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Mt Vernon Clinic September 2017

by John O’Connell

The September Mt Vernon NMRA Clinic was held at 7:00 on the 14th at the Mt Vernon Senior Center. Ted Becker opened the Clinic and welcomed 13 attendees. It seems summer travels are still not completed.


October 7, 8 Lynden Swap Meet, Northwest WA Fairgrounds Saturday 9-5, Sun 10-4
October 12, Mt Vernon Clinic – Mark Malmkar, “Passenger Train Consists”
October 14, 15, Chehalis Swap Meet
October 14, 15, Chilliwack, BC Swap Meet
October 21, 4th Division Make & Take, Mt Vernon Senior Center
November 9, Mt Vernon Clinic – Ted Becker, “Bridges”
November 11, 12, Vancouver Train Expo 2017, Pacific National Exhibition Forum
November 14, Boeing Employees Swap Meet, Kent
December 14, Mt Vernon- Mini Clinics, TBA

Ted distributed a questionnaire intended to elicit areas of interest for future Clinics. A digital version will be distributed for those not able to attend tonight’s Clinic.

Tool Time

Ted shared two items of interest:
The first, a Pantograph which we all know is an instrument for copying a drawing or plan on a different scale by a system of hinged and jointed rods. Ever a railroad connection, the second definition is a jointed framework conveying an electric current to a motor from an overhead wire. Ted’s was the former.

Ted’s Pantograph

Ted’s second device was a tool for uncoupling cars in tight spaces.

Ted’s Uncoupler

What I did Last Summer

Ted, Al Carter, Tom Buckingham, Ray Vaughn, Nick Muff, Paul Koren, Mike O’Brien and Marty Day all shared what kept them busy during off season. Many brought the fruit of their efforts


Ted introduced his November Clinic topic, Bridges and briefly showed the evolution of crossing obstacles from fallen tree trunks to marvels of civil engineering. This will be very interesting!

John O’Connell introduced a brief monthly segment in which he will share his progress and challenges as he builds a Diorama for display at home.

Mike O’Brien introduced “Forest Floors,” making forest floor scatters from natural materials, which he’ll do as a clinic in December.

This is my last year as editor of the Newsletter and the Clinic Report and will pass the baton after the May Clinic. Roger Johnson’s organization and documentation of the process has made this very easy for me and I will pass it all off. Please let Ted or myself know if you would be interested. Painful to remind you of the obvious: No volunteer for editor: no Newsletter or Clinic Report.


Burien Clinic This Thursday September 28

We start again at our Burien clinic this coming Thursday.

Time: 7:00 PM

Place: Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive
425 SW 153rd Street
Burien, WA 98166

Our program will feature the recent National Narrow Gauge Convention in Denver. There must have been at least forty of us from the Northwest in attendance at the Denver Tech Convention Center.  There were lots of visits to rail sites all over Colorado as well as some stops on the way there and back.

Twenty of us chartered the Parlor Car on the Cumbres & Toltec for a beautiful ride over Cumbres Pass at 10,000 feet.  I will have good video of that trip as well as our tour of the shops at Antonito where Stathi Pappas is in charge of the rebuild of locomotive 168.

There were many fine modular groups on display and excellent model building in the contest room.  And, we visited several very nice home layouts.

We will have time for you to share what you did this summer.  So bring some pictures on a flash drive.

Hope to see many of you there.

Russ Segner

206 200 2211

Skagit Valley and Whidbey Clinic September Report

The Skagit Valley and Whidbey Clinic kicked off the season on 13 September at the Summerhill venue in Oak Harbor led by Clinic Chair, Rich Blake. Seventeen folks were in attendance breaking their long dry spell of summer activities and looking forward to a productive model railroading season.  The guest speaker for this clinic was 4th Division Superintendent Russ Segner who graciously made the trip up from the East Side.

Russ’ visit was twofold, not only to provide a presentation for us on the recent National Narrow Gauge Convention but also to officially award our own Jack Tingstad with his NMRA Master Model Railroader Certificate.  Jack achieved all the requirements for MMR this year and has been certified as MMR #591.

Jack Tingstad MMR #591 receiving his certificate from PNR 4D Superintendent Russ Segner.

