by Alan Ashton, article by Mike Tietz and Jerry Barsness with technical assistance from Frank Wilhelm

Editors note: Welcome to the third article on Free-mo by Alan Ashton and fellow Free-mo enthusiasts. The previous article is available by a clicking here, or by filtering with the category “Free-mo”. Alan welcomes discussions and feedback by comments at the bottom of the post or by e-mailing him at If you’re interested in helping promote Free-mo in the 4th Division (e.g. event notification or writing articles) please contact me at

The third installment (in PDF format) of our series on Free-mo is available to read or download by clicking here. In this article we discuss some of the details related to building the legs and leg pockets for a platform. The purpose of these articles is to share our experiences and maybe help others avoid mistakes. Your feedback is always appreciated. Next up: Electrical Connections.