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Skagit Valley & Whidbey Island Clinic on Sep 9th will be a Blast (of Dynamite)

Al Frasch

We will be getting the 2015 – 2016 SV&W clinic season going with a discussion of a real railroad, the DuPont Dynamite Narrow Gauge Railway, named as such because it hauled … wait for it … dynamite! Russ Segner, our 4th Division Superintendent, will come up to Oak Harbor to discuss the railway and how one could use it as a prototype for a model railroad layout. Should be very enlightening!
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A Narrower View – Exceptions

Syd Schofield

Editors note: Welcome to the sixth article of a series on narrow gauge by Syd Schofield. The previous article is available by clicking here, or by filtering with the category “Narrow Gauge”. Syd welcomes discussions and feedback, which can be made by clicking on the comment link at the bottom of the post.

Most of the narrow gauge railroads were driven by the advantages of scale. The ability to negotiate tighter curves, smaller tunnels and bridges, narrower roadbed preparation and shorter ties were the chief advantages for narrow gauge lines over standard gauge railroads and became the chief reasons for being. The disadvantages of the accompanying smaller equipment were compensated by longer trains and more frequent service. However, in some remote regions, sparsely populated by industries and humanity, the cheaper infrastructure became the sole advantage as volumes to be transported were thin.

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A Narrower View – Feeding the Dragons

Syd Schofield

Editors note: Welcome to the fifth article of a series on narrow gauge by Syd Schofield. The previous article is available by clicking here, or by filtering with the category “Narrow Gauge”. Syd welcomes discussions and feedback, which can be made by clicking on the comment link at the bottom of the post.

The common sources of energy for heat engines have been wood, coal, and petroleum products. These carbon based fuels combine with oxygen at a sufficient temperature for a continuous release of heat. In the railroading scheme of things this heat is then converted to mechanical energy to provide locomotion. Since the system for this activity is self-contained, adequate carriage must be provided for the conversion mechanism and the fuel for a reasonable distance of travel. Provisions must be made along the route for replenishment.

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A Narrower View – Private Lines

Syd Schofield

Editors note: Welcome to the fourth article of a series on narrow gauge by Syd Schofield. The previous article is available by clicking here, or by filtering with the category “Narrow Gauge”. Syd welcomes discussions and feedback, which can be made by clicking on the comment link at the bottom of the post.

When a business enterprise has to only deal with the immediate needs of the business, moving the business materials, construction, maintenance, and (sadly) deconstruction, the operating plans will most likely differ from the common carrier. Dedicated consists that remain coupled or run back and forth without turning around, along with equipment sized for the cargo, grades, clearances, fuel, water and crew availability all result in the probable lack of need for dining cars or sleepers with clean linens. Special configurations and equipment such as cableways, funiculars and cog railroads as well as unit trains provide some interesting possibilities in modeling.

The lumber and mining companies were typically short-term operations lasting only as long as the forest lease or mine claims were productive. The three phases of business – getting into the business, operating the business, and getting out of the business as painlessly and gracefully as possible – were the goals. We tend to take a particular snap shot in the life of a railroad to model. Aside from the financial aspects of the railroads, which is a whole ‘nother subject, we like to work with the operations and maybe even the construction of that future spur or branchline. I don’t recall seeing a model of the decommissioning phase of a railroad. Not much interest there. It’s bad enough to show the results of accidents and fires.

So we have the railroad proper and the immediate business enterprise facilities to add flavor to the model. The mines, mills, maintenance, staff housing as well as appropriate scenery can add a lot to the model over and above the nice rolling stock and track work we tend to focus on. This is all within the snap shot of what was technically possible in the chosen period, if not directly attributable to a prototype. The history of technology and practices employed in hardscrabble railroading typical of the narrow gauge lines can be interestingly and creatively reproduced in narrow gauge modeling.

A Narrower View – Roadway

Syd Schofield

Editors note: Welcome to the third article of a series on narrow gauge by Syd Schofield. The previous article is available by clicking here, or by filtering with the category “Narrow Gauge”. Syd welcomes discussions and feedback, which can be made by clicking on the comment link at the bottom of the post.

