Al Lowe

After serving as your Grab Iron editor for the past ten years and webmaster for eleven, it’s time for me to move on and let some younger blood bring in fresh ideas.

Cliff Green

Cliff Green

I’m pleased to report that Cliff Green has agreed to be our new young blood. Cliff is a professional computer programmer and is well versed in current technology. I know he will continue to keep the 4D in the forefront of model railroad communications. Cliff has worked on the Grab Iron for over eight years; he’s the perfect man to take over this position.

Twelve years ago, we were one of the few Divisions to even have a website, but our member communication was strictly one-way. Each month, 12 paper pages arrived in members’ mailboxes, containing information up to six weeks out-of-date.

One of our first changes was to offer the Grab Iron in PDF format, emailed immediately upon publication, weeks before paper copies arrived in the mail, while saving the Division the costs of printing, addressing, and mailing. We also implemented a Division YahooGroup for email communications. But our biggest step was four years ago when Doug Bulger and I eliminated paper entirely with the Digital Grab Iron. Now, our news is disseminated instantly. Doug has agreed to stay on as the 4D’s official photographer.

I plan to stay on, too, as long as it takes to provide a smooth transition. So you may continue to email your articles (and website problems) to me or send them directly to Cliff at

And the next time you see Cliff, give him a hearty “Thank You” for stepping up to serve the Division in this important way.