Eastside Virtual Clinic will be held on THURSDAY, September 16, 2021 at 7:00 PM (lobby opens at 6:45 PM ) PDT
With the cooler days of fall beckoning, it’s time to return to our train rooms as well as the fall and winter line up of 4D sponsored Clinics. So, I’d like to invite everyone to the first Eastside Clinic of the 2021 – 22 season to be held virtually on ZOOM this Thursday, September 16, starting at 7:00 PM with our virtual lobby opening at 6:45 PM. Be sure and save the date for the September Eastside Clinic this Thursday! The log in info for the clinic is below.
Topic: Eastside Clinic for September 2021
Time: September 16, 2021, 06:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 6046 5420
Passcode: 170492
Our Clinic this month will be “Comparing HO and OO Scales” presented by Robin Peel. Robin will be discussing and comparing the similarities and differences between HO and OO scales. I’m sure that if you’ve ever wondered what the differences are between the two scales (because they are similar), then Robin will be able to clear up any confusion you might have.
After the Clinic, there will be an opportunity for everyone to show off their latest model work that they’ve been working on over the summer in our “Show and Brag” event.
Alex Brikoff, 09/14/2021
What is half a millimeter between friends?
That was a trick question, wasn’t it? You had me scratching my head for about two seconds!