Of the many narrow gauge railroads that were in the US and Canada, a key factor was the roadbed requirement. The sizes of two feet, 30 inch, 36 inch and 42 inch for common carriers were established out of need and equipment availability. Private lines were influenced by most of the same conditions, all based on economics. While the standard and larger gauges were capable of heavier loads, the disadvantages were greater construction and equipment costs and less flexibility in traversing rough terrain.

Preparation of the route was less demanding such as smaller tunnel dimensions, roadbed width on ground and built-up structures, tighter curves and rolling stock accommodations. This lends itself to the small area we have available for our modeling. Slower speeds, shorter cars and trains and tighter curves gives us longer operating sessions and a larger sense of scale for a given amount of space. With the grand sweeping radius curves needed for a large articulated locomotive and many very long cars of the Golden Age standard gauge lines, most of us don’t have the space available for a suitable representation. Technically, a common surveying technique is to project a curve from the connecting straight (tangent) sections in degrees of turn per 100 feet which can be translated to a radius in our particular scale. Prototype railroad specifications can then be used as modeler guides.

As in civil engineering projects built on solid ground (as opposed to semi-liquid high water content soil and small, rounded stones) the structural base was prepared by excavation (cut) to the desired dimensions. Once the material is removed the remaining base is ready for roadbed. That same removed material, if cleverly planned, can be used for fill in the nearby shallow dips. Otherwise expensive “borrow” material and bridging structures must be used. The fill, like the roadbed, must consist of an aggregate of solid angular geometric shapes of differing sizes to minimize shifting under load. Supplements such as cribbing and retaining walls can be used. Care must also be taken for drainage and compacting, hopefully before use of the rolling stock. As these same rules apply to larger railroads, the smaller size and tighter curves of the narrow gauge railroad yields less effort and expense in the roadway preparation.

A Narrower View – Track

Syd Schofield

Editors note: This is the second article of a new series on narrow gauge by Syd Schofield. The previous article is available by clicking here, or by filtering with the category “Narrow Gauge”. Syd welcomes discussions and feedback, which can be made by clicking on the comment link at the bottom of the post.

Narrow gauge railroad track isn’t much different than the “standard” four feet eight and one half inch gauge track on a lesser, “junior varsity” short line or a somewhat neglected spur. The main consideration is the weight of the heaviest wheel set to be supported. This results in a balance of rail strength and tie (or sleeper if you’re not from around here) spacing. So a K-37 would require heavier rail and closer ties, maybe even with tie plates to further spreads the weight over a larger foot print (bearing area) on the tie than needed by an 0-4-0.

In the early days (the Civil War and on) the materials involved were wrought iron with high strength alloy steel used later on. The rail deteriorates in elastic fatigue as a beam loaded between the ties as well as surface region fatigue due to the dual flexing (also elastic) of the contact area of the wheels, wheel on rail, with the rail top. Large rail grinding machines are used today to make an “insurance cut” of the affected rail top region. As rail was replaced due to fatigue and insufficient capacity, rails were often upgraded in size and material and the locally available, minimally prepared ties were upgraded with ties milled for tie plates and spike pilot holes off-site. Notably, spikes are made with a chisel point across the grain of the tie so as to break the fibers but remain supportive in the lengthwise direction as opposed to splitting the fibers opening an unsupported gap in the lengthwise direction.

What all this leads to is a hand driven single spike on each side of the rail in every tie for the earlier years / low budget / low capacity remote business or the store-bought closely spaced ties with tie plates and four spikes per plate for more modern or high capacity / well-financed business. With a little preparation of the Peco / Micro-Engineering / Shinohara nickel silver flex track and turnouts, to name a few, with an X-Acto knife and Dremel tool plus coloring and ballasting practices, the tie can look a little neglected and more representative of the frugal / back woods / mine supply / agricultural on a short life plan railroad. The actual time spent between the two methods is reportedly similar when appropriate skills and experience levels are achieved.

In addition to the Washington common carrier narrow gauge railroads previously mentioned we include the Alaska portion of the Pacific Northwest Region Forth Division: Golovin Bay Railroad, Seward Peninsula Railroad, Tanana Valley Railroad, and the still active and very popular White Pass and Yukon Railroad. And, as in Washington, there were numerous privately owned company railroads for support of logging, mining and other enterprises.

