David Yadock

Did that get your attention? If so, this is a formal invitation to come and be a part of the Pacific Science Center train show.

We need volunteers to assist all days the show is in operation. Yes, that includes Friday evening. Any or all help will be greatly appreciated. Friday night we need help with load in of the layouts, including door monitoring, guest check-in for badges, and parking check-in. Saturday and Sunday we need folks to help give some exhibitors bathroom and lunch breaks. Many layouts are a group effort but several layouts have only a single person for operation. I admire those folks that are single operators of layouts. Give them a break and come join in on the fun. Think of it, would you want to run a train layout for three days without a bathroom break?

During Saturday, Sunday, and Monday the Break Room needs to be monitored and help will be required for exhibitor Check-In. Monday will require even more help because all the layouts will need to be broken down and packed up that evening after the days show. The more people that we have helping out the easier it will be and the faster things will go!

There will be script to cover parking. I suggest carpooling just to make life a little easier.

The Pacific Science Center train show is the 4D’s greatest financial contributor. It is probably the most attended show in the Seattle area. Last year we had over 14,000 people come and see the trains run at the show. That is a tremendous amount of exposure to the general public. I bet we got more exposure to the public than Kim Kardashian or Miley Cyrus would get if they visited Seattle! (Well, okay, maybe not Miley…)

Anyway, don’t feel shy about volunteering. The PacificScienceCenter train show is a great way to get involved and be an active part of the NMRA. Contact me at hi61izq@hotmail.com or 425-226-7518 (evenings). Thank you.

Oh, yeah: the disclaimer:

*Jeff Moorman will provide Z-scale canned beer! (Z-scale can openers not provided.)