Ed Liesse, Photos by Ed Liesse

JJ Johnston welcomed everyone to the first Eastside Get-Together for 2015 and, as is his custom, introduced the members of the 4th Division Board of Directors and the MMRs (Master Model Railroaders) in attendance. He then reported that we had collected $772 for our Christmas gift to the church and helped 4 members in need. The church minister also thanked us for our gift and further details of how the gift was utilized.

The announcements included Russ Segner (speaking for David Yadock, PSC show coordinator) and Bob Rorabaugh asking for additional PSC show volunteers (editors note: we had a successful PSC show this year, please see the previous Grab Iron article); Robin Peel mentioned that there were 130 people signed up to attend the upcoming Sn3 Symposium in April but there was room for more; Russ Segner as 4D Superintendent reported he had met with Stu Rogers about the 4D Video Library and will meet with several others to review what’s in stock and what tapes needed to be converted to CD/DVD’s; Russ also mentioned the 4D Board will be considering locations for a Spring Meet, possibly in May and will be looking for a location – Lynnwood, Everett, Mt. Vernon? He’s open to suggestions.

The “Model of the Month” had six entries this time:

Paul Pellegrino had a custom painted N scale Cascades Talgo train painted with original DuPont paint.

Paul Pellegrino Amtrak Cascades

Paul Pellegrino Amtrak Cascades

Paul Pellegrino Amtrak Cascades

Paul Pellegrino Amtrak Cascades

CJ Turner had the second of his buildings of Seattle, the original UPS Store where UPS got its start.

CJ Turner Original UPS Store

CJ Turner Original UPS Store

Mike Donnelley showed powdered rock that could be used for loads or other scenes around the layout.

Mike Donnelley Powdered Rock

Mike Donnelley Powdered Rock

George Chambers brought in an old style tank car built on a flat car modeled in brass (for display only).

George Chambers Brass Tank Car

George Chambers Brass Tank Car

Russ Segner lugged in his On30 module used for talks on Model Railroading at his local library (and also on display at the PSC show at the membership booth).

Russ Segner On30 Module

Russ Segner On30 Module

Sharon Ricketts displayed copies of photos from a book she had read and told a related story – after obtaining the copies from the book’s author she learned that he had lost the original pictures in a flood.

Sharon Ricketts Shows Photos From Book

Sharon Ricketts Shows Photos From Book

Sharon Ricketts Shows Photos From Book

Sharon Ricketts Shows Photos From Book

After our usual short break for refreshments, JJ introduced Dave Kreitler and his presentation of “Modeling with Paper and Playing Cards”.

Dave Kreitler presenting "Modeling with Paper and Playing Cards"

Dave Kreitler presenting “Modeling with Paper and Playing Cards”

Dave Kreitler and his presentation of "Modeling with Paper and Playing Cards"

Dave Kreitler and his presentation of “Modeling with Paper and Playing Cards”

Dave said that his inspiration for trying this technique came from seeing a video of “Coast Line Railroad” modeled by Troels Kirk of Sweden. The natural look of the colors on the layout led him to look further for information on Troels work. He found he was an artist and found several references to his work and his ‘realistic color’ techniques. Several pictures were shown depicting the work of the artist that demonstrated the naturalness of the colors in his paintings. One picture showed the sketch made of a lighthouse scene and then the finished model made from paper.
Dave then went on to identify the materials he used to make paper buildings. The basic materials he used were blank playing cards or blank flash cards, styrene and / or basswood and aluminum foil (roofing). The usual mix of normal modeling tools – X-Acto type knife with new, sharp blades, straight edge for trimming, measuring tools, etc., plus paints (he used acrylics), and adhesives (ACC and transfer tape). Additional tools he found useful were a paper trimmer that uses a knife on a track and a rotary cutting tool commonly used to cut fabric. He also provided sources for card stock.

The process he followed was to: color the paper; cut the wall backing; cut strips; attach strips to walls, assemble the building; add roofing; finish trimming. He showed the various steps though photos and passed around some examples. All of this was being done in N scale.

Dave Kreitler final slide from "Modeling with Paper and Playing Cards"

Dave Kreitler final slide from “Modeling with Paper and Playing Cards”

For more on the work of Troels Kirk, visit his website or Google him. For more information on Dave’s clinic, e-mail him at davek@northbendeng.com for a copy of the PowerPoint presentation.

CJ Turner was (again) the winner of the Model of the Month!

The next Eastside Get-Together will be on February 19. Our guest speaker will be Steve Cox of Cascade Rail Supply and his topic will be everything to do with Homasote roadbed, including many kinds of applications and products in multiple scales. For Eastside Get-Together location and other information, see 4D Clinics page.