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Remembering Paul Vaughn – Narrow Gauge Modeler and Enthusiast

Sadly on behalf of the Pacific Northwest On30 Modular Group,  I must report that we have lost a friend in the 4D-PNR and Narrow Gauge Community – we received news that Paul Vaughn had passed away in November.

Paul was very active in many aspects of model railroading locally and nationally.  For anyone who did not know, Paul owned a cottage industry specializing in narrow gauge equipment at which was very well regarded in the Sn3 community for his line of resin parts, 3d printed models and brass castings.   A lifetime NMRA member and seasoned traveler, Paul participated in many of the National Narrow Gauge conventions and  NMRA National/Regional events for decades.  He also had a vast wealth of knowledge globally on prototype railroading which included trips to South America and investigating the unique narrow gauge railroads down there.  I have sat with him many times reviewing his photos of all kinds of interesting critters and unique locomotives he found on his trips.  He really loved that stuff.

Paul had been with the Pacific Northwest On30 Modular Group for the last 10 years and was one of the core participants at every train show in the region that hosted our modular layout.  He brought a lot of energy and good natured humor to our group.  He was always the first guy in the door and never hesitated to lend a hand.  He was always super enthusiastic and motivated to be a part of the shows and gatherings.  He enjoyed running trains, being yardmaster and worked within our group operations to obtain an NMRA Chief Dispatcher certificate – of which he was very proud.  He built several different modules and had a handy quantity of locomotives and rolling stock equipment to share with the group.  At train shows he usually had some new item to run fresh off another kitbash, 3d print or resin casting.  Never a dull moment with Pauls equipment, always something interesting.  I can say after conversations with him that he was very happy to be an active member in our modules group and that it gave him much joy and satisfaction.  Paul contributed a lot of effort to our group and was highly appreciated, he will certainly be missed.  Our condolences go out to his family and friends.


By Rich Thom, Photos by the author unless noted.

John White, who passed away on March 21st at age 90, was well-known around the NMRA PNR’s 4th Division for serving as chair of the Skagit Valley and Whidbey Clinic for twelve continuous years, 2000-2012.  During John’s leadership, average SV&W Clinic attendance doubled, drawing attendees from all of Whidbey and Fidalgo Islands as well as western Skagit and Whatcom counties.  Eventually, due to the distances traveled and outgrowing our meeting room, the group divided into the current SV&W and Mt. Vernon Clinics.

Perhaps less well-known across the division was John’s On30 Skagit Valley Eastern (SVE).  John was an outstanding modeler and went through a succession of prototypes and scales (as many of us do!), first modeling British prototypes in OO-scale, then the Great Northern in HO.  Ultimately, he settled on modeling Skagit County short lines in On30.

The SVE, set in the late 1920s, was loosely based on the Skagit River Railway built by Seattle City Light to haul men, equipment, and a lot of cement to several dam projects on the Upper Skagit River.  As John himself described his SVE: “Much poetic license has been used in the type of traffic and scenery!”  The layout also incorporates two fictional SVE subsidiaries, the Sauk, Oso & Western Railway and the Wickersham and Chuckanut.

The 14 ft x 44 ft layout consists of four legs, each 2 ft wide and made up mostly of 6 ft x 2 ft modules.  Two of the legs comprise the SVE, the third the SO&WR, and the fourth the W&C.  All four legs are connected by an oval behind the scenery which permits any train to go from any leg to any other leg.  A partition wall down the long dimension of the room divides the layout space in two and supports hand-painted backdrops.

Concrete engine terminal with Skagit Portland Cement looming in the background

The largest town modeled is Concrete, spanning about 30 ft of one of the two legs representing the SVE.  Here is a station, engine house, turntable, a Seattle Light & Power powerhouse, and a representation of the town’s vast Superior Portland Cement plant, which John re-imagined as Skagit Portland Cement.  Concrete, near extensive limestone deposits, produced enormous quantities of cement over several decades.

The daily Great Northern passenger service arrives in Concrete; the prototype Skagit River Railway connected with the GN at Rockport, WA

The locomotive roster and rolling stock consist mostly of Bachmann products.  To many, John added additional details from sources such as Backwoods Miniatures.  Of all the elements that make up a model railroad, John enjoyed building structures more than any other; most were scratch built.  Just a few of them are illustrated in these photographs.  For his larger buildings, John utilized Gatorboard as a structural base for its rigidity and humidity resistance, gluing siding and roofing material to it.  John described his methods for building structures, his standardized 6 ft x 2 ft modules, scratch built turnouts, and many other topics at SV&W clinics over the years.

