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Eastside Get-Together October report

Ed Liesse / Photos by Ed Liesse

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JJ Johnston welcomed a smaller than usual group of attendees this month (Presidential debate? Seahawks game?). Announcements included the Ravensdale Train Show, October 20–21, the 33rd Boeing Club Swap Meet in Kent, November 10, and the next 4th Division Board of Directors meeting, November 17 at Mitzel’s Restaurant in Kent.

There was no video library or Mart this month. There were three Model of the Month entries. David Yadock won (again) with his scratchbuilt King Truss trestle.

After a short break, Russ Segner gave a presentation on the DuPont Museum and the restoration work being done there. He said Fred Foreman, head of Public Works for DuPont, is leading the rehabilitation effort at the museum. The townspeople are also getting behind the effort and have provided a covered shelter and electricity for the on-going work. The current work is the rebuilding of a 3-foot, narrow gauge flatcar. There is a sibling car at Ft. Lewis that provides an overview of the finished product. Pictures of the DuPont car before reconstruction started revealed the extent of work to be done! The work crew is usually 4–5 people but more are welcome. It’s full scale, 12″ to the foot modeling! If you’re interested in helping out and getting experience rebuilding full-size railroad cars, give Russ a call at 425-228-7327 for more information.

The next meeting will be Thursday, November 15. This will also be our chance to make donations for our annual gift to the church for the support of those in need.

Jim Younkins Named MMR #488

Ken Liesse / Photos by Ed Liesse

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On October 19th, PNR President Walt Huston and I presented Jim Younkins with his Master Model Railroader award #488. A lot of hardware is involved with becoming an MMR and it took both of us to give it all to Jim.

If you’ve ever seen Jim’s “Mud Bay & Southern” layout, you know how Jim earned his MMR. If you haven’t, it’s received plenty of press. Jim routinely opens his home during the Olympia Layout Tour, and is part of the Oly Ops operating sessions every November. Jim also schedules operating sessions throughout the year.

The Achievement Program, of which the Master Model Railroader is part, challenges model railroaders to better their skills through different disciplines in the model railroading hobby. There are 11 areas of work and, when a modeler earns Certificates of Merit in 7 of the 11 areas, he has his MMR. Jim earned his certificates in Electrical, Volunteer, Scenery, Structures, Civil, Author, and Cars. Jim has also earned his Golden Spike Award, often the first step in the A.P. program.

Jim joins other 4D’s other MMRs: Jack Hamilton, Dale Kraus, Max Maginness, Roger Nulton, C.J. Riley, Paul Scoles, Gene Swanson, Di Voss, and David Woodrell. Congratulations, Jim!

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Olympia Clinic October Minutes

Jim Sabol / Photo by Ed Liesse

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Robert and Sherry Grove graciously opened their beautiful home and Wyoming-themed model railroad to 24 happy modelers and guests at our regular third-Friday get-together. Distinguished guests included Ed Liesse, PNR board member; Walt Huston, PNR president; and Ken Liesse, 4th Division Superintendent. The executive trio was in attendance to present our own Jim Younkins with his NMRA Master Model Railroader, the 488th modeler ever to achieve that rank. (See related story.)

Olympia Coordinator Ted Eggleston had a full slate of activities for the evening including tips, favorite models, and clinic and door prizes (many donated by Charles Lundberg). Paul Vaughn showed his ingenious yet inexpensive homemade switch controllers and later added a mini-clinic on resin-casting tall pieces.

We heard a short report on Tom Murray’s plans for developing the Mount Rainier Scenic Railroad visitor center in three phases: first, a logging camp; second, a steam sawmill; and third, his 7½”-gauge railroad and a fully-rigged spar tree.

Beautifully crafted models were shown and described by Scott Groff,MikeVanderhoof, Jim Younkins, and Ryan Bates. Ryan’s kit-bashed and scratchbuilt Washington Iron Works mobile logging yarder won most popular model and will be a showpiece on Ry’s McCloud River Railroad. (See McCloud Railroad Progress Report for more details.)

