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Eastside Get Together September 21


Our program next Thursday will focus on operating a layout. We will feature a panel of guys who have successfully operated for years. Burr Stewart, Dave Woodrell and Dale Kreutzer will participate to guide our discussion.

Our focus will be on: “Why set up an operating system and what it means for layout operators and for visitors who come to operate”. Then we will discuss some of the successful approaches. Please join in with questions and comments – the session is intended to be informal.

We will start with announcements and introductions. If you have a show and tell, all the better.
Our program this coming Thursday will begin at 7 PM on ZOOM.

The link is posted to all who are on our current email list. If you want to be sure and get the invite, please contact me at or 206 200 2211.

Russ Segner

Hi-Railer’s Attended the Longview, Kelso & Rainier Model Railroad Club Fall Swap Meet & Train Show

By Ed Ives

Well that was a mouthful, forever now to be known as the Kelso show. 

This, the fall show, was a one day affair and not our preferred event, spending as much time setting up and tearing down as the actual show itself. Our reasoning for attending this time was to assess the event and the facilities as to whether we might attend their two day show next May.

The show was held in Kelso’s Three Rivers Mall, in the former Macy’s store, providing ample space, lighting and flat and level flooring. The organizers were very helpful and saw to it that we were in need of nothing for the show. To be honest, the show was more of a very good swapmeet than a train show with few layouts but plenty of space for more. The 9 am Saturday opening did not start with a rush but more of a dribble but steadily built up during the morning to form a good crowd. We met members of the public attending this show from as far away as Oregon to the south and Olympia to the north. 

For this writer I would give two thumbs up for this show in the future as an opening event to the train show season. 


Whatcom/Skagit Model RR Club Open Houses Announced

By Alan Carter

Our 2023-2024 shift is just starting. The first Open House of the season is coming next Saturday, September 9th. We will be opening the doors for the new season, so join us at the Whatcom Skagit Model Railroad Club on September 9, 2023 from 11 am to 3 pm. Bring the kids, the grandparents, your friends, your family, your boss, and your neighbor to experience the wonder that is model railroading. Come see the trains at the Whatcom Skagit Model Railroad Club this Saturday and every second Saturday until May 2024.

Check out the N Scale and HO Scale layouts. Suggested donations are $3 per person or $5 per family.

Below is a preview video of all the fun at WSMR.

More information is available here.

Zoom Layout Tours resume on “Second Saturdays” at 4dPNR, Sept. 9, 10:00am

Our first 4D PNR layout tour of the fall will be by Mike Davis, a Santa Fe modeler who is building a layout featuring Cajon Pass in California. Mike’s layout tour will be on September 9th at 10am via Zoom. This should be a great session as we feature a fabulous layout by someone who brings excellent modeling to the table. His layout features San Bernadino to Summit in 1950 and includes many prototypical structures, such as a 28-stall roundhouse, icing dock built from ATSF plans, the San Bernadino station, and many of the structures at Summit. This layout is under construction, so you will also see how Mike is building the pike in his 56’x12’ and 50’x13’ adjoining attic spaces. Don’t miss this one!

The Zoom info to join the meeting is shown below. We will open the meeting at 9:30am and the presentation will start at 10am.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 7681 9072
Passcode: DRGW

If you’re new to the NMRA, or haven’t heard of our “Second Saturday” Zoom meetings, you can watch past presentations on our YouTube channel. And if you have a layout you’d like to show off in this way, let us know and we’ll get you scheduled for a Second Saturday.

Clinic Ideas – Please Share

Our Eastside Clinic had a good discussion of what clinics we would like to see. Here are some thoughts in the discussion. I have added a few. There are many more that could be added. Please offer your comments and suggestions. Post your ideas and comments to me, Russ Segner.
The other thing is, “Who wants to present or lead a discussion of any of these or other topics. “
Here are some ideas that came up:
Switching layouts
Small yards
Engine facilities and back shops
Contesting judging – how to know what judges expect to see.
MMR Achievement Program – what is it and how do I get started.
Turnout Controls – Powered or mechanical
Airbrush Basics
Basics, hardshell, foam, Bragdon
Rock castings, paints, stains, and washes
Bulkheads, bridges, tunnels
Water features,
Backdrops – painted or photos.
Structures; details, roofs, loading docks, cranes.
Fuel facilities – loading, storage, piping
Taank cars – types, prototype practice
Passenger trains – eras, types such as baggage, express and mail
Refrigeration – cars, buildings
Work trains – construction and maintenance of way
Snow fighting or fire fighting.
Specific industries such as Boeing, Weyerhaeuser, Mobil Oil
Loads: lumber, poles, chips, plywood, extra length such as beams and pipe
Grain, aggregates
Power stations Control Systems
Wiring basics – toggles, servos, lights
Control panels
Trouble shooting
Dead rail

Eastside Clinic Set for this Thursday, August 24

Please join us to share your ideas about what topics we want to focus on this Fall and Winter. Do you have a topic that you want to present? Do we have anyone interested in organizing a monthly segment on tools and techniques?

We will also share some thoughts and memories about two of our recent members JJ Johnston and Chuck Ricketts.

If you are not on our list to receive the Zoom link each month, let me know. Invites go out by Tuesday evening.

206 200 2211

Chuck Ricketts – MMR has passed away

One of our 4D MMRs has passed away. Chuck Ricketts left us on Aug 6th at Harborview Hospital. His balance had been deteriorating for the last year, and a fall resulting in a severe head trauma took him from us. I will miss his friendship and sharing of all things related to model construction and in particular the railroad hobby. His imagination, hobby expertise and enthusiasm to get everyone involved in operations created fine comradery. His Sherwood, Shelton & Sarazen (S. S. & S.) included a unique feature at the time, a movable barge “floating” traffic between Oyster Bay and South Seattle, a separate location and operating system.

Thanks to the efforts of Roger Nulton and Dale Kreutzer, the S. S. & S. is in the Oct 2020 issue of the Narrow Gauge and Short Line Gazette. Bruce Petrarca MMR #574, one of Chuck’s Arizona friends, has created a Vemio, about Chuck’s S. S. & S. that I thought clever. Chuck sold the house in Lacey with railroad intact. Or perhaps from a modeler’s perspective sold the railroad with the house intact.

Never giving up model railroading, the Baja Sienna was his next railroad in Tumwater. You’ve seen various articles and YouTube presentation about this one. My perspective, with a laugh, is the materials used were largely gathered at the local foam recycler’s dumpster. Once again after reaching the operation stage, this layout was carved up and sold to a Seattle railroad modeler. Chuck moved again, staying in Tumwater and had, in the planning stage, a shelf layout in the works for the new garage. With a sigh, I say goodbye to Chuck who was an exceptional friend to me, the Olympia model railroaders and the whole Puget Sound model railroading community.

A Celebration of Life will be announced to take place in Olympia at a presently unknown date. Chuck’s partner, Janet Spencer, will appreciate emailed condolences at She looks forward to meeting all of you at his Celebration of Life.
Submitted by Jim Elder

JJ Johnston Celebration of Life Service

JJ Johnston was one of our Fourth Division leaders for many years. He was a fine model builder and friend to many in the Fourth Division.

A Celebration of Life will be held Saturday, August 12 at 2PM. The service will be at:
1st Presbyterian Church of Bellevue
1717 Bellevue Way NE
Bellevue, WA

I have been asked to speak about his involvement with us in the Fourth Division. Please call me with any special memories of JJ.
Russ 206 200 2211