Al Lowe

Here’s what’s been going on at HQ recently:

  • Headquarters just completed an analysis of our RailPass Program to see how many RailPass members went on to become full NMRA members. The statistics show that, since January 1, 2009, a whopping 65% have “re-upped!” That’s just about 2 out of every 3 RailPass members who’ve stayed with us. From the time the RailPass program started in 2005, about 48% have renewed … again a great statistic.

    A lot of the credit for that retention goes to everyone in our Regions and Divisions. You’re making new members feel welcome, and you’re showing them the benefits of NMRA membership. So … THANKS!

  • Huge progress is being made with Diamond Club scanning. Craig Sutherland, the man in charge of the project, reports that they have about 500 sets of diesel loco plans (average size: 24″x30″). In addition, he and Stephen Priest brought about 50 boxes of photographs (with about 700 photos each) back to Historical Archives Services (the company doing the scanning) from our Kalmbach Memorial Library. They mentioned that there are a lot of black and white steam loco shots, some early diesel shots, and a lot of photos that caused these seasoned pros to say “wow.” Stephen called the collection “an unknown treasure.”

    We’re finding out that our archives are even more vast than we thought! So if you or your members haven’t made a donation yet, please do so so we can get these railroad treasures on the web … and eventually into your hands.

  • The Winter Board Meeting is being held concurrently with the Budget and Operations meetings this year in Las Vegas at the Palace Station Hotel (about 5 miles from the airport). The Budget and Operations meetings, which are by invitation only, begin on Tuesday, February 22 at 9 a.m. The Board Meeting runs from 9 to 5 (or later) on Wednesday, February 23, and 9 to 5 (or later) on Thursday, February 24. All NMRA members are welcome to attend.
  • As you probably read in the October of NMRA Magazine, the X2011 West NMRA Convention committee is making extensive use of social media to promote their Sacramento convention. Over the next several months they’ll be posting detailed information about layout and prototype tours, clinics, sights to see, and other pertinent facts. If you haven’t visited them on Facebook or signed up to follow them on Twitter, this is the perfect time to get your feet wet and see what the “social media” buzz is all about! Both Facebook and Twitter are free.