The cement plant dominates John’s town of Concrete, as it did in the prototype; a Precision Craft Models Goose provides transportation for local schoolchildren
The Sauk, Oso & Western Railway’s daily passenger train awaits its departure time from Oso
SVE Climax #6 has wandered onto SO&WR rails with a work train
The SO&WR’s biggest shipper in Oso is Hawkins Dairies Inc.
Business is leisurely at Gould Bros. Coal & Coke in Oso
A one-stop shop for all your printing needs

John’s Skagit Valley Eastern was frequently opened for visitors, including at least once for the Seattle-Tacoma-Olympia “NG Open House” event coordinated by Dave Kreitler.  SV&W Clinic members were fortunate to be able to keep up with the layout’s progress during other open houses and, later, operating sessions.  The op sessions utilized written train orders and switch lists, a dispatcher, trainmaster, and up to four crews to keep an equal number of trains moving over the railroad.

John and his wife Valerie also hosted a “Wassail” party in British tradition each December, offering food, drink, and camaraderie in their Anacortes home, open to all SV&W Clinic members and all other modelers in the area.  The SVE was of course fired up, too.  The Wassail was held for at least nine years and was always one of the best events of the year.

John was an active member and supporter of the NMRA and the 4th Division.  He was the Guest Speaker at the September 2010 Pacific Northwest Region Convention Banquet, where he described the history and technology of the concrete tie business in North America in which he was an industry pioneer.  John received the NMRA 4th Division Superintendent’s Award in 2012 for his exemplary service as the SV&W Clinic Chair.

John makes up a train in Concrete during one of the op sessions on his Skagit Valley Eastern (photo: Al Frasch)

Whidbey NMRA Clinic Wednesday March 13 – Decoder Pro – Removing the Mysteries with Jim Bentz

This clinic will target users who either have never used JMRI DecoderPro or have recently started down the DecoderPro journey.  Just about any user of DecoderPro is welcome and not only can they help others during the clinic but it is likely that they will pick up some DP methods they didn’t know about.  We will have test tracks and demos setup for questions and review of features.  We will also provide the clinic livestream on Zoom for online participation.  In person clinic is held at the Oak Harbor Senior Center, 13 March @7pm,  51 SE Jerome St, Oak Harbor, WA 98277.

Zoom link provided:

Rich Blake 4dPNR is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Whidbey 4D NMRA Clinic March 2024

Time: Mar 13, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 886 1833 3418

Passcode: 742988

Whidbey Clinic 13 December 2023 – “Rails to the Top of the World” with Rich Thom

Rich Thom will present a “Two-Fer,” beginning with a brief description of a method he tried on his layout, “Coloring Scenery Using Alcohol-Based Solutions,” followed by the main program:

RAILS TO THE TOP OF THE WORLD Appropriate to the season, we’ll begin this journey to South America in Cuenca, Ecuador, where each Christmas Eve the children of this Andean city dazzle in the Pase del Nino—procession of the Baby Jesus. Cuenca is charming enough on its own account, but for rail enthusiasts getting there on the Cuenca Branch of the Guayaquil & Quito Railway was the real attraction: a 2-6-0 steam loco which emerged from Baldwin’s shops in 1900 was usually up front. We’ll look at the G & Q’s assault on the Andes—with gradients up to 5.6%–and the railroad’s entirely-American equipment and operations. But higher summits of the Andes were found further south in new destinations not previously shown at SV&W clinics. The best-known crossing of the mountain range was by the Central Railway of Peru, another American-built railroad which climbed from sea level near Lima to 15,694 feet at Galera in just 108 miles. For decades it was credited to be the highest railway in the world—but in fact wasn’t. It was the highest standard-gauge one, but you had to go south to the Bolivian Altiplano for the truly highest: the Potosi Branch of the Bolivian National Railways reached no less than 15,705 feet at a lonely, windswept and cold spot called Condor. The track gauge was one meter, though, and the remote branch was far more difficult to reach as well, and simply didn’t get the press of Peru’s summit. Your presenter convinced his wife that this was a “must do,” and after reaching Condor together in 1978, she never let him forget the journey, as only wives can.

This is an in-person clinic. December 13th @7PM, at the Oak Harbor Senior Center at 51 SE Jerome St, Oak Harbor, WA 98277. 

Whidbey Clinic 8 NOV 2023 – Scenery Detail for Effect

November 8 at 7PM Dick Haines will be presenting a in person multi part clinic on scenery subjects from his layout. Subjects will include:

1. Building a Mine in a Mountain – How to plan and build an angled mine using an internal mirror with flickering overhead lamps and other details.

2. Merging a 3-D Mountain with a 2-D Wall – Planning the viewer’s perspective, Painting the wall with matching color and details.

