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Tacoma Layout Tours

There will be a Tacoma area layout tour taking place on April 14th. It will run from 9:00am to 4:00pm. There are currently 6 layouts with a potential for 2 more. If you are interested in attending, contact Greg Price via email Information and directions will be sent to you by Friday the 13th.

Greg Price
Matheson & Western RR

Eastside Get Together – March Report

by Syd Schofield

The Ides of March 2018 National Model Railroader Association Pacific Northwest Region 4th Division Redmond, East Side Get-Together, Clinic commenced at 7:15 Thursday evening at the Lake Washington Institute of Technology, second floor, 6505 176th Ave. N.E, Redmond, next to Marymoor Park. Russ Segner stood in for the temporarily absent Alex Brikoff to manage the gathering and programs.

After introduction of guests and visiting dignitaries, announcements and upcoming events of interest, the group took a short break before the evening program, Bring and Brag and door prize drawings.

C. J. Turner and Didrik Voss gave a presentation on 3-D printing and the supporting software management. The process described is heavily dependent on personal computing, guidance of robotic machinery and the deposition of a heated plastic extrusion to build objects.
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Burien Clinic

Installation/tuning/preparing decoders
Brian Pickering
The 4th Division of the PNR/NMRA will host Brian at our Burien Clinic at the Pacific Northwest Railroad Archives this Thursday March 22 at 7:00 pm.

Come and learn how to set up your locomotive for better operation with decoders. Brian Pickering is expert in electronics and ‘DecoderPro’ in particular. He will have a test track set up for HO locomotives and will demonstrate how to use your computer with DecoderPro to give locomotives realistic control and sound.

Location: 425 SW 153rd St, Burien next door to the Boeing Model Railroad Club.

Bring a model to share or a picture of a project you are currently working on.
So, join us and bring your questions.

Russ Segner – 206 200 2211

Mt Vernon and Skagit Valley / Whidbey Island Joint Clinic

By Al Carter

SECOND ANNUAL JOINT CLINIC – April 14, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

All are invited to Mount Vernon on April 14 for the second annual joint program of the Skagit Valley / Whidbey Island and the Mount Vernon clinics.  Rather than having an agenda of set clinics throughout the day, the format we employ is to have several tables set up with chairs around it, with a “clinician” actively working on a subject, demonstrating techniques, answering questions, etc.  This is sort of an “up close” format, and in some cases, attendees may get to try certain techniques themselves.

Also, we will have a “swap area” where people can bring items for sale/trade/free.  We did this last year and it was hugely successful.  No charge for table rent, as we are not looking to commercialize this.  You must put your name and price on each item.  You do not have to stand by your table; you should be easily able to find the owner of something if you are interested in it.

The location for this event is again at the Mount Vernon Senior Center, 1401 Cleveland Street, Mount Vernon This is easily accessed from the Kincaid Street exit off of I-5.  West on Kincaid Street to Cleveland, and turn left (south) and go several blocks to the senior center on your right.

Note:  access is only through the rear door – the front door must remain locked.

Doors open at 9:00. Come in, have a cup of coffee and chat with old friends before the morning session begins!

No lunch is provided – you are on your own.  There is one “walk up” burger joint a few blocks away; otherwise, eating places are a mile or so north in Mount Vernon.  Or, bring your brown bag lunch – an eating area is provided.

Below is a list of “clinicians” and their subjects.  Most of these will either be morning or afternoon sessions, although some may continue from the morning into the afternoon session.   Schedule subject to revision.

Morning Session, 10-12 am:

  • Tom Buckingham – General layout construction, mounting Tortoise switch machines from above, joining Masonite, bending Micro Engineering flex track, layout lighting using LED’s–strip and flood.
  • Alan Murray – Precision wood construction techniques
  • Rich Blake – Hand laid track technique and servo control installation for turnout
  • Tom Hawkins, Scenery Methods with Ground Goop

Afternoon Session, 1-3 pm:

  • Cliff Aaker, Rocks and Roads
  • Al Carter – Building Hydrocal Structures
  • Mark Malmkar, Electrical Details for Structures
  • Ted Becker – Decoder Pro, Locomotive programming, Arduino.

This is a very informal get together with some outstanding modelers sharing their talents, techniques, and secrets.  We would love to have you join us!

If you have a topic that you would like to demonstrate, please contact Ted Becker (  It is not too late to add someone – we can set up more tables.  Remember, though, that these are not traditional “classroom” type of clinics, but more casual, live demonstrations of various techniques.

