The Grab Iron newsletter is updated often, sometimes daily, and sends notifications through e-mail when a new post is published. It contains notices of events happening around model railroading in the Pacific Northwest, 4D clinic reports, 4D module news, NMRA division, regional, and national news, model railroading and prototype articles, member ads, railroad museum events, and much, much more!
4th Division NMRA members with an e-mail address are automatically subscribed for Grab Iron post notifications. Anyone is welcome to subscribe for post notifications by completing this form:
How to post to the Grab Iron:
Email any notices, articles, reports, classified advertisements, photographs and announcements to Grab Iron Editor, gi_editor@4dpnr.com. For sale (and for free) listings are free of charge to NMRA members. There is no longer a deadline – everything is posted immediately.
Please include the following information for events:
- Date of event
- City, State/Province
- Name of event
- Address
- Times
- Fees
- Contact person’s name, address, phone number, email address
- Web site address
How to Submit to the PNR Timetable and Switchlist:
To add your activities to the PNR’s online Timetable and quarterly publication, The Switchlist, email the same information in the above list to Mark Johnson, Mark.Johnson@InfoHarvest.ca.