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Tacoma to host NRHS annual convention, June 20-26

Al Lowe

The Tacoma Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society will host the NRHS’s annual convention Cascade Rails 2011 this June 20 – 26 in Tacoma, WA. Special events will include Chehalis steam, S.P. 4449 steam, Mount Rainier Scenic Railroad steam, trolleys, electric buses, geared locomotives, rod locomotives, first and second generation diesels, major intermodal operations, historic railroad structures, and more!

They have a 40-page program available for download, so there will be loads to do. The 4th Division is honored to have this major convention. Learn more at their website,

Tacoma Northwestern Show a Hit

Al Lowe

The Tacoma Northwestern Model Railroaders held a successful first year show and swap meet May 14 – 15, at Freighthouse Square in Tacoma. Several modular railroads attended, including the 4dNTRAK Group. Sound Transit had a Sounder there with its cab car open. A few lucky souls even got into the locomotive (and convinced the engineer to “wind ‘er up!”) The Mount Rainier Scenic Railroad provided steam train rides on the hour to 72nd Street and back. Over $3,200 was raised for the Tacoma food bank.

On behalf of the 4dNTRAK Group, I would like to thank TNW for providing us with a wonderful place to run trains during what’s usually a slow spring for train shows. And what better place to host a show than beside working prototypes? Not to mention all the wonderful, non-franchise food places right in the building.

Photos by Ken Liesse are posted here.

And photos by William M. Kajdzik are posted here.

NMRA InfoNet News for May

Gerry Leone, MMR, NMRA Communications Director

Election Results Are In! The new NMRA Canada Director will be Don Hillman, replacing Clark Kooning, MMR. The new Central District Director will be Peter Magoun, MMR, replacing Bob Beatty, MMR. The new Regional Advisory Council Director will be Stephen Priest, MMR, replacing Bob Ferguson. All new Directors will take office at the Sacramento Board Meeting.

This year’s Board Meeting will be held prior to the Sacramento x2011 Convention on Friday, July 1, 2011. Current plans put the meeting in the Beavis Room in the Sacramento Grand Sheraton Hotel. Tentative starting time is 9 am. Locations and times subject to change.

Sacramento x2011 Reminders: A special “Carpet Cutting Ceremony” (the indoor equivalent of a Ground Breaking Ceremony) for the Gallery Exhibit will be held Thursday evening of the Convention. All are invited.

Convention Registrations have passed 1,500 attendees, while attendance at the Advance Section over the weekend prior to the Convention is over 150 attendees. You can still register online at You can also sign up for tours and operating sessions and purchase convention cars and shirts.

2012 Elections: Open for election in 2012: President, Vice President-Administration, Vice President-Special Projects, Eastern District Director, Pacific District Director, and At-Large North America Director. Please check the NMRA Executive Handbook, located here, for the extent of the districts affected and qualifications. All candidate names for consideration by the Nominations Committee shall be submitted to Didrik Voss,, no later than June 15, 2011.

NMRA Data Sheets Available at

M. David Johnson

The NMRA Data Sheets are a resource for modelers with information on General Modeling, Scenery, Trackwork, Motive Power, Rolling Stock, Structures, Electrical Work, Operations, and Prototype Information. The Data Sheets are available on the new Members-Only Section of the NMRA website.

However, many Data Sheets are out of date, originally prepared in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. For example, Data Sheet D4g (Diesel-Electric Locomotive Specifications) was first issued in April of 1960 and doesn’t include data on any locomotive newer than a GP-9. So the NMRA Data Sheets Managers are going to bring the Data Sheets up to date and add new sheets when possible.

We’ve already added four new Data Sheets which were published in the NMRA Magazine, two of which are also on the website and we’re working on three more.

If you have ideas for improvements or new Sheets, email me at

Chattanooga Tornado Affects NMRA HQ

Gerry Leone

As you have undoubtedly heard, there has been a rash of devastating tornadoes all across the South. Chattanooga was not immune. A tornado ripped through the city on Wednesday, April 27th, taking some of our Headquarters’ shingles with it. Much of the city is without electricity; there are trees, fences, and power lines down all over. Many roads and highways are closed.