Jack is the owner/trainmaster/superintendent of the HO scale “Cloud City and Western” layout located at his home in Coupeville, WA.  A nice article on his highly detailed finescale layout is located in the May 2011 issue of the Model Railroad Hobbyist E-Magazine.

After the awards presentation, Jack took the time to recognize several local clinic members that provided inspiration and assistance in his MMR achievement.  This was a nice gesture to exemplify the fact that we all work together to enjoy and accomplish our aspirations in the hobby.  Jack is an outstanding representative of the hobby and truly deserves this prestigious achievement.  Well done!

Russ Segner talking about the sights and sounds of the 37th National Narrow Gauge Convention in Denver Colorado.

We then gave the floor to Russ to present his slides and trip report from the 37th National Narrow Gauge Convention held on Aug 30th to Sep 2nd in Denver Colorado.  He started by showing some videos and talking about his visit and train ride on the Cumbres and Toltec Narrow Gauge running out of Chama New Mexico.

The scenery and well maintained locomotives were spectacular, his videos showed why this line should certainly be on everyone’s bucket list to visit. There is nothing on earth like a steam locomotive rumbling and hissing along the track, especially when it is a big outside frame K-36 Mikado.  Russ was not the only PNW guy there and was able to charter a coach for the train ride with about 20 other NNGC participants from the PNW region.  The group was also treated to a shop tour with Stathi Pappas who many may know as the former Chief Mechanical Officer of both the Mount Rainier Scenic Railway and the Northwest Railway Museum Snoqualmie.  Stathi now heads the equipment restoration efforts at the Cumbres and Toltec.

1:1 Scale #487 K-36 outside frame Mikado now running on the Cumbres and Toltec.

We then saw some photos of the Colorado Model Railroad Museum in Greely Colorado and also Harry Brunk’s restored Hon3 Colorado and Southern layout at the Union Pacific Depot Museum in Cheyenne Wyoming.  Harry Brunk was a frequent contributor to the Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazette for many years detailing his layout building adventures.   He is naturally compared to John Allen in that he devoted every inch of real estate and every minute of time to model railroading producing very realistic and detailed scenes.

Russ then showed and described many of the layouts that were visited as part of the convention.  Unlike the NMRA National Conventions, the NNGC shuts down the exhibit and vendor areas during the “tour” times.  This ensures everyone has a chance (including the vendors and exhibitors) to go see layouts without the pressure of possibly missing something else going on at the convention venue. The layouts shown included everything from Fn3 (1:20.3) all the way down to a miniscule Nn3 scale logging layout.  He also showed some of the contest models and modules which were all highly detailed.

One of the things that these conventions are famous for are the very interesting clinics presented by some of the best modelers and railroad historians in the world.  Russ talked about some of the clinics and showed some pictures of a particularly interesting one on structure building using traditional materials like strip wood and paper to make contest winning type models (what? People still do that?).  In the world of laser cut this and 3d printed that it is sometimes refreshing to see modelers who can still execute traditional craftsman skills to a high contest winning standard with just basic materials and tools.

Craftsman scratchbuilding clinic examples from the NNGC.

Although narrow gaugers are still somewhat of a minority in the hobby, their modeling skill and layouts are certainly a major inspiration for any type of modeler.  Russ’ presentation was a fine tribute to the fine modeling going on in the narrow gauge world and was enjoyed by everyone.  The National Narrow Gauge Convention happens every year in different parts of the country.  It should be on any model railroaders list of things to do at least once, twice or several times in their lifetime.  The next one is in Minneapolis 2018 and after that in Sacramento 2019.   A mostly full list with links to future and previous National Narrow Gauge Conventions is located here.


September Tacoma Clinic

Dale G Kraus

Thirty-two modelers gathered at the Pierce County Library admin building to kick off the 1017/18 season.  Emcee Gene Swanson  welcomed  all of us and introduced two newcomers.

The clinic topic for this month was  DC and DCC troubleshooting, presented by Mike Shaw.  Mike used a simple reversing loop display to demonstrate the  wiring differences  between the two, and how to avoid short circuits and detect and correct them if they occurred. The presentation was complete with a detailed handout. He showed us a handy device which can be made with a buzzer and a 9V battery which  will detect any shorts by buzzing. Use it before all the feeders are hooked up to the DCC system.  Mike’s handout is comprehensive and shows how to find DC or DCC shorts.

