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Superintendent Jim Byerley Steps Down

By Ken Liesse

At the 4D Board of Directors’ meeting on Aug. 27th, Jim Byerley tendered his resignation as Superintendent. Citing personal reasons, Jim felt he could not fully commit to the position he took over upon the untimely death of our previous superintendent, Dennis Hill. Jim had intended to retire from his position as Assistant Superintendent at the end of this term, but plans on continuing 4D work with the West Side Clinic.

Per the 4D By-Laws, Assistant Superintendent Ken Liesse has become Superintendent and will fill out the remainder of Jim’s term. Ken has said he will not appoint a replacement Assistant Superintendent as John Salzetti’s term in that office starts in just a few days. Sherman Stevens and Jeannie Melvin have agreed to stay on as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. No other changes to the Board or any Chair positions are anticipated.

Ken may be contacted at or 253-859-1335. The contact page on the 4D website will be changed accordingly.

4D BOD Meeting Aug. 27

By Ken Liesse

Just a reminder that the quarterly 4D Board of Directors meeting will be held this coming Saturday, Aug. 27. The meeting will start at 1:00 at the Yankee Grill in Renton. All 4D members are invited and encouraged to attend. If you have an item to bring before the Board, please send it to Supt. Jim Byerley ( by Wednesday, Aug. 24 to have it included on the agenda.

SP 4449 Crosses Stampede Pass

Photo and Article by Ken Liesse

As part of Cascade Rails 2011 (the National Railroad Historical Society’s annual convention) in Tacoma, WA, the group chartered ex-SP 4449 and train for a trip over Stampede Pass on Saturday, June 25. This was the culmination of a week of various tours and charters to railroads and museums around the Puget Sound area, much like that of an NMRA or PNR convention. Despite leaving Tacoma about 30 minutes late, it appeared that all on board weren’t too bothered with the delay. The train ran up the BNSF Seattle Subdivision to Auburn, where they turned east onto the Stampede Sub for the trip over the pass to Easton.

SP 4449

SP 4449 Pauses in Easton, WA

Once in Easton, the power was cut off the train and run around the wye before rejoining the train for the run back to Tacoma. The train had actually been pulled backwards over the pass on the eastbound leg so that it would be headed the right direction for the westbound run. This also put it in the right direction for the run home to Portland after the convention. The run over the pass started under cloudy skies, but the sun broke through east of the Cascades and remained for the rest of the trip.

It’s not often we get to see mainline steam in these parts, so it was a treat to see 4449 on this run. Several photos and videos of the trip are now online. Google 4449 and see what comes up.


Eastside Visits Chooch

By Ken Liesse

On June 16th, members of the Eastside Clinic and several friends descended on Chooch Enterprises in Maple Valley, WA. The purpose of this visit was our season end field trip, which was graciously hosted by Chooch owner, Mike O’Connell. Members were invited to wander around the shops of Chooch, which are located on the bottom floor of a large building on Mike’s property, and also visit Mike’s wonderful O Scale layout which resides on the second floor. Mike’s layout depicts railroading in and around Spokane, WA and he has a wonderful representation of the old station there. Photos of the layout and of Chooch Enterprises can be seen here. Mike would like to thank his helpers for the evening: Fred Hamilton, Don Larsen, Sherman Stevens and, of course, our “Valley Parking,” Jim Sabol.

Summer is here and we are taking the next two months off as outdoor activities and the long northern latitude days take precedence over modeling activities. We at the Eastside Clinic hope you have a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you again in September.

4D 2011 Election Results

By Ken Liesse, Election Committee Chair

Ballots have been counted and the results are in: John Salzetti edged out Rob Jones and has been elected as the new 4D Assistant Superintendent. Al Lowe and Nathan “Stu” Rogers were re-elected to Director, Positions 1 and 3 respectively.

There were 127 total ballots received, with four ballots being disqualified, for a total of 123 valid ballots received. The breakdown of the votes is as follows:

For Assistant Superintendent:

  • John Salzetti, 68 votes
  • Rob Jones, 55 votes

For Director, Position 1:

  • Al Lowe, 121 votes

For Director, Position 3:

  • Ethan “Stu” Rogers, 119 votes
  • Write in Jim Easley, 1 vote
  • Write in Jeff Moorman, 1 vote
  • Write in Chris Fife, 1 vote

Respectfully submitted by your Election Committee: Ken Liesse (Chair), Michael Highsmith and Vincent “Hub” Hubbert.

General Meeting Notice

Ken Liesse

There will be a general meeting of the 4D membership immediately preceding the Tacoma Clinic this coming Thursday, June 9th. The purpose of this meeting is to approve the 4D budget for the coming year. We don’t anticipate the meeting to last too long and we’re grateful to the Tacoma Clinic for allowing us the time to take care of this important division business. All 4D members are invited and encouraged to attend this meeting.