Fortunately, all our staff members were unharmed, although Chief Administrative Officer Jenny Hendricks had her house picked up, rooms ripped open, and the roof blown off. Our hearts and prayers go out to all of our staff, especially Jenny.

Please note that NMRA business will be interrupted for several days until things get back to a sem-blance of normality. If your call or problem can wait, please do so. Thanks.

NMRA InfoNet News for April

Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

Plans for The Gallery Exhibit at the California State Railroad Museum are moving into high gear. To date, organizing and fund-raising actions have raised two pledges of matching funds from anonymous NMRA member donors. One donation was for $50,000 and the other was for $250,000. The exhibit should be open by the end of 2012. More details in the May issue of NMRA Magazine.

A special Carpet Cutting Ceremony (an indoor ground breaking) for the Gallery Exhibit will be held on Thursday evening during the x2011 Convention. All are invited.

Speaking of x2011, if you haven’t yet registered for the X2011 West NMRA Convention in July, register now! If you have registered, sign up for tours and operating sessions before they fill up! More information at

The Members-Only area of is currently open to all members. Content is still being added, but now it houses copies of all Region and Division newsletter articles cited within the last year by Jim Zinser in his bi-monthly “Division Business Car / NMRA@Home” column in NMRA Magazine. In addition the “NMRA Magazine Classics” section of the Members-Only Area will contain classic articles from past issues of Scale Rails magazine and The Bulletin. We add new material all the time, so check back often.

The NMRA remains active with the two model railroad podcasts. We sponsor The Model Railway Show podcast produced by well-known modelers Trevor Marshall and Jim Martin at And Board Member Clark Kooning, along with other NMRA members, appears as a regular guest on Model Rail Radio podcasts at www.modelrailradio. Both of these podcasts can be downloaded from their websites or via iTunes.

Notice of 2012 Elections. The following NMRA Officers and Board of Directors positions are open for election in 2012: President, Vice President-Administration, Vice President-Special Projects, Eastern District Director, Pacific District Director, and At-Large North America Director. Check the NMRA Executive Handbook located here for the districts affected and qualifications. Submit candidate names for consideration by the Nominations Committee to Didrik Voss,, no later than June 15th.

The Summer Board Meeting will be held prior to the Sacramento x2011 Convention on Friday, July 1, 2011 (not Thursday, June 30 as previously reported). The exact start time and room number will be announced when available.

The NMRA is looking to identify and recognize any model railroad clubs that are still in existence that were formed in 1935 or earlier. We would like the name of the club, when it was founded, and a picture from the early years if possible. Send the information to Dave Thornton – NMRA Vice President of Administration,, or 2027 Jeffrey Drive, Troy, MI 48085-3816.

Tacoma Union Station 100th Anniversary May 1st

Al Lowe

George Northcroft, Regional Administrator of the United States General Services Administration Northwest/Arctic Region invites you to the 100th Anniversary Ceremony for Tacoma Union Station, 1717 Pacific Ave, Tacoma on Sunday, May 1st from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. You need to register by April 22. Click Here to register or call Ross Buffington, 253-931-7085.

Panel Discussions in the Washington State History Museum next door will follow from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm on:

  1. Diversity in the City of Destiny: Tacoma’s Untold Cultural History
  2. History of the railroads and Union Station in Tacoma.
  3. Efforts to save the station and construct the courthouse and the resulting impact on the revitalization of downtown Tacoma.

A Government Photo ID is required to enter the building. Please arrive early for security.

GNRR History Presentations Scheduled

Jack Hamilton

The Kitsap Regional Library is sponsoring a presentation by Randy Dasho on A History of the Great Northern Railroads. Randy will speak at three locations, on three dates: the Sylvan Way Library Branch in Bremerton at 2:00 PM, Saturday, March 12th; the Port Orchard Library in Port Orchard at 2:00 PM, Tuesday, March 15th; and the Poulsbo Library in Poulsbo at 2:00 PM, Friday, March 18th.

The public is encouraged to attend. There is no charge for admission.