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Upcoming Events

By Ken Liesse

As we head towards the end of October, I’d like to remind everyone that November is National Model Railroad Month. But why wait for railroad related events? Here are a few of the things coming up, starting this coming weekend.

This year, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) is celebrating its 40th anniversary. To celebrate, Amtrak has put together a special commemorative train with displays of Amtrak’s history. The train is appearing at King Street Station in Seattle this coming weekend (October 22-23), and will be open to the public from 10 to 4 each day. It will then move to Portland for display the following weekend. These are the only two stops the train is making in the Pacific Northwest (a slap in the face to a lot of places that have supported Amtrak over the years, but it is what it is).

The second weekend of November, the Boeing Employee’s Model Railroad Club will be putting on their annual show at the Kent Commons (corner of 4th and James in Kent). Hours for the show will be 9:30-4:00. This is always a great show and over the years has grown to take up most of the Commons. There’s usually a line to get in, so plan on arriving early to get the best deals.

November 18th is Take a Model Train to Work Day. This has turned into an annual event where model railroaders are encouraged to take a model or two to work to let their co-workers know what they do for a hobby. Some have even gone as far as taking small layouts to their workplaces to really let people see what they do with their free time. This is a great opportunity to share our hobby with others and maybe even get some more people interested in model railroading.

As mentioned previously here (thanks Walt Huston), November 19th is the day for the Tacoma Layout Tours (see previous article). There are a whole bunch of neat layouts on this tour and it will be well worth your time to stop by and visit as many as you can.

Once you’re done touring layouts, stop by the Puyallup Fairgrounds. The Great Train Expo is in town again, and there will be several modular layouts on display as well as more opportunities to lighten your wallet. The show runs Saturday & Sunday (November 19 & 20th), 10-4 both days.

In addition, don’t forget the monthly clinics that 4D sponsors throughout the division. There are several great clinics coming up next month, so you won’t want to miss the one nearest you.

Superintendent’s Message

By Ken Liesse. Photo by Brian Liesse

Hello everyone. Since I’ve held this position for a month now, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself and let you know some of the things going on in the division (better late than never, right?). For those that don’t know, my name is Ken Liesse and I am the Superintendent of 4th Division (PNR/NMRA, etc.). I came to this job in a roundabout way: I had been working closely with Dennis Hill on some division projects at the time of his death this past spring. As Assistant Superintendent, Jim Byerley then took the reins as prescribed in the division bylaws. This left the position of Asst. Supt. open with the task of filling it up to Jim. He asked me to fill in, to which I agreed. At the BOD meeting in August, Jim stepped down as Superintendent, and again following our bylaws, I became Supt.

I am a Life Member of the NMRA and have been a member of the organization for over 30 years. I have served as a Director in 4D and was also on the committee that put together the 2004 National convention here in Seattle. Many of you have probably seen my clinics on painting and manipulating figures and I regularly attend both the Tacoma and Eastside clinics. I’m also a volunteer and member of the museum in Snoqualmie and a member of the American Radio Theater, a group that recreates old time radio programs.

Now that you a little bit about me, allow me to tell you about things going on around the division.

Ed Liesse, Ken Liesse, Sue Van Gerpen, Russ Segner. Brian Liesse Photo

At the BOD meeting last month, a motion was made on behalf of Director JJ Johnston (he was playing Grandpa in California at the time) to make a donation to the Northwest Railway Museum in Snoqualmie to benefit their ongoing education efforts. The monies for this came out of the 4D education budget. The following week, Education Chair Ed Liesse, 4D member and museum volunteer Russ Segner and I presented a check for $1000 to Sue Van Gerpen, the museum’s director of marketing. I recently received a very nice thank you note from Sue on behalf of the museum, thanking the 4D and all of its members for our gift.

It’s never too early to start thinking about volunteering for the Pacific Science Center show, which will again be held over the Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend in January. Frank Dekker and Jeff Moorman are always looking for help, so plan ahead and think about donating some time to this endeavor. It is, after all, 4D’s largest source of income for the year.

There are two other big activities coming up next year that you’ll want to put on your calendars: the joint PCR/PNR Regional convention in Medford, OR May 2-5 and the Narrow Gauge convention in Seattle, Sept. 12-15. PCR conventions by themselves often rival NMRA national conventions; the combined convention should be a humdinger. The Narrow Gauge convention, although not an NMRA function, is one of the biggest model railroad conventions in the country and attracts more than just narrow gauge minded individuals. Many 4D members will be showing their layouts for this convention as well as participating in other capacities. Both of these events have web presences  Visit the joint convention at and the Narrow Gauge convention at

That’s all for now, but you can expect to hear from me again.

