JJ Johnston

Let us all take a moment to remember our legendary modeler, Paul Scoles, MMR, who passed away Friday morning following a difficult surgery. Paul has been a trusted friend and a generous mentor to many of us. As you may know, Paul presented several clinics at our Eastside group and has allowed us to visit his amazing Sn3 home layout on several occasions.

This Thursday, May 15, is our last scheduled meeting until September. Our guest presenter this Thursday will be noted modeler and Inside Gateway famous hobby store owner, Steve Depolo. Known for his extensive modeling talents and his scenery expertise, Steve will share the stunning methods he uses to age and weather models.

Of course we will offer the Model of the Month Showcase, bring stuff to sell or buy at the best known RR Mart around, coffee and donuts organized by CJ Turner, welcome by Ambassador Clay Hanson and the video library may also be available for rentals. We start at 7:30 in the BellevueFoursquareChurch so be there early to make sure you get an apple fritter.

PS: Following last month’s clinic on coal loads presented by our favorite newsperson, Glenn Farley, Lee Marsh (our presenter from the previous month) posted this photo of his coal load he modeled using Glenn’s techniques. Sweet!

See ya Thursday.

Lee Marsh's coal load

Lee Marsh’s coal load