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March NMRA InfoNet News

Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

News from the winter Board of Directors meeting, Feb. 8–9

The NMRA has a new Development Department Manager, charged with seeking out new donation sources and methods, and coming up with ways to expand our fundraising potential. Alan Anderson of Salt Lake City, UT, volunteered to fill the slot, which had been vacant for several years. In his full-time job, Alan works with a Salt Lake City area Chamber of Commerce.

The Cruise Convention idea was officially declared “not popular enough to pursue.” Initial estimates dictated that the idea receive 800 firm commitments from members, but only 300 were received via the survey, which was printed several times in NMRA Magazine and also sent to Sacramento convention attendees.

The NMRA is in the final stages of selecting a volunteer Marketing Department Manager. To date, several professional candidates have responded to a “help wanted” ad in NMRA Magazine. The Marketing Director will help the NMRA identify ways to retain and re-rail members, as well as recruit new ones.

Jenny Hendricks, NMRA Administration Director, reports that the number of RailPass members who convert to Regular members has reached the 80% mark. Congratulations to all of you whose hard work has made this goal a reality! Should we go for 90–100%?

The Celebration of Models in Grand Rapids will introduce a new contest award in memory of Dean Freytag, the “Dean of Styrene” and former National Contest Chair. The award is funded by a donation to the NMRA in memory of Freytag and is named “The Dean Freytag Industrial Structure Award.” The winning structure will be selected by the Contest Chairman.

Other News

White River Productions, the company that prints NMRA Magazine, announced that it has purchased the assets of the now-defunct magazine, Model Railroad News.

NMRA Secretary Bob Gangwish reports that the updated version of the Executive Handbook may now be downloaded from

MMR Max Maginness Gets National Recognition

Al Lowe

Max Maginness’s Totara Flat Railway was featured in the January-February issue of the Narrow Gauge and Short Line Gazette magazine. With beautiful photographs by the author, 4D’s own Paul Scoles, MMR, the three page article will surely convince even more people to attend the upcoming 32nd National Narrow Gauge Convention, to be held in September at Bellevue’s Meydenbauer Center.

Totara Flat models the 3½’ gauge New Zealand Railways in S scale. If you haven’t seen the February issue of the Gazette, look for it in the hobby shop. And be sure to check out the 32nd National Narrow Gauge Convention’s website,

Missing Item

Ken Liesse

There are several items that 4d has owned over the years that have – for one reason or another – gone missing. They may be in someone’s garage, packed in the bottom of a closet, or just accidentally thrown away. From time to time, questions about these items and what has become of them arise, and we all wonder “hmmmmm.”

Currently, we’re wondering about a badge maker the 4D once owned. This was a device that made, well, badges! The badges were circular, a couple of inches in diameter. The whole unit would have consisted of the badge maker itself and materials for making the badges.

If anyone knows the whereabouts of this badge maker or has more information about it, please let 4D Supt. Ken Liesse know.

PNR Pres & Vice-Pres Nominations Sought

David Faussett, PNR Nominating Chair

The success of the PNR depends on the active involvement of its members. Your active participation can make it successful.

I am requesting nominations for two officers to serve for a two-year period commencing September 1, 2012. All nominations should be forwarded to me postmarked no later than April 15, 2012. Ballots will be included in the Switchlist in May 2012.

We have many members who, through either personality or work experience or both, have effective leadership skills. Please consider contributing your talents to the future growth and success of the PNR and the hobby.

“Self nomination” is welcome! PNR leadership earns AP points toward Association Official. If you would like to be nominated or would like to nominate a candidate, please contact me right away: David Faussett, 5658 S. Yakima Ave., Tacoma, WA 98408,

February NMRA InfoNet News

Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

News from the Winter NMRA Board of Directors meeting last week

  • Tom Draper, manager of the National Train Show, reported that the number of booth sales for the show at Grand Rails 2012 is at the same relative level now as last year’s Sacramento show.
  • After a short search by the NMRA Canada Nominating Committee when Don Hillman stepped down for health reasons, Clark Kooning volunteered for NMRA Canada Director. We wish Don all the best and thank Clark for his willingness to serve at the last minute.
  • Financially, the NMRA ended 2011 in very good standing and is currently rebuilding some of its funds from which it had borrowed in the past. In addition there is currently enough money in the budget to hire an IT professional to repair, maintain, and update the NMRA website.
  • The NMRA has announced an agreement of cooperation between itself and the Model Railroad Association of China, a community of over 100,000 railfans and model railroaders. The HRMA, a relatively young organization, is interested in learning how the NMRA is organized and will promote NMRA standards in China. Members of both organizations will be able to enjoy the many benefits of each. A press release and story will appear shortly in NMRA Magazine.
  • The Board is in the initial stages of studying electronic balloting as a way of saving on postage and encouraging member participation.

More Board meeting news next month!

In other news, the Grand Rails 2012 website at has some new features:

  • A page for the Layout Design Special Interest Group
  • The Operations Special Interest Group Sign-up sheet
  • PDF copies of all of the traditional Registration forms
  • A complete list of all of the extra fare events and tours
  • A schedule of days and times for most scheduled events
  • More Sidetracks events for the non-rails
  • The Silent Auction schedule
  • The contest room schedule

Interested in the Achievement Program? I was interviewed on The Model Railway Show about it. Trevor Marshall talked to me about the hurdles and joys of my path to MMR. Episode 32 is available for listening or downloading now at or through iTunes. After March 1, it is available via the Model Railway Show’s online archive.

2012 Olympia Model Railroad Layout Tour Scheduled

Scott Buckley

Be sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, April 14th, for the Ninth Annual Olympia Model Railroad Layout Tour.

There will be at least eight layouts representing various scale and gauge combinations, including N, HO, On30 and 3/8n20. Jim Younkins’ N scale Mud Bay & Southern and Greg Wright’s 3/8n20 Consolidated Republic Mining Railroad have been featured in national publications. Most of the layouts are in various stages of construction, which will give visitors an opportunity to see each builder’s construction methods.

As with previous years, a few layouts will be open early and a few will stay open late, giving visitors the opportunity to see as many layouts as possible.

We hope that you will take the opportunity to visit our layouts. There aren’t many chances to see these many layouts at one time without spending the money to attend a convention.

Additional information, including how to request a tour map, will be provided soon. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, please contact me, Scott Buckley,

NMRA InfoNet News for January

Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

The Kalmbach Library’s immensely popular The Postwar Freight Car Fleet book has sold out.

The Grand Rails 2012 Convention still has space left for modular layouts at the National Train Show. If you want to show the world what you’ve done, contact Tom Draper, Chairman of the National Train Show, at either, or call 602-953-1681.

More Grand Rails 2012 news: They have great things planned for non-rails: a cooking demo that will make attendees think they’re watching a stand-up comedian do a cooking show; great entertainment at the luncheon in one of the most beautiful ballrooms in the country; even a ride on a dune schooner to see the 1,100 acre Saugatuck Dunes! Send your non-rail to for details.

Repeats From Recent Months

This year registration for Grand Rails 2012 will be handled in a new way: instead of the large registration package inserted into NMRA Magazine, the full package can be downloaded from Those who prefer printed paper can send their request, name and address to: GR 2012 Registrar, 4165 Costa NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525.

NMRA Elections. The official ballot was prepared by the National Nominating Committee according to the procedures laid out in the Regulations and the Executive Handbook (available at It will appear as an insert in the center of the February issue of NMRA Magazine, which will be mailed to all voting members. Ballots must be postmarked by April 10, 2012 and received at NMRA headquarters by April 15, 2012.

These jobs and candidates will appear on the ballot:


Charles W. Getz, IV, HLM

Vice President – Administration

Howard Goodwin
Clark Kooning, MMR
Dave Thornton

Vice President – Special Projects

Bill Kaufman
James “Lump” Lupfer

At-Large North American Director

Mike Brestel
Miles Hale, MMR

Eastern District Director

John Roberts, MMR, HLM

Pacific District Director

Mike Bartlett
Kelly Loyd
Rob Peterson

Woodlands Scenics Fire

Al Lowe

By now you’ve probably heard that Woodland Scenics suffered a severe fire at their facility in Linn Creek, MO. Here are some news stories with videos about the fire:

Today we learned the extent of the damage direct from Woodland Scenics:

As you may have heard we have experienced a fire here at Woodland Scenics and there is good news and bad news. The good news is that no one was hurt during the fire or evacuation process. The bad news is that it took out a couple of our manufacturing buildings. However, and fortunately, there is more good news than bad.

We encompass multiple buildings that are spread out all over the town of Linn Creek. We only lost two of those buildings and those two contained just a small portion of our manufacturing facilities. Our shipping department, warehouse and corporate offices were spared any damage, as were most of our manufacturing buildings, so it is business as usual.

Thanks for all your concerns.


Gale Cousins
Director of Sales & Customer Service
Woodland Scenics

December NMRA InfoNet News

Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

This year registration for Grand Rails 2012 will be handled in a new way. Instead of the large registration package inserted into NMRA Magazine, the full package can be downloaded from Those who prefer a printed piece can send their request, along with their name and address to: GR 2012 Registrar, 4165 Costa NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525. There will also be a registration form and ad appearing in an upcoming issue of NMRA Magazine.

Speaking of the convention, even though Grand Rails 2012 has over 200 clinic slots filled, they’re still looking for more. If one of your members is interested in presenting, go to and click on the clinic application page. In addition, there’s still some space left for modular layouts at the National Train Show. If some of your members would like to participate, have them visit the convention’s website and click on the “Contact us” link and tell the Convention Committee what you’d like to bring.

Cruise Convention News: Some of our members think the NMRA “invented” the idea of a cruise convention. The fact is, we’re just catching up! Hobby and professional groups have been doing it for quite a while, so if your members are interested in seeing the great time others are having, check out these links:

Adobe Photoshop Cruise
Harley Davidson Cruise
American Medical Association Cruise
Scrapbooking Cruise
Genealogy Cruise

NMRA elections are coming up soon. The official ballot was prepared by the National Nominating Committee according to the procedures laid out in the Regulations and the Executive Handbook (available at It will appear as an insert in the center of the February issue of NMRA Magazine, which will be mailed to all voting members. Ballots must be returned to NMRA headquarters, “Attention Ballot Committee,” and must be postmarked by April 10, 2012 and received by April 15, 2012. Here are the job titles and candidates as they appear on the ballot:


Charles W. Getz, IV, HLM

Vice President – Administration

Howard Goodwin
Clark Kooning, MMR
Dave Thornton

Vice President – Special Projects

Bill Kaufman
James “Lump” Lupfer

At-Large North American Director

Mike Brestel
Miles Hale, MMR

Eastern District Director

John Roberts, MMR, HLM

Pacific District Director

Mike Bartlett
Kelly Loyd
Rob Peterson

Vincent “Hub” Hubbert Passes

Mark Anderson

Hi-Railers Train Group Secretary

I am sad to inform you of the passing of Vincent “Hub” Hubbert on December 7th while he was on his way to the hospital by ambulance. Richard Woods, the person handling his affairs, told me that Hub (as we all knew him) had a large train collection and asked his friends in the Pierce County train group to contact someone to handle Hub’s collection. Vincent Hubbert was a member of the Hi-Railers Group and brought rolling stock with him to shows to run trains with them. He was 75.

There is presently no memorial planned for Hub. The person handling his affairs is out of town until February. When more is known, I will pass it along.

You may leave a message of remembrance at the funeral home’s website: Tuell Mackey Funeral Home.

Richard said that Hub was an only child with no family. He will be missed. You may send personal notes to Richard at 1606 Cowlitz Way, Kelso, WA 98626.