Eastside Get Together — Virtual
“Steam Locomotive Appliances” presented by Ted Becker. The tagline is: "What is all that stuff and all those pipes on a steam locomotive?" Lobby opens at 6:45
“Steam Locomotive Appliances” presented by Ted Becker. The tagline is: "What is all that stuff and all those pipes on a steam locomotive?" Lobby opens at 6:45
"Staying on Track! - Staying Safe!" presented by John Wilcox Our November Clinic will feature the modelling work (layout and diorams) of John Wilcox! https://zoom.us/j/99915426061?pwd=MXlIaUF1ZlNMM0xGVTAwVmREWGxuUT09 Meeting ID: 999 1542 6061 Passcode: 810529
From the GrabIron: https://4dpnr.com/north-end-virtual-clinic-tonight-12-3-at-7pm/
Join us Saturday Dec. 5 from 10am to noon PST for two layout tours. The first will be Dave Woodrell, showing us his photogenic Sn3 RGS layout, and the second will be Greg Wright with a presentation on how he re-graded part of his back yard to make a "table" for a G scale outdoor […]
Topic TBD
Join us Saturday Dec. 12 from 10am to noon PST for two layout tours. The first will be Mark Dance from Vancouver BC, showing us his N scale double-deck mushroom masterpiece, including a live operation of a helper district over a snowy pass, and the second will be Bill Busacca with a presentation on his […]
“Unit Grain Trains, Burlington Northern Railroad, 1980 – 1990 Era” presented by Bob Stafford. Lobby opens at 6:45
The modelling work of Clint Brown https://zoom.us/j/96629177665?pwd=SUpYU2l4NzF0YlpTbUZIS3BOOWpOQT09 Meeting ID: 966 2917 7665 Passcode: 254053
"Skagit Valley Lines - Layout Tour/Progress Report" presented by Jim Betz.