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Jim and Mary Sabol presented the clinic, based on the book “Clothshell Scenery.” Jim, Mary, and Tom Todd had three little modules covered with basic clothshell ground in about ten minutes, with nothing to clean up, nothing to drip, and nothing to spill.

Ron and Carol Beghin offered their home for the December social get-together on December 14, one week earlier than usual. Speaking of the holiday season, you’d be in for a treat if you drive by Greg Wright’s home on the way to the Olympia meeting in December. Greg and Susan go all out with decorations and their house and yard are a stunning Thurston County showplace of Christmas lights.

Once again everyone present held a winning door prize number and carried home some treasure. “Itza muracle!” exclaimed Jim Elder.

NMRA InfoNet News for October

Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

About half of the money needed to meet the “matching gift” to the Magic of Scale Model Railroading exhibit at the California State Railroad Museum has been raised. An anonymous donor has offered $250,000 if we can raise a matching amount. In addition to NMRA member donations, manufacturers have made substantial donations. No NMRA dues are used to fund this project. Watch for an article in the November issue of NMRA Magazine for more details on the exhibit and fund raising efforts.

The newly formed NMRA Marketing Department is working with Amtrak stations in major cities to get modular layouts placed there in an effort to raise awareness of our hobby.

  • The NMRA website is undergoing a facelift and update under the direction of our new IT Director, Ben Sevier, and his web team. Members should see the changes within the year.
  • As part of an effort to improve communications with members, and specifically those who don’t receive NMRA Magazine, the NMRA leadership team is discussing adding an “eBulletin,”  a short, concise emailed newsletter which will list NMRA news, announcements, and other important information. It won’t replace NMRA Magazine, but instead will be an adjunct to it and will be available free to those members with email. A proposal will be made to the Board of Directors in February.
  • The Executive Handbook and By-Laws Committee is currently working diligently to simplify and shorten both documents, making it easier to understand our organization and how it’s run.
  • The Winter Board of Directors Meeting will be held inAtlanta,Georgia, February 8-10, 2013. All NMRA members are welcome to attend. Times and location to be announced.

Eastside Get-Together scheduled for Thursday, October 18

JJ Johnston

The Eastside Get-Together will be this Thursday, October 18 at 7:30 p.m., at the Bellevue Four Square Church. Don’t miss this meeting featuring our very own Russ Segner with a slideshow presentation about the work he and others are doing on the DuPont Railroad. As Russ says, “We’re model building at 12 inches to the foot, restoring a narrow gauge flatcar from rotten boards and rusty steel to brand new.”

Also lots of stuff for sale, the video library, the Model of the Month, free coffee & donuts (donations accepted) and our great array of door prizes donated from The Inside Gateway, plus lots to talk about and new friends to make.

See you down the track!

Next Olympia Clinic Friday, October 19

Jim Younkins

The Olympia Clinic will hold its next monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m., Friday, October 19, 2012. Please join us at the home of Robert Grove, 8132 Bo Court SE in Olympia.

Jim Sabol will present “Plaster-less Cloth-shell Scenery.” Please bring a folding chair if possible and a model for Show ‘n’ Tell. As usual, we’ll have door prizes and refreshments.

See you there!

Snake River Special, PNR 2013 Regional Convention

Tom Waters, Co-chair

As you may know, the 3rd Division is hosting the Pacific Northwest Region’s Convention next year, June 26 – 30, in Boise. Here’s what’s planned so far for the Snake River Special:

  • The Boise Hotel and Convention Center is the location.
  • All of the usual functions are included, including clinics, model contests, prototype tours, silent auction, and a two-day train show.
  • We start Wednesday evening with a BBQ at the Boise Depot and Joel Slagg’s clinic about the history and move of BigMike.
  • Bruce McCosh’s web page includes registration details, hotel information, and much more.
  • We also have some new things in the works, so keep checking the web page.
  • If you are interested in presenting a clinic, contact Bob Parrish.
  • There are 30+ people actively planning this convention. But don’t let that stop you from helping.

If you have never attended an NMRA Regional Convention, you’ve really missed a great time. Just ask me; I’ve been to eight and always have a great time!