Dale G. Kraus, Photos by author

Karlsberg Hauptbahnhof

As an experiment in posting directly to the Grab Iron, Here are two “moments of implied action” at the Sudwest Deutsche Eisenbahn Verein Karlsberg yard.

In the First photo an 03 Pacific and an E13 1-C-1 await their scheduled departure times at the Karlsberg “ Hauptbahnhof” while an 0-8­-0T drills the coach yard.

Karlsberg Engine Terminal

The second photo shows a class 18 light Pacific and A Class 41 Mikado nose to nose in the engine servicing facility, while to the left a small mogul is about to get it’s water tank filled (just as soon as someone climbs up and opens the hatch.) Final checks and lubrication is being done to the pacific and the mike, while the roundhouse super is making a point to the guy with the lube oil cart.