Four models were presented in the modeler’s showcase.

An Sn3 flat car by Paul Vaughn.

The Norfolk and Western business car Ohio State University  by Dale Kraus

A craftsman kit-built N scale industry by Dennis Reeve. (Model of the Month)

A brass HO Bessemer and Lake Erie  0-10-0  detailed and modified by Scott Taylor.


The October Clinic will be held at the Puyallup Community Baptist Church, 1318 9th Ave SW, Puyallup WA 98371.




Message to…

by Al Turnbull

First and most importantly – We hope all is well with you, your family and friends, and our thoughts and support go out to those impacted by the recent events.

The computer is (hopefully) fixed, software loaded (again) and I found a few of those emails I seem to have misplaced.

So down to business.

The clinics and local meetings are now in full swing.  I hope you will be able to get out to these and enjoy the camaraderie, maybe learn a couple of new tricks and use the opportunity for sharing your expertise with others.
My hope is that this will continue to be an informative forum and a source for the 4th Division members (present and future) to turn to and a way we can keep abreast of the happenings around the area.  I am looking forward to your support for providing news, articles and features to be included here.

So if you have ideas, articles or events scheduled forward them on to me.
As Russ stated send them to .

We’ll also be working at getting the rest of the website modified, updating the links and bringing the calendar up to date.  I’ll be reaching out to the various groups to get the information for events.  If you note any errors or discrepancies please let me know.

Thanks again to all who have welcomed me as the new editor for the Grab Iron.  Take care and please keep in touch.

North Seattle Clinic This Week

We begin the fall season this Thursday evening at the north Seattle Clinic. The meeting starts at 7:00 at:

Ronald United Methodist Church
17839 Aurora Ave N
Shoreline, WA 98133

This will be Jeff Moorman’s last meeting which he has led for so many years. He is moving north, so we are working hard to replace him. Thanks, Jeff, for all the effort keeping things going in north Seattle.

The program will be reports from the recent National Narrow Gauge Convention held in Denver. I counted over thirty from our area. Rail events included the Durango & Silverton, Cumbres & Toltec, the Georgetown Loop, the Royal Gorge Excursion and many other great experiences.

Come and share videos and photos with those of us who were there.

Russ Segner

Tacoma Clinic

The Tacoma Clinic kicks off the season on
September 14 at 7:00 PM in the
Pierce County Library Admin building
3005 112th St E, Tacoma 98446. 

Plan to attend and meet old and new friends and fellow modelers.

Don’t forget to bring those models you’ve been building this summer and show them off for us.

New Grab Iron Editor

We now have a new editor of the Grab Iron. Al Turnbull has stepped forward to fill the vacancy created when Cliff Green resigned. Cliff gave us a lot of fine leadership in dealing with the website and making sure that the Grab Iron did it’s job communicating with our membership. I thank him for his contribution.

Al is known to many of us who regularly participate at the Science Center Show. Al has built and exhibited several portable layouts specifically designed to help visitors understand how our layouts and modules are constructed, scenicked and operated. He has strong computer skills and understands what it takes to get our message out.

We encourage members to contribute articles about their modeling, layouts and rail interests. So, Al is ready to work with you in getting things published in the Grab Iron. Submit materials to him at:

Welcome Aboard, Al

What Did You Do This Summer

A trip to old Durango where I rode the Cinco Animas, a business care built in the 1880’s.  The car rides at the end of the first daily train to Silverton.  The car was built with berths for eight with a galley and viewing lounge.  The platform is extra large and easily accommodates four for photos and watching the marvelous scenery along the Animas River.

Silverton is an old mining town which comes alive with thousands of daily visitors in the summer and slumbers with only 300 souls in the winter.  There are lots of shops and some very authentic leather craft shops.  My friend, Dale Kreutzer and I had a great lunch at the Grand Imperial Hotel before boarding the train for the return to Durango.  It was a great six hours well spent.

Here is a link to a video of part of the return trip.

Post an article and some photos of one of your rail adventures. Send it to me or to our new Grab Iron Editor, Al Turnbull at