A Narrower View – HOn3, Sn3, On3, On30, Fn3 (and more)

Syd Schofield

Editors note: Please welcome Syd Schofield, who will be writing posts in the Grab Iron blog on narrow gauge topics. He welcomes discussions and feedback, which can be made by clicking on the comment link at the bottom of each post.

Model trains, usually smaller than the real life things, generally fit our interests, space, time and budgets. The generally accepted, for various physical, business and political reasons, “standard” gauge (acceptance occurring from the Reconstruction period to well into the 20th century) for most US and Canadian common carriers was four feet 8 and ½ inches between wrought iron and steel rails. Smaller gauges of three feet and two feet also survived among the many other industrial, light transit and amusement purposes as did larger distances for specialized industrial purposes, however common sizes provided for economies of scale in production, operations and exchanges between railroads.

The HOn3 model size designates the “HO” (roughly the half “O” scale) of 1 to 87 parts, the “n” for narrower distance between rails than the standard gauge and the “3” is the actual full size distance in feet (a “30” or similar means 30 inches, versus feet). The general purposes of the full size railroad in this gauge was for smaller, less expensive equipment as well as the lower cost and more agile route preparation. These features made the three foot gauge attractive to any or all of rough terrain, lower capacity, lower capitol investment and short term business situations.

Washington State had at least three three foot gauge common carriers as well as many privately owned and operated by logging and mining interests. There were many three foot railroads and some even had dual gauge operations throughout the Western US, Alaska and other parts of Canada. Some were absorbed by larger standard gauge railroads while others succumbed to the truck, bus and automobile business successes or became historical amusements.

It is this period, simultaneous to the acceptance of the “standard gauge,” that many modelers choose to reproduce from “real” railroads based on historical situation or the merely technically correct for the chosen period creation of what might have been – in HOn3 (or other modeling narrow gauge scales). We would like to explore the activities of modelers in the PNR 4th Division, or anyone else with constructive intent pertinent to the three foot gauge railroads in brief and regular Grab Iron expositions. That is heavy on the “we” as pertains to anyone who would like to offer appropriate comments.

Last Day to Save on Sn3 Symposium

Russ Segner, Convention Chair

Sn3 2015The 30th Annual Sn3 Symposium will be held in Bellevue, Washington next April 16 – 19, 2015. If you REGISTER TODAY, you’ll save big bucks!

It will be hosted by the same bunch that brought you the great 2012 National Narrow Gauge Convention. With over 15 narrow gauge layouts, 16 great clinics, and lots of time with fellow narrow-gaugers. At least seven Sn3 layouts will be open for operating sessions, with slots filled first-come, first-served.

Held at the excellent Bellevue Sheraton, there will be plenty of room for clinics and contest entries. 75 rooms have been reserved at very good rates for attendees.

For more information, see, or email Registrar Robin Peel.

Today is the last day to get the early registration rate!

Sn3 Symposium Discount Sign-Up Ends Soon

Russ Segner, Sn3 Symposium Coordinator

Sn32015Do you have a fondness for narrow gauge trains or just admire fine modeling? Then you can’t miss the annual 2015 Sn3 Symposium to be held in Bellevue next April 16! This is a national event with participants from all over the world.

The Symposium committee has lined up 16 layouts in several scales, most of which are not usually open. There will be several operating sessions available; clinics by nationally-recognized modelers; a model and photo contest; and vendors from across the nation. The Bellevue Sheraton has been selected as the convention hotel, with easy access to freeways and free parking.

Take advantage of the early registration rate of just $45 until September 10! Check out our website to see all that we have in store for you.

Special BOD Meeting Called

Ken Liesse

There will be a special BOD meeting immediately preceding the Eastside Get-Together on Thursday, April 19. The meeting will begin at 7:30pm. All 4D members are invited to attend this meeting. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss 4D’s possible co-sponsorship of the Narrow Gauge Convention in September. Representatives from the convention will be on hand to answer questions.