By Al Babinsky, Photos by Al Babinsky

MMR Gene Swanson opened our first clinic after the summer break and welcomed all. We had 34 modelers including one newcomer in attendance. Gene announced that Bill Sandstrom is Tacoma Trains new owner and we wish him well in his new endeavor. Bill brought in several “thank you” letters from kids that received a gift certificate from Tacoma Trains. These certificates are funded by donations from Tacoma Clinic attendees that visit Tacoma Trains for purchases. The certificates are given out to kids that have an interest in model trains but have limited funds to pursue the hobby. Bill Sandstrom presented new arrivals at the store that included a Walthers power and light building kit, a ready-to-use depot from Woodlands Scenics that comes in all scales, some coal cars from Atlas, and a 4-pack of grain cars from Micro-Trains.

Walt Huston's Shoe Repair and Saloon, Model of the Month winner

Walt Huston’s Shoe Repair and Saloon, Model of the Month winner

In the “Bring and Brag” category Walt Huston showed a couple of buildings in a scene representing a shoe repair shop and a saloon named Queen of Hearts. Both buildings are equipped with LED lighting inside and out and the whole scene is well detailed and weathered. Dale Kraus brought a work-in-progress representing an old building from the 1800’s with exposed beam construction and turned into a “Gasthaus” named “Die Goldener Glocke” – “The Golden Bell”. The first floor is detailed with tables and people. Mike Steffner brought photos of a loading platform he built for his layout but since it was not detachable he could not bring it. Chip Van Gilder brought his 3D printed Morton station in N scale as well as his 3D printed SW1 with log cars and his 3D printed caboose. Walt Huston was the winner of the “Bring and Brag”.

After the break Jim Sabol presented a clinic on sound suppression, demonstrating the noise level of various materials which are used for roadbeds. The test were performed with a decibel meter where an O scale brass tank car made several runs down an incline of around 5%. The average for those runs were compared to determine which material was the quietest. A very informative clinic and well done.

Next month clinic will at our usual place in the Pierce County Library Admin. Bldg. on the corner of 112th Street and Waller Road at 7:30 PM, hope to see you all there along with some newbies.

Dale Krause's exposed timber building being converted into a restaurant; named “Die Goldener Glocke” - "The Golden Bell"

Dale Krause’s exposed timber building being converted into a restaurant; named “Die Goldener Glocke” – “The Golden Bell”

Chip Van Gilder's 3D printed SW1 with log cars and 3D printed caboose

Chip Van Gilder’s 3D printed SW1 with log cars and 3D printed caboose

Chip Van Gilder's 3D printed Morton station

Chip Van Gilder’s 3D printed Morton station