Article & Photos By Syd Schofield
The NMRA/PNR Fourth Division Redmond Clinic for November was held Thursday evening at the Redmond Community Center, Alex Brikoff presiding. The gathering was brought to order at 7:15 PM. Notable attendees were introduced and upcoming events of interest were announced. The Grab-Iron newsletter will furnish schedule and content particulars.
One important announcement was regarding the day change of the Eastside Clinic. Beginning in JANUARY 2020, the Eastside Clinic will be held on the 3rd WEDNESDAY of every month at least until June. The meeting room and start time will remain the same.
Model of the Month was by Dan Kellog. He showed an HO scale diorama of the Chittiden Locks railroad bridge that will be used on his layout. John Paschal showed three photos of steam locomotives at the East Broad Top Railroad repository/storage facility for Photo(s) of the Month.

The evening’s clinic was by Russ Segner. He presented an excellent clinic on the basics of model railroad scenery. He discussed scenery design and considerations of technique based on his Sn3 home layout.

The winners of the Model of the Month and Photo of the Month were the first to select from many great door prizes that were available that evening. The remainder were dispersed with the usual blind jar drawings, manned by Anton Faulk.
C. J. Turner was kind enough to once again provide our refreshments.
The December gathering will be the yearly tradition “Dirty Santa” gift exchange. Everyone is encouraged to bring a railroad-related, identified by scale (if applicable) and unidentified on the wrapper. The random pick drawing is for these items of approximately $10 in value. The somewhat complicated and resultant, occasionally gentle chiding process will be explained at the meeting. Side negotiations for redistribution are permitted.
The meeting concluded by 9:15.
Syd Schofield