The Tacoma Clinic is held in the Pierce County Library building, 3005 112th St. E., Tacoma WA.

BNSF & Seattle on TV

Ken Liesse

For those of you who are interested, BNSF will be featured on the Travel Channel’s new series “Off-Limits” tonight at 9:00 on Comcast channel 36. Users of other cable providers should check their listings.

In the show, host Don Wildman will explain how Seattle was developed and take a look at modern Seattle. He also rides the cab of a BNSF vehicle train and explains BNSF’s historic ties to the Pacific Northwest and looks at modern freight service. If you miss it tonight, it will be aired again on Memorial Day.

Eastside Get-Together Report

By Ken Liesse

JJ Johnston opened the evening with the announcement that our last get-together of the season in June will be a field trip to Chooch Enterprises in Maple Valley. There will be a small charge to help cover the costs of transportation, which will be determined in the coming weeks. We will be visiting the business, then going upstairs to view the layout. JJ will pass on further information when it becomes available. JJ also reminded everyone that ballots for open 4D offices need to be postmarked by May 20.

Ed Liesse made mention of the upcoming NRHS convention in Tacoma (June 20-26). Although most of us may not be able to participate (membership in the NRHS is required), there will be a lot of steam trains in the area during that time, including a trip over Stampede Pass behind SP 4449.

Ed went on to inform everyone that Pacific Northwest Region will be holding a joint convention with Pacific Coast Region next May in Medford, OR. Planning is still in the early stages, but hopefully there will be tours of Micro-Trains and Campbell Scale Models. There will also be clinics and a non-rail program. Siskiyou Summit 2012 will be held May 2-5.

Ken Liesse mentioned an item that showed up in the 4D mailbox: an announcement from the Port of Everett about an upcoming auction. They’re getting rid of two dioramas that they hope someone can re-use for modeling purposes. The auction will take place on June 2nd at the Port of Everett Conference Center. Watch for more information in the Grab Iron.

Stu Rogers brought the video library and mentioned that we now have all of Paul Scole’s videos in the library for member perusal. See the whole list of available titles on the 4D website.

There were five entries in the Model of the Month contest, which was won by Ron Cole with his scratchbuilt 1/32nd scale 12-1 Pullman. Other entries included the Washington Brewery (Di Voss), a switch tower with interior details (David Yadock), a display diorama (Bob Rorabaugh) and a handlaid, code 55, N gauge yard throat (Stu Rogers). Photos of the entries can be viewed here.

After the break, Russ Segner presented the clinic, which was an update on what’s happening at the Northwest Railway Museum in Snoqualmie through a slide/video show. There has been quite a bit of progress since last June when Eastside held a picnic at the museum. Weyerhaeuser #1, the Fairbanks-Morse, has been pretty much completed and is now awaiting lettering. There has been much progress on Chapel Car #5, the “Messenger of Peace,” and the museum has a paid staff on hand to oversee the work being done on the car. Russ himself is continuing work on coach #218, a 1912 built Barney-Smith car. A lot of work has gone into this car, and the train crew is looking forward to adding it into the regular service. The other big news is that two items from the museum collection – WRL caboose #1 and GN caboose #001 – have been moved into the new Train Shed at the Railway History Center. These are the first exhibits to be housed in the Train Shed with many more to follow. (These cabooses were moved in Thursday afternoon between School Train runs and Russ had pictures of them to show us that night.) Russ reminded everyone that anyone who is interested in restoring equipment, teaching kids about railroading or even operating the railroad can volunteer at the museum. He will keep us up-to-date as progress continues.

At the end of the evening, JJ reminded everyone of the BOD meeting on 5/21 and Michael Kavanaugh reported that he was now cancer free. A great way to end the evening.

Board Meeting Next Saturday

Ken Liesse

There will be a meeting of the 4D Board of Directors next Saturday, May 21st. The meeting will be held starting at 1:00pm at the Yankee Grill, located at the corner of Rainier Ave. and Grady Way in Renton (just north of the I-405/167 Valley Fwy intersection next to the Holiday Inn). All members of the 4D are invited to attend the meeting.

Anyone who has business they would like to have discussed at the meeting should send their item(s) to Superintendent Jim Byerley before Thursday, May 19th to have it placed on the agenda.

Ballots for Directors

By Ken Liesse

Due to the passing of 4D Superintendent Dennis Hill, the process of getting ballots in the mail for the open Board of Director positions was derailed. The ballots are back on track and will be in the mail this week. Please read the instructions for the ballot carefully and return them according to the deadline printed on the ballot.

There are three positions up for election: Assistant Superintendent, Director Position One, and Director Position Three. Rob Jones and John Salzetti are running for Asst. Supt., while Al Lowe and Ethan “Stu” Rogers are seeking reelection for Director Positions One and Three respectively. Space for write-in candidates is available for all three races.