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New NMRA V.P. to build stronger ties with Divisions and Regions

Al Lowe

At the national convention in Milwaukee this past summer, the NMRA created a new position, Vice President of Special Projects. Bill Kaufman, a well-known modeler in the San Francisco Bay area, is the first holder of this position.

In a recent interview with The Model Railway Show, Bill spoke to co-host Trevor Marshall about his plans to use this position to strengthen the ties between the national organization and its Divisions and Regions, including the creation of a “best-practices” manual. It’s well worth a listen.

The Model Railway Show is a free Internet-based newsmagazine show about our hobby, delivered twice monthly as a podcast on iTunes or by direct download. Each show includes two interviews on a broad range of topics and runs about 20 minutes. Bill’s interview appears in Episode 2, which is now available. For more information, including how to listen, click The Model Railway Show.

Tabooma County Is Moving

Al Carter

Tabooma County is moving North to Mount Vernon. Nona and I have put our house up for sale and have bought a new house in Mount Vernon, so the Tabooma County Railway, as we know it today, will be dismantled, and eventually rebuilt in its new location. This has been a great location for it for the past 11 years and we have enjoyed the Friday night group showing up to work on the layout and also the several open houses and tours we have hosted over the years.

If anyone is interested in taking a piece of the layout, please contact me via e-mail ( The dismantling will occur on the Saturday/Sunday after Thanksgiving, November 27/28.  I will be saving my structures, of course (my favorite part of the hobby!), but several sections that are fully sceniced are available if anyone is interested. Most of those sections are narrow shelf-type construction and removal will not be too difficult; there is the new large center section that might be a challenge to take out in one piece; however, it could be sectioned into smaller pieces. This center section is essentially just foam with streets and trackage laid out and installed – again, no structures. I will be keeping the harbor scene and the Eagle Falls scene has been spoken for.

October NMRA InfoNet News

Al Lowe

Here’s what’s been going on at HQ recently:

  • Headquarters just completed an analysis of our RailPass Program to see how many RailPass members went on to become full NMRA members. The statistics show that, since January 1, 2009, a whopping 65% have “re-upped!” That’s just about 2 out of every 3 RailPass members who’ve stayed with us. From the time the RailPass program started in 2005, about 48% have renewed … again a great statistic.

    A lot of the credit for that retention goes to everyone in our Regions and Divisions. You’re making new members feel welcome, and you’re showing them the benefits of NMRA membership. So … THANKS!

  • Huge progress is being made with Diamond Club scanning. Craig Sutherland, the man in charge of the project, reports that they have about 500 sets of diesel loco plans (average size: 24″x30″). In addition, he and Stephen Priest brought about 50 boxes of photographs (with about 700 photos each) back to Historical Archives Services (the company doing the scanning) from our Kalmbach Memorial Library. They mentioned that there are a lot of black and white steam loco shots, some early diesel shots, and a lot of photos that caused these seasoned pros to say “wow.” Stephen called the collection “an unknown treasure.”

    We’re finding out that our archives are even more vast than we thought! So if you or your members haven’t made a donation yet, please do so so we can get these railroad treasures on the web … and eventually into your hands.

  • The Winter Board Meeting is being held concurrently with the Budget and Operations meetings this year in Las Vegas at the Palace Station Hotel (about 5 miles from the airport). The Budget and Operations meetings, which are by invitation only, begin on Tuesday, February 22 at 9 a.m. The Board Meeting runs from 9 to 5 (or later) on Wednesday, February 23, and 9 to 5 (or later) on Thursday, February 24. All NMRA members are welcome to attend.
  • As you probably read in the October of NMRA Magazine, the X2011 West NMRA Convention committee is making extensive use of social media to promote their Sacramento convention. Over the next several months they’ll be posting detailed information about layout and prototype tours, clinics, sights to see, and other pertinent facts. If you haven’t visited them on Facebook or signed up to follow them on Twitter, this is the perfect time to get your feet wet and see what the “social media” buzz is all about! Both Facebook and Twitter are free.

Scanning of KML photos begins

Gerry Leone MMR, NMRA Communications Director

Railroading experts at HAS begin the daunting task of scan-ning the Kalmbach Library’s massive collection of photographs, drawings, slides, and plans. The first photos should be available online in early 2011.

If you’re a subscriber to NMRA Magazine (formerly Scale Rails) you’ve seen the “Timeframes” series of photographs printed on the magazine’s last page. Those are all shots taken from the Kalmbach Memorial Library (KML) archives. The fact is, our NMRA Library has over 100,000 images, negatives, slides, plans and drawings, and only a handful have ever been seen by NMRA members because it would have entailed making a personal trip to Headquarters in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to flip through the files.

Soon that will all change, thanks to the NMRA’s Diamond Club. The Diamond Club is a fundraiser specifically designed to support adding enhanced content to our website at The first item on the list of is scanning those 100,000 images and making them available for download.

Each of the 100,000 photos in the Kalmbach Library must be digitized, and important metadata added to each scan to aid in fast, efficient user searches. It’s a time consuming process that will be an invaluable resource to members.

