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Pacific Science Center Show, January 15-17

Frank Dekker

The Pacific Science Center Model Railroad Show will be January 15-17, 2011 (MLK weekend). Public show hours are 10 AM to 6PM each day. Attendance at the show is free to the public, with purchase of admission to Pacific Science Center. See the PSC website,, for details.

The 4th Division assists the PSC with organizing the show.

You can help us promote the show by posting copies of the show poster on public bulletin boards in your community. Download the poster pdf from the PSC show page on the 4d website: Check your printer settings to print the image as “fit to page” or similar.

You can help us at the show. Volunteers are needed to help with various support functions. One important function is helping supervise the various opportunities for children to operate trains. You get free admission at the exhibitor’s entrance, the pleasure of helping children learn to love trains, and use of the crew lounge. Please let us know soon when you can help. We will respond with specifics.

Seahawks Derail Cherry Valley RR

Tom Enloe

Due to the completely unexpected, unanticipated, surprising, astounding upset appearance by the Seattle Chickens Seahawks in a playoff game this Saturday, January 8, and the unexplainable urge of certain key operators of the Cherry Valley RR to witness the carnage as it happens(!), this weekend’s op session has been cancelled. Next session February 12.

December NMRA InfoNet News

Gerry Leone

Don’t subscribe to NMRA Magazine? There’s a section on the NMRA website devoted to reporting the same NMRA news found in The Bulletin section of the magazine every month.

We’d also like you to remind your editors about the “Division Business Car” column (also known as NMRA@Home) found in NMRA Magazine every other month. It’s written by Jim Zinser MMR and features interesting summaries of articles he’s found in Division newsletters from all around the world.

John Stevens, our national Boy Scout coordinator, wanted me to forward this to everyone: In order to create the most secure environment possible for its youth members, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has developed numerous procedural and leadership selection policies for its adult leaders. Effective June 1, 2010, those policies included Youth Protection Training. After that date, no adult may register with the BSA as an adult leader in any capacity without first completing this training. The training is good for two years and can be accomplished online. The training can be found at Click “My Scouting” near the top of the page, create an account, and you can then access the training. Upon completion of the training, print a certificate of completion to include with your next Adult Leader Application. The whole process should take under an hour. If you have any questions, contact John Stevens,

Trainfest, which takes place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and is operated by the WISE Division of the NMRA, set an all-time attendance record this November with 23,476 attendees, the highest in the event’s 39-year history.

x2011, the Sacramento 2011 Convention, report that they’ve now implemented RSS feeds from their website. Attendees and potential attendees can simply subscribe to the RSS feed and they’ll receive email messages when items are added or changed on the website. Go to and click the orange RSS box.

And x2011 online registration is up and running. It’s presently limited to convention registration, but once tour information is released, registrants will also be able to sign up for tours and extra fare events online. Not only will this be convenient, but registrants will be able to see immediately if a tour is sold out.

Cascadian International 2010 on YouTube

Al Lowe

Our “local” Regional Convention has recently received some YouTube mentions. Model Railroad Hobbyist interviewed local modeler (and model display case builder) Bob Rorabaugh on his diorama. See it by clicking the image below.

Charles Jackson of H&J Trains was interviewed about his new scenery business. They have a line of inexpensive flock and tree armatures. They offer over 75 colors of flock! He demonstrates how to make a conifer on their tree-making machine, also available for sale.

While you’re there, subscribe to MRH’s YouTube channel and they’ll send you an email whenever they post a new video.

New NMRA V.P. to build stronger ties with Divisions and Regions

Al Lowe

At the national convention in Milwaukee this past summer, the NMRA created a new position, Vice President of Special Projects. Bill Kaufman, a well-known modeler in the San Francisco Bay area, is the first holder of this position.

In a recent interview with The Model Railway Show, Bill spoke to co-host Trevor Marshall about his plans to use this position to strengthen the ties between the national organization and its Divisions and Regions, including the creation of a “best-practices” manual. It’s well worth a listen.

