By Al Frasch / Photos by Perry Lambert & Al Frasch

Al Carter presented a fascinating clinic on making roads for a layout. He does seem to have an inordinate fascination with both asphalt and concrete surfaces, probably something from his ill-spent youth. However, he did indicate via both pictures and actual samples, the making of realistic roadways.

Especially interesting was the use of numerous brick material as a kind of underlayment for asphalt and concrete surfaces, with the brick showing through in places. It’s a great way to model older roads in industrial areas of cities or even back alleys!

Al used Red Devil OneTime Lightweight Spackling for making roads that won’t shrink. Spread the material between two styrene strips to create a roadbed; use several thin layers if you need to have it deeper.

Al also showed many samples of cracks in road surfaces and explained how to make them look realistic. Micron brand pens make excellent cracks on prepared roadways.

Plus, he explained that asphalt is not black, but weathers to shades of gray. He creates roadway stripes with colored pencils rather than tape or paint.