Article and Photos by Syd Schofield
4th Division, Eastside Get Together South Branch (Renton) Clinic, Tuesday November 22, 2016
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday we moved the meeting night up from the usual fourth Thursday to the fourth Tuesday. Russ Segner convened the gathering at 6:30 pm as we were in the Renton Highlands library and they are rather set in their ways on available conference room hours. These are very nice KCLS (King County Library System) facilities for meetings, but due to scheduling difficulties, the location may change for future meetings. There will be a Grab Iron post when that happens.
Sandy Webster brought a very nice award-winning model (for a box-motor) for “Show and Tell”. There was a short round-robin telling of tales and current projects before the main presentation.
The program featured a slide show of Dave Yadock’s very large basement HO scale layout set around the 1950 era with mostly (and correctly) steam power. The layout has many areas of floor-to-ceiling mountain scenery for the HO and HOn3 railroads. The project was inspired by the late pioneer John Allen (and his famous layout the Gorre & Daphetid), with license to Dave’s personal touch. Dave narrated the picture tour of the layout in the present state as well as the development phases. He is operating with DigiTrax DCC on mostly code 70 rail.

Sandy Webster’s model, which won an award at Selkirk Express 2016 (PNR convention) in Salmon Arm, BC
Dave is always interested in volunteers for the Pacific Science Center model railroad show in January. Click here for details and contact information.
The December Renton Clinic date will be announced in the Grab Iron as plans are finalized (the fourth Thursday is close to the Christmas holiday). Click here for general clinic information, including maps.
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