The Model Railway Show is a free Internet-based newsmagazine show about our hobby, delivered twice monthly as a podcast on iTunes or by direct download. Each show includes two interviews on a broad range of topics and runs about 20 minutes. Bill’s interview appears in Episode 2, which is now available. For more information, including how to listen, click The Model Railway Show.

Tabooma County Is Moving

Al Carter

Tabooma County is moving North to Mount Vernon. Nona and I have put our house up for sale and have bought a new house in Mount Vernon, so the Tabooma County Railway, as we know it today, will be dismantled, and eventually rebuilt in its new location. This has been a great location for it for the past 11 years and we have enjoyed the Friday night group showing up to work on the layout and also the several open houses and tours we have hosted over the years.

If anyone is interested in taking a piece of the layout, please contact me via e-mail ( The dismantling will occur on the Saturday/Sunday after Thanksgiving, November 27/28.  I will be saving my structures, of course (my favorite part of the hobby!), but several sections that are fully sceniced are available if anyone is interested. Most of those sections are narrow shelf-type construction and removal will not be too difficult; there is the new large center section that might be a challenge to take out in one piece; however, it could be sectioned into smaller pieces. This center section is essentially just foam with streets and trackage laid out and installed – again, no structures. I will be keeping the harbor scene and the Eagle Falls scene has been spoken for.

October NMRA InfoNet News

Al Lowe

Here’s what’s been going on at HQ recently:

  • Headquarters just completed an analysis of our RailPass Program to see how many RailPass members went on to become full NMRA members. The statistics show that, since January 1, 2009, a whopping 65% have “re-upped!” That’s just about 2 out of every 3 RailPass members who’ve stayed with us. From the time the RailPass program started in 2005, about 48% have renewed … again a great statistic.

    A lot of the credit for that retention goes to everyone in our Regions and Divisions. You’re making new members feel welcome, and you’re showing them the benefits of NMRA membership. So … THANKS!

  • Huge progress is being made with Diamond Club scanning. Craig Sutherland, the man in charge of the project, reports that they have about 500 sets of diesel loco plans (average size: 24″x30″). In addition, he and Stephen Priest brought about 50 boxes of photographs (with about 700 photos each) back to Historical Archives Services (the company doing the scanning) from our Kalmbach Memorial Library. They mentioned that there are a lot of black and white steam loco shots, some early diesel shots, and a lot of photos that caused these seasoned pros to say “wow.” Stephen called the collection “an unknown treasure.”

    We’re finding out that our archives are even more vast than we thought! So if you or your members haven’t made a donation yet, please do so so we can get these railroad treasures on the web … and eventually into your hands.

  • The Winter Board Meeting is being held concurrently with the Budget and Operations meetings this year in Las Vegas at the Palace Station Hotel (about 5 miles from the airport). The Budget and Operations meetings, which are by invitation only, begin on Tuesday, February 22 at 9 a.m. The Board Meeting runs from 9 to 5 (or later) on Wednesday, February 23, and 9 to 5 (or later) on Thursday, February 24. All NMRA members are welcome to attend.
  • As you probably read in the October of NMRA Magazine, the X2011 West NMRA Convention committee is making extensive use of social media to promote their Sacramento convention. Over the next several months they’ll be posting detailed information about layout and prototype tours, clinics, sights to see, and other pertinent facts. If you haven’t visited them on Facebook or signed up to follow them on Twitter, this is the perfect time to get your feet wet and see what the “social media” buzz is all about! Both Facebook and Twitter are free.

Eastside Get Together Meets Thursday, October 21

JJ Johnston

Meeting on Thursday, October 21, Bellevue Four Square Church.

We’re back in business. To kick off our next meeting after the summer hiatus and the Cascadian Convention, we are planning a blockbuster meeting. “TREES & MORE TREES” is our presentation and our sought after presenter is Charles Jackson. Charles will be showing us how to make incredible trees, he will demonstrate his tree making machine and he will share many new scenery products at unbelievable pricing. He’s also bringing from scenery products which he is donating as door prizes. You have this opportunity to see Charles’ presentation before anyone else in the area. That’s why the Eastside Get Together rocks.

AND, we’ll have the usual great array of activities including the Model of the Month, bring stuff for sale, free coffee and donuts, fabulous door prizes and a great time for all.