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For activities throughout all the Divisions of the Pacific Northwest Region, see the Official PNR Timetable. For more information on 4th Division clinics, see the Clinics Page.

Mount Vernon Clinic — Virtual

Ted Becker presenting an introduction to Arduino and using them on a model railroad. Examples will be shown how Ted is using Arduino on his layout and how you can get started with off the shelf items. In conjunction with this introduction is an offer to present more in-depth sessions.

4DPNR Zoom Layout Tours

The March 4DPNR Layout tours will be presented by Clint Brown and John Wilcox. Details to follow. To watch recordings of our previous 4DPNR Zoom layout tours, visit

4DPNR Zoom Layout Tours

The April Zoom layout tours will be presented by Bill Sornsin and Bob Stafford. Bill will show us the progress he's been making on his huge HO scale layout depicting the 1950's Great Northern from South Seattle to Stevens Pass, including a detailed replica of the King St. Station and a large model of Interbay […]