JJ Johnston

Thirty-two attended the Eastside Get-Together. We had the normal introductions of JJ’s VIPs and three new attendees introduced: Jack Hunter from Bellevue with American Flyer S gauge; Paul Koren, recently moved from Portland to Mount Vernon, in HO; and Aaron Hunt, getting started in HOn3. Aaron also became a door prize winner later in the meeting!

Announcements included: an update on Pacific Science Center show activities from David Yadock; Rob Jones is now working at Eastside Trains and offers a discount to NMRA members; Russ Segner commented that the 2014 PNR convention already has about 25 registrations, three prototype tours available, and the website up and running, including online registration; Russ also mentioned he was doing a model railroad presentation at the Newcastle Library on this weekend at the request of the library. As new 4D Superintendent, Russ said that he’s looking for way to improve communication among the 4th Division members and is setting up a small committee to look at ways to do it.

As usual at this time of year, the group took up a collection to help repay the Church where we meet for their great hospitality in providing the room and kitchen facilities for us. Our donation goes to help several needy members of the Church, especially at Christmas time.

JJ also reminded us that next month would be the Dirty Santa gift exchange and to bring our “gift” wrapped and marked as to category: N, HO, S, O, any or whatever.

George Chambers, MotM Winner
George Chambers, MotM Winner

The contest had three entries: David Yadock with a modified HO Proto-Lifelike flat car with a corrugated pipe load made of aluminum foil wrapped around a carriage both and very carefully “unscrewed”; George Chambers with a modified Bachman On3 steam donkey mounted on a modified Rio Grande Models flat car; and Bob Rorabaugh with a UP switcher that needed a lot of work to get it working – hand-made handrails, clean wheels, rewiring, etc. The winner was George Chambers.

David Yaddock's scratchbuilt freight station

David Yaddock’s scratchbuilt freight station

David Yadock also brought in a scratchbuilt freight station model for AP assessment and earned a Merit Award after Di Voss, MMR, and Max Maginness, MMR, evaluated it. Congratulations, David!

Brian Pickering, Decoder Pro Expert

Brian Pickering, Decoder Pro Expert

Our clinic was “Decoder Pro How To,” presented by Brian Pickering. He explained that Decoder Pro was a free program designed to take the mystery out of programming decoders. It translates Configuration Variables (CV’s) into English and uses various screens for the programming. An interface box of some kind (depending on your DCC system) is required to connect your computer to your DCC system. He used the example of assigning or changing the address of an engine. Using the computer and projector, we could see the Decoder Pro screen and the ease of making the change. He also demonstrated the changing the direction of the engine in case the wiring on the motor was reversed without having to rewire the engine by letting the decoder handle it. Brian answered any questions as they came up and also showed how the lighting on engines could be programmed using Decoder Pro. He emphasized that once the changes are done on Decoder Pro, they are saved in the program so you always have that record. There was more Brian wanted to demonstrate, but we ran out of time so he will reschedule a date in the next several months to continue.

Door Prizes

Door Prizes

Here’s a picture of our door prize selection for the evening. Something for almost anyone!

Next Eastside Get-Together will be on December 19! Don’t forget your “Dirty Santa” gift!