Ed Liesse

JJ Johnston welcomed 28 attendees to the Eastside Get-Together with his usual introductions of his “VIPs,” officers and committee chairs of 4th Division and MMRs in attendance. No new attendees this month.


Announcements were from David Yadock asking for volunteers to help at the Pacific Science Center show on Martin Luther King weekend in January, Friday night for set-up through Monday night tear down. If you can spare a few hours any time during that weekend, let David know. Russ Segner announced that he had several items for a silent auction the proceeds of which would go to the Christmas collection for the church. Several members of the church will be the recipients of our collection. The final count on the collection was $901. Thanks to all who contributed! Roger Ferris (it was good to have him with us!) brought a number of engines from his personal collection that were available for purchase, as he is thinning out his HO equipment. RailFun, Roger’s estate handling group, will be having a sale of Jim Noonan’s narrow gauge equipment and some other small collections, probably at Jim’s home sometime soon.


Watch the Grab Iron for date, time and place. Bob Rorabaugh announced that Ross Jacobus is in hospice at one of his daughters in Port Townsend. He has been asked to lead a memorial service when the time comes and is asking anyone who knew Ross for any anecdotes, memory or story about Ross. Let him know at rorabough@msn.com, please.


The model of the month had several entries, but not all were for judging. David Yadock brought two 20-tm coal towers, scratchbuilt from one photo of the coal tower, interpolating the other views. Di Voss brought an electronic level he used to solve a de-railing problem with a super-elevated curve coming off a trestle changing direction to another super-elevated curve. The level indicated the severity of the change causing the car trucks to ride over the top of the rail at the change of direction. Sherman Stevens brought in a copy of the magazine Seattle Met which had a article about Al Lowe and his modeling. (Editor: Actually the article was supposed to be about the Pacific Science Center show!) Bob Rorabaugh had a box of vehicles he had picked up at swap meets (along with keeping his eyes open for parts) that he modified and/or detailed for upgrading to useful trucks and cars.


After a short break, Santa JJ took over and explained the “rules” for the Dirty Santa exchange. Since David Yadock won the model of the month, he had the first opportunity to select a “gift.” The selections went pretty smoothly until several items caused some stirring among the attendees still waiting for their names to be drawn. This resulted in some “stealing” from previous selectors. It all made for a fun evening of Dirty Santa exchanges!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the members of the 4th Division from the Eastside Get-Together! See you January 16, 2014!