Al Carter


by David Yadock

The PRRT&HS will be having their meeting on March 31st. This will be the first meeting of 2018 and will be very interesting. Bill Meyers will be giving an “in depth” presentation on the PRR L1 class Mikado. If you have seen any of his other locomotive presentations you will know that this is something you shouldn’t miss.
We will also be mourning the loss of the PRR to the Penn Central merger. This year marks the 50th anniversary of that event. A few short videos will be presented on the subject. If there is time we may also view a video of the famous Horseshoe Curve.
The meeting will be starting promptly at 12:30 pm and lasts till about 5 pm. It is held at the Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive in Burien (425 SW 153rd St. Burien, WA). After the meeting, we usually go to dinner at either Vince’s or Angelo’s.


Even if you are a New York Central fan you are welcome to come to the meeting!

March Tacoma Clinic Report

Dale G. Kraus

Photos by author

March 8 found a full house at the Tacoma Clinic for our last meeting at the Pierce County Library annex.  We will be moving in April to PARADISE BOWL, 12505 PACIFIC AVENUE, TACOMA WA, 98444.  The meeting will start at 7PM, but you can come early and have a burger at their restaurant if you wish.

The March clinic was presented by Wain Miller.   Wain explained how he was using  Plexiglas to make control panels for Mike Highsmith’s  Rainier Great Western.   Automotive pin-striping tape is used to make mirror-image diagrams of the track on the “back” side of the  panel.   A base color (he used red) is sprayed over the  diagram and the tape is then peeled off the Plexiglas.  After the paint has set, contrasting colors (yellow and blue) are then sprayed over the unmasked areas.  When dry, holes are drilled for the control buttons and indicator LED’s and the finished panel is framed.  This is a fine clinic which deserves wider presentation.  How about taking it to the Portland PNR convention, Wain?

Five modelers brought their work for the modeler’s showcase.

Scott Taylor: Kitbashed HO fuel oil tank

Jim Clowers:  Detailed HO Kit

Gene Swanson: HO OOCL piggyback trailers

Leo Scafturon:  HO yard office ( Model of the Month)

Paul Vaughn:  3D printed HO locomotive side-frames and parts.


Burien Clinic – All About DCC – March 22

by Russ Segner

Our meeting this month features Brian Pickering presenting:
“Installation/tuning/preparing decoders”.

We meet at the Pacific Northwest Railroad Archives at 7:00.
Location:  425 SW 153rd St, Burien next door to the Boeing Model Railroad Club. The Program will feature lots of really great information on Digital Command Control, focusing on installation of decoders and how to set them up for your operation.   Brian is expert in electronics and ‘DecoderPro’ in particular.  He will have a test track for HO locomotives and I am bringing a new NP switcher to tweak for operation at the Boeing club.  He is very active with the HO Modular group.
Please bring a model or photographs to share.

March 2018 Eastside Get Together Clinic – Redmond

by Alex Brikoff

The March 2018 Eastside Get Together Clinic will meet on March 15, 2018.
Don’t forget that the Clinic is at the:
Lake Washington Institute of Technology, Redmond Campus
6505 176TH AVE NE, Rm. 202
REDMOND WA 98052-4930

Doors Open at 7:00 PM and Meeting starts promptly at 7:15 PM

We will begin by mentioning any noteworthy, upcoming model railroad and railfan events in the area. We will also have our Model of the Month contest and Rail Photo of the Month contest. So, please bring your best models and photos for the contests! Winners will have first choice of many fine items from our Door Prize table.

Our clinic this month will be “3D Printing Workflow for Model Railroads” and jointly presented by Di Voss and C. J. Turner. This clinic will be an introduction to 3D printing and the required materials, processes and techniques that can be used. More and more modelers are using this relatively new and increasingly inexpensive technology to easily create various parts for their projects. Your imagination is the only limit to what can be created with 3D printing. Come and learn about this exciting new tool for modelers!

We will have refreshments and snacks available. We’ll also have a great selection of Door Prizes to give away at the end of the clinic. See you there!!


by David Yadock

I have been selected as the Chairman of the Nominating Committee for the 4D election. There are two positions opening up in the upcoming 4D elections. These include the 2 year term for Superintendent and also the 2 year term for Board of Director (BOD). They are very important positions and I am looking for candidates to fill them. This is your chance to take an active role in the direction the 4D. Yes, these positions require individuals to volunteer their time but it also gives the opportunity to see how active the 4D members are in their model railroad communities.
If you are interested in becoming either a BOD member or the Superintendent of the 4D let me know. Don’t sit on the sidelines, become involved! Please submit your name and a short statement about yourself. You can email this information to
I will be accepting submissions till March 16th 2018.