Aritcle & Photos By Russ Segner
Our clinic is set for October 27 at 7PM . It is a Zoom meeting. The link is posted below.
We will take time to discuss what you are modeling, talk about upcoming events and have a clinic.
Our clinic will be about my model of the Coal Creek Lumber Mill which is the major scene on my layout.

Constructing Coal Creek Lumber Co. Mill
The Coal Creek Lumber Company mill is the major feature of my layout. It is totally scratch built and was inspired by photographs of a mill in north central California. I drew plans for the structure as well as made drawings for the layout of machinery and lumber handling.
The clinic will discuss my research to accurately model all the associated structures and trackage. So, here is a list of things I will discuss:
- The prototype
- The plans
- The overall mill site
- Log dump
- Dam and Pond
- Trackage
- Boiler House
- Green Chain
- Dry storage
- Oil supply track and building
- Office and dispatch building
- The mill itself
- Substructure pilings and floor
- Roof trusses
- Walls and windows
- Interior lighting
- The dock and loading platforms
Here is the link:
Topic: Eastside Clinic October 27
Time: Oct 27, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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