the United Northwest Monroe train show and swap meet on February 27th and 28th. But there are still a fair number of things left that I do not want to move to a smaller house. Included are more than fifteen RTR locomotives (some with decoders installed), many freight cars (RTR and kits), structures (both complete and kits) and much more. I have revised my inventory lists to remove items recently sold and those not presently for sale and (best of all) to reflect new lower prices on most items. Please email me (Roger Johnson) at for a detailed listing.

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Tacoma Clinic Report for March

By Al Babinsky, Photos by Dale Kraus, MMR

MMR Gene Swanson opened the clinic on time and welcomed all, 41 modelers including one newcomer who models Great Northern.

It was announced that the 4D spring meet would be on May 14 at TCC (Tacoma Community College). Click here to register for the meet. The Northwest Railway Museum is starting operations on April 2 with Ken Liesse as engineer. The trains will stop at the train shed so passengers can view the equipment.

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A Narrower View – Another Branch Line

Syd Schofield

Editors note: Welcome to the 13th article of a series on narrow gauge by Syd Schofield. The previous article is available by clicking here, or by filtering with the category “Narrow Gauge”. Syd welcomes discussions and feedback, which can be made by clicking on the comment link at the bottom of the post.

Another extension of the D&RG three foot gauge common carrier was the Lake City Branch. It extended south of the line along the Gunnison River from a point near Sapinero on now what is US 50 in central Colorado just west of Gunnison. The junction point is presently under Blue Mesa Reservoir as is the original town site and the road bed extending into the Black Canyon of the Gunnison River turning out at Cimarron. The branch line extended to the small town of Lake City where, as a regional center for the area mines, loggers and ranchers provided some income to the railroad.

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Olympia Clinic February 2016 Report

Robert Grove

We hosted 19 attendees in the Thurston County Office Complex in West Olympia. One person was new and one was a returning guest who had attended some clinics in the past.

The “Bring and Brag” included a variety of models and the “Give and Take” (offering items we don’t need / taking home something we can use) included a variety of items again this month.

Our program was a continuation of the theme: “Various Approaches in Developing a Freelance Layout.”

Scott Buckley drew upon the Tehama Valley Railroad he has been creating in his home for this month’s presentation. He used some highly artistic elements via a Microsoft Powerpoint to display his efforts. He showed a picture of a prototype or model railroad that he admires, explaining the key elements in the photograph.

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Pennsylvania RR Tech & HS PNW Chapter Meeting on Sat, Apr 2nd at PNRA

David Yadock


The Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Pennsylvania Railroad Technical & Historical Society will be having its next meeting on Saturday April 2, 2016. It will be held at the Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive in Burien. WA. The meeting starts at 1 pm with dinner to follow. If you or your railroad friends have a casual interest in the Pennsylvania Railroad or want to learn more detailed information about the Pennsy come to the meeting.

The flyer for the meeting is available by clicking here.

For more information contact either David Yadock at or Jim Trunzo at

Skagit Valley and Whidbey Clinic Feb 2016 Report, Flatcar Load Contest

Article and Photos by Rich Thom

Twenty-four modelers attended the Skagit Valley and Whidbey NMRA Clinic meeting in Oak Harbor on February 10th, featuring the long-anticipated display and judging of models entered in this season’s contest: Flatcars with Loads. Clinic Chair Rich Blake welcomed new attendee Barry Erb, who models Pennsylvania RR prototypes in HO. Rich also thanked Di Voss, MMR, for making the long drive from Mill Creek to judge some of the models for NMRA Achievement Program (AP) Merit Awards, and providing details and some expert advice about the NMRA AP and evaluating models for the program. Rich mentioned that it was not too soon to begin thinking about next season’s lineup of clinics, and encouraged everyone to get their ideas (and especially volunteer themselves!) for clinics to Susan Gonzales.

Before the evening’s contest, Rich, with assistance from Di, described the basics of the NMRA AP and judging, using materials available on the NMRA website ( including the Achievement Program Judging Guidelines and the Model Description Form. A set of slides by Bob Hamm, MMR, on contest judging was also shown. Although the formal 125-point evaluation system was not used for tonight’s contest (instead judging was by a simpler popular vote) the discussion attuned everyone to the five attributes contributing to a superior model: construction (methods and complexity); detail; conformity (fidelity to prototype); finish and lettering; and scratch-built content, including any special refinements.

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4D Spring Meet Website Is Live, Register Now

Cliff Green

The 4th Division Spring Meet will be held at the Tacoma Community College on May 14th, with clinics running from 9 am to 4 pm. The website is up and running and taking registrations:

There are three clinic tracks, with the third track consisting of “hands on, make and take” clinics (there are additional costs with the “make and take” clinics).

The cost for the Spring Meet is only $20, which includes lunch – a great deal! (You must register by May 1st to receive lunch.)

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