Superintendent Jim Byerley Steps Down

By Ken Liesse

At the 4D Board of Directors’ meeting on Aug. 27th, Jim Byerley tendered his resignation as Superintendent. Citing personal reasons, Jim felt he could not fully commit to the position he took over upon the untimely death of our previous superintendent, Dennis Hill. Jim had intended to retire from his position as Assistant Superintendent at the end of this term, but plans on continuing 4D work with the West Side Clinic.

Per the 4D By-Laws, Assistant Superintendent Ken Liesse has become Superintendent and will fill out the remainder of Jim’s term. Ken has said he will not appoint a replacement Assistant Superintendent as John Salzetti’s term in that office starts in just a few days. Sherman Stevens and Jeannie Melvin have agreed to stay on as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. No other changes to the Board or any Chair positions are anticipated.

Ken may be contacted at or 253-859-1335. The contact page on the 4D website will be changed accordingly.

General Meeting Notice

Ken Liesse

There will be a general meeting of the 4D membership immediately preceding the Tacoma Clinic this coming Thursday, June 9th. The purpose of this meeting is to approve the 4D budget for the coming year. We don’t anticipate the meeting to last too long and we’re grateful to the Tacoma Clinic for allowing us the time to take care of this important division business. All 4D members are invited and encouraged to attend this meeting.

The Tacoma Clinic is held in the Pierce County Library building, 3005 112th St. E., Tacoma WA.

Ballots for Directors

By Ken Liesse

Due to the passing of 4D Superintendent Dennis Hill, the process of getting ballots in the mail for the open Board of Director positions was derailed. The ballots are back on track and will be in the mail this week. Please read the instructions for the ballot carefully and return them according to the deadline printed on the ballot.

There are three positions up for election: Assistant Superintendent, Director Position One, and Director Position Three. Rob Jones and John Salzetti are running for Asst. Supt., while Al Lowe and Ethan “Stu” Rogers are seeking reelection for Director Positions One and Three respectively. Space for write-in candidates is available for all three races.

Dennis Hill Passes

Ken Liesse

Click for larger image

It is with deep sadness that I report the passing of 4D Superintendent, Dennis Hill. Dennis was stricken with an aneurysm in his abdomen earlier today and rushed to the hospital. Unfortunately, he had lost a lot of blood before his first surgery at 11:00 and the doctors could do nothing else for him. Dennis passed away at 5:50 this evening.

Please keep Dennis and his wife Diana in your thoughts and prayers. Diana plans a memorial service this summer, during warmer weather.

Accepting Nominations

By Ken Liesse, Nominations Chair

Once again, it’s election time in the 4th Division. This year, there are openings for three offices: Assistant Superintendent, Director Position 1, and Director Position 3. Current Asst. Supt. Jim Byerley has indicated that he will not seek another term in his office.

Your Nominating Committee is seeking individuals who would be willing to run for any of these offices. If you would like to run for one of these positions, please send a brief statement about your candidacy to any of the three members of the Nominating Committee: Ken Liesse (, Dave Liesse (, or Ed Liesse ( If you prefer to submit your statement via USPS, please send it to the 4D Nominating Committee, P.O. Box 5072, Kent, WA 98064. This statement must be signed and should include your qualifications, why you are running, and an affirmation that you are willing to run for the office. We will accept a full name printed at the bottom of an electronic communication as a signature. Statements not including a signature will not be accepted.

As stated in the 4th Division By-laws, these nominations and statements should be in the committees’ hands by March 1st. However, by Board action at the February 26th meeting, this deadline has been extended to March 31st.

4D Election Results are In

Bobj Berger, 4D Ballot Chair

The 2010 election results are in. Congratulations to Dennis Hill, re-elected 4D superintendent and to JJ Johnston, re-elected to the Board of Directors.

The ballot count was done the evening of July 9th at Al Carter’s home. Tabulation was done by Bobj Berger, with callers Max Maginness, MMR #315 and Al Carter. All are NMRA-PNR-4D members in good standing.

58 ballots were received before the deadline. 11 were deemed ineligible as no member name or number were provided, including no return address or other information.

Vote Totals:


Dennis Hill: 46
Write-in   0

Director #2

JJ Johnson:46
Write-in: 0

Again: congratulations and good luck in the coming year!