The good news is that scanning of the photographs has begun! In August of 2010, Historical Archives Services (HAS), the firm the NMRA Board of Directors hired to do the scans and design the photo website, began receiving and catalog-ing shipments of photographs from KML. HAS estimates that the first batch of photographs will be available for viewing online sometime in the first quarter of 2011, after a short period of beta testing late this year.

Putting the entire library online will be a costly, time consuming task, since each photo’s listing will also contain highly detailed, searchable metadata, which is be-ing added by the railroad experts at HAS. This detailed metadata will make it easier and faster for users to find exactly the photograph they’re looking for. Cur-rent plans are to make the low-resolution thumbnails of the photographs avail-able to everyone via the website around the clock. Users will be able to download high-resolution files, and NMRA members will receive a substantial discount. Proceeds from the scans will help fund the remainder of the project and future Diamond Club web projects.

As promising as this sounds, it’s important to remember that the Diamond Club still hasn’t reached its projected goal of $75,000. If you haven’t contributed to this worthy cause, please send your donation now to The Diamond Club, NMRA, 4121 Cromwell Road, Chattanooga, TN 376421, or do it online at

BEMRRC Finds New Home

Bob Browne

The Boeing Employees Model Railroad Club, the SEATTLE AND NORTH CASCADES RAILROAD, finally has a new home. We have leased part of a building and are in the process of cleaning up the space and preparing for a new layout. The building is centrally located in Burien in the 400 block on SW 153rd St. All the materials have been moved from storage to the new location including those portions of the old layout that are to be considered for use as part of the new layout.

A new layout is in design stages and it is hoped that a first operating session may be held in late spring 2011. Making a layout do everything for everybody is difficult so initial phases are with a design committee to seek a layout that will both fit the space available and satisfy most of the desires of the membership.

Our November 13 Swap meet is on schedule with the usual first class presentation by our dealers, info on the Swap Meet will be in the Digital Grab Iron soon.

June Kreitler Passes

Dave Kreitler

I am sorry to inform you that on this past Tuesday, June Kreitler passed away unexpectedly during the night. June had been a 4D member for many years. In that time she served as Treasurer for the division as well has played a significant supporting role in events such as PSX96 and the National Convention PSX2004.

Her interests in the hobby were varied from introducing her children to American Flyer trains, to helping them build their first HO layout, to exploring N scale T-Trak modules, and more recently trying her hand at O scale craftsman kit building.

She enjoyed all the crazy things we do in this hobby such as crawling around the steam donkeys at Camp 6 to get critical measurements and stomping through the brush to get photos of some old rusting piece of iron or some building that is about to collapse – regardless of how hard it was raining.

She enjoyed riding trains too whether it be the geared triple header at Mt Rainier or taking Amtrak’s Empire Builder across the country with 4 children.

While her failing eyesight limited her modeling in recent years, she still kept track of local events and attended local train shows. She always enjoyed getting out to see what folks were doing and touch base with the model railroading community. Her spirit will be missed.

For anyone interested there will be a service Saturday evening (August 7th) at Flintoft’s in Issaquah at 7:00 p.m. The spirit of the service will be an informal celebration of her life. For directions, more information, or if you cannot make the service and would like to leave a farewell note, visit The family is asking that in lieu of flowers, anyone wishing to do so please make a charitable contribution to the King County Humane Society.

4D Election Results are In

Bobj Berger, 4D Ballot Chair

The 2010 election results are in. Congratulations to Dennis Hill, re-elected 4D superintendent and to JJ Johnston, re-elected to the Board of Directors.

The ballot count was done the evening of July 9th at Al Carter’s home. Tabulation was done by Bobj Berger, with callers Max Maginness, MMR #315 and Al Carter. All are NMRA-PNR-4D members in good standing.

58 ballots were received before the deadline. 11 were deemed ineligible as no member name or number were provided, including no return address or other information.

Vote Totals:


Dennis Hill: 46
Write-in   0

Director #2

JJ Johnson:46
Write-in: 0

Again: congratulations and good luck in the coming year!

NMRA Celebrates 75 with New Logo


Welcome to the new NMRA logo and, in many ways, the new NMRA. On its face this wheel-on-rail symbol represents the oldest of the NMRA’s objectives: interoperability. Yet, it also represents the future. It’s a symbol of our willingness to keep pace with the changes all around us. Changes in our world, in our lives, in our hobby. While it honors the achievements of the past 75 years, it commits us to the continuation of those achievements in the next 75.

Most important, our new logo is a symbol of the NMRA’s commitment to you. As your wants and needs evolve, so will we, with expanded content on our website, easier accessibility to the information in our Library and programs designed to position us well for another seven-and-a-half decades.

NMRA now replaces National Model Railroad Association and becomes our brand, just as NFL, AARP, and CBS have become brands in their respective fields. We’ve even renamed our magazine NMRA Magazine to further reinforce that brand. And our website,, will become your “portal to more fun in scale model railroading.”

So as we move into tomorrow, think of our new NMRA logo as a symbol of our promise to you – and our promises to each other – that we’ll all keep the hobby of scale model railroading alive, vibrant … and ready for the future.