By Byron Osborn
The size is 20’ x 35’ in a circle. Double track with a 15’ yard inside the circle with an “Armstrong” turntable. These were used with the ROATERS modular group in the early 2000’s. Some buildings and autos are on the modules. The wiring is for DC. Each corner is made up of 3 sections. The straight modules are 2’ x 4’. The modules are located in Burien with the Boeing Employees’ Model RR Club. The modules have been in storage since 2008 so no current photos are available. Contact us to schedule a showing and discuss prices.
Byron Osborn
I coined “ROTTERS” in 1968 or so. Railroading O Trains and Traction Eventually or Real Soon. Round robin loose club of Puget Sound area O scalers. I wrote and published club newsletter, the Siderod. Jim Sabol here, now promoting GOPHERS, Greater Olympia Prototype and History Engineering Research Society (annual excursion).