3. Creating Realistic Day-Night Layout Lighting – Using overhead (daylight) and horizon-valence (evening, night, morning) for smooth, controllable effects.

November 8th @7PM, This one will be held in the Oak Harbor Senior Center at 51 SE Jerome St, Oak Harbor, WA 98277.

Whidbey Clinic 11 OCT 2023 – Decal Madness

Meeting will be held at the Oak Harbor Senior Center 11 OCT 2023 at 7:00pm. We will attempt to do zoom but no guarantees. Clinic info:

Cliff Aaker models primarily in On30 and nearly always freelanced roads. This means most rolling stock has to be lettered using either rub-on or waterslide decals. He has learned much along the way and will be sharing what he has picked up. If you have experience using decals you are welcome to contribute.


Rich Blake 4dPNR is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: SVW 4DPNR NMRA OCT 11 Clinic
Time: Oct 11, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 1522 2898
Passcode: 050155

January Whidbey Clinic – Modular Operations Evolution with JMRI

Rich Blake will present a ZOOM clinic on Wednesday 11 JAN 2023, 7:00pm about using Java Model Railroad Interface (JMRI) Operations Pro to support modular operations. JMRI has a very capable operations feature that provides a great deal of variety to support modular operations. One of the issues with modules, especially a point-to-point layout such as our Pacific Northwest On30 Module Group layout, is that the layout constantly changes for each event with positioning of modules, inventory of cars/locomotives and the underlying requirement to keep things moving all the time. JMRI makes attacking modular operations relatively easy and keeps crews busy for entire weekends. This clinic Rich will describe how the general operations scheme has evolved for the PNW On30 Group and share ideas that can be used to create JMRI operations car forwarding for any layout.


NMRA Intro to JMRI Ops on y-tube

ZOOM Link Info:

4dpnrOrganizer SkagitValleyWhidbey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: 4DPNR Whidbey Clinic JAN 2023
Time: Jan 11, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 863 2926 3820
Passcode: 888706
One tap mobile
+12532050468,,86329263820#,,,,888706# US +12532158782,,86329263820#,,,,888706# US (Tacoma)

Whidbey Clinic Extra – 15 NOV 7:00pm on Zoom

Due to a bit of technical difficulty at our last regular clinic we are scheduling an “Extra” to run MMR CJ Riley’s “Art of Illusion” clinic once more. This will be an interesting presentation and hope all can make the time to participate.

Zoom Link:

4dpnrOrganizer SkagitValleyWhidbey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Whidbey Clinic Extra
Time: Nov 15, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 0507 1414
Passcode: 748016
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,84405071414#,,,,748016# US (Tacoma) +16699006833,,84405071414#,,,,748016# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Whidbey Clinic on Zoom 9 November 2022 7:00pm – CJ Riley (MMR) and the Art of Illusion

Join us for a Zoom clinic 9 November at 7:00pm where we will have local MMR CJ Riley present his ideas on using the art of illusion for your layout scenes. This clinic will be based on content from his book “Realistic Layouts: Use the Art of Illusion to Model Like a Pro” available from Kalmbach books:

Also as always, if you have a “pop up” item to share such as a project model or interesting technique we will allow for that discussion after the presentation. Anything is of interest don’t be shy.

Zoom LINK:

4dpnrOrganizer SkagitValleyWhidbey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Whidbey Clinic NOV 2022
Time: Nov 9, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 0122 1842
Passcode: 885775
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,87401221842#,,,,885775# US (Tacoma) +16699006833,,87401221842#,,,,885775# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Whidbey Virtual Clinic 11 MAY 2022, Layout Progress Tour and Construction Description with Jon Bentz

Jon Bentz will be presenting a clinic on his under construction On30 layout, the “Rio Como”.
We should get a full update on the entire layout. Jon says since the last update Alan Murray and he
finished the benchwork for the car float operation and built a car float and tug as well as the loading
bridge and winches. This should be completed along with the harbor sea wall this month. He has started
track painting on the end of the line that’s the first thing seen when entering the layout room. This will be
finished for the NNGC in September.

He also thought he’d give a brief description of operations. Initially ops will be based on a series of ’turns’
originating in the staging yard. This will feed traffic to each station on the layout and will represent a ‘job’
for operators. The branch line that serves the mines and lumber industry is independent of the main line
and can be run by either one or two crews. That branch will feed a turn to the lumber mill with logs
returning with empties and could run twice (we’ll see if that works ).
Jon says
“During all of this I have continued building structures thanks to the help I’ve received. This summer I’d
like to get at least some scenery roughed in.”

Zoom LINK:
4dpnrOrganizer SkagitValleyWhidbey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Whidbey Clinic May 2022
Time: May 11, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 823 1213 5769
Passcode: 991691