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PNW Pennsy Meeting, March 18th

David Yadock


There will be a meeting of the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society this Saturday March 18th.  The meeting will start at 12:30 pm and after the meeting we will go out to dinner at one of the local restaurants nearby.  The meeting is held at the Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive in Burien.
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Eastside Get Together

Post by Russ Segner


Our next program will feature John Morrison. John has a very large garden railway at his home in Kirkland.  He has scratch built many locomotives for his layout.

He will feature a PowerPoint slide presentation of the locomotives of the Puffing Billy Preservation Society in Melbourne Australia. This is an operating 30″ gauge railway which uses a 2-6-0 + 0-6-2 Garratt and a number of small 19th century Baldwin 2-6-2s.

G Class Engine found on The Puffing Billy web site

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Chuck Ricketts Health Report

Robert Grove

Update, Feb 21

Chuck moved to the Panorama City physical therapy complex in Lacey. His right leg is coming back under control but the right arm and fingers will take longer. Panorama will be part of his life for another 3 or 4 weeks according to the therapist. I picked him up today to visit the optometrist, pick up some new eye glasses, then a stop at his home for more clothing and re-acquaintance with Smudge the cat. Good spirits and a desire to get on with it make him the best of patients.

Original post, Feb 8

Hey everyone, Chuck Ricketts was in the hospital for a few days with pneumonia until February 1, then was readmitted with stroke-like symptoms on Friday, February 3 (according to Jim Elder). Therapy started on the stroke affected right leg and arm. As of Tuesday afternoon, Feb 7th, Chuck has been moved to the rehab section of Panorama City (in Lacey, WA).

I’m sure he would enjoy hearing from all and his cell phone (480-861-3629) is at the ready. Wish him a quick recovery.

(Editor’s note: Chuck is well known for his world class layout, which is featured every year in the Olympia Layout Tour and Oly Ops. The first picture on the front page of the 4D web site is a wharf scene from his On30 scale layout.)

Bob Rudge Passes

JJ Johnston

Update, Feb 23, 2017:

Well known vendor and modeler Bob Rudge passed away January 25th and his graveside service was held February 7th at the Tahoma National Cemetery honoring fallen service men and women. Bob had reserved a spot at the UNW Monroe Show this weekend (Feb 25-26) and his wife Emma and family members have decided to keep his commitment and run the booth. Bob was a member of the Boeing Employees Model Railroad Club. If you are attending the UNW model train show, please visit Bob’s tables and give condolences to the family. The pictures below show wife Emma receiving the American Flag and Bob’s Urn.

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Robert (Bob) Sample Passes

Gary Thurow, Superintendent 5th Division, PNR / NMRA

It is with great sadness that have to inform you of the passing of Robert (Bob) Sample. Bob passed away Tuesday, January 10th, at around 8:30 am. I do not have any details on services at this time.

He was a life member of the NMRA and a close friend. He will be greatly missed by all of us that know him.

(From Ed Liesse: According to Shirley, “he was telling jokes and his witty comments up until the end and got to be home where he wanted to be.” She also asked that we pass on the news to others as well. Shirley Sample is the current PNR Vice President and a long-time member and leader in the 5th Division. The 5th Division covers Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho, and Montana.)

Ted Becker Receives Golden Grab Iron Award for 2016

Jim Sabol, Photos by Ken Liesse

Ted Becker receiving the 2016 Golden Grab Iron Award at the 4th Division Spring Meet.

Ted Becker receiving the 2016 Golden Grab Iron Award at the 4th Division Spring Meet.

On May 14th at the NMRA/4D Spring Meet, a surprised Ted Becker was presented with the 2016 Golden Grabiron Service Award for 2016 (formerly the Man of the Year Award). Called to the podium during the annual business meeting, Ted was presented with the award by a committee of the previous years’ winners Jim Sabol, Russ Segner, and Jim Younkins. In presenting the award, committee members remarked on how easy it was to unanimously and enthusiastically select Ted as his name kept popping up for all his many and continued services to the Fourth Division.

Among those clapping loudest for Ted were several previous award recipients: Scott Buckley, J.J.Johnson, Walt Huston, Ed Liesse, Gay Liesse, Al Lowe, Jeff Moorman, Jack Hamilton, Di Voss, Gene Swanson, Dale and Diane Kraus.

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Paul Neumann and Dan Reilly Remembrances (Bremerton Northern MRR Club)

Bill Hupé

Paul Neumann and Dan Reilly, two Bremerton Northern Model Railroad Club members, will be missed.

Paul, 58, died of natural causes on May 3rd. Paul was a long time member of the BNMRR club. He was serving as Sergeant at Arms in the club at the time of his passing. Paul proudly served in the US Navy. He was a storekeeper and qualified in submarines. He retired from Puget Sound Naval Supply Center (PSNS) as a Chief Petty Officer. Paul served on board the USS Pogy SSN 647, USS Georgia SSBN 729 and the USS Louisville SSN 724. Paul was an avid railfan and was seen at hot spots taking pictures. I rode with him to the Monroe swap meet and I accused him of driving the railfan route. He was a collector and we always looked forward to